Zero no ambassador: my harem

Zero Enchanted Demon's My Harem Chapter 156.

The news that King Joseph of Lyria has taken command of 50,000 Earth Bear legions marching eastward. If you insist on making waves in the Water Capital

Time consuming and no longer able to secure a line of retreat. If Goliath and Romania were to attack backwards and forwards, these 50,000

Half of the army of 6000 was about to be killed or wounded. So Nirent wrote home to Emperor Kelmania for help, with

He gave up the attack on the Water Capital at that time and chose to withdraw his troops from outside the Water Capital back to northern Romania, which he had already conquered.


The fighting in the Romanian region has subsided, while the border of the eastern region of Goria is on the verge of deciding the future of the world.

The coming war. Goliath's remaining 70,000 or so troops on the Goliath-Kelmania border plus 5,000 under Joseph's command.

120,000 total for the army; for Kelmania, Nirent remained in [Hank] [Hans] to control the passage 30,000

20,000, and Kay, who led 100,000 fire elves south after Nerent opened a direct route to Romania.

Emperor Ermania, totaling 150,000. The two sides inevitably encountered each other in the city of [Hank] [Hans].

Chapter 53 [Arendt] Consuming

On the twelfth day of the Goliath-Torristine War, while Romney** improved, the decisive battle that would decide the fate of Torristine came to pass.

Goliath originally had 50,000 border guards on the western coastline resting for the night at the Goliath border, and the following day they crossed the border and drove into the interior of Torristine. Losing the 3 defending cities of [Toni], [Tot], and [Tori], the defenders withdrew to the southern center of [Arendt]. The noble lords of the villages and small cities along the way fled and scattered, without the slightest hindrance, and Goliath's 50,000 troops arrived unimpeded outside of [Yarunt] half a day later.

[Yarunt], the largest city in the south, not inferior in size to the royal capital, but did not have the sturdy walls and ample defensive supplies as the royal capital. The combined 26,000 allied troops led by Hao Tian and Alice were relying on this city to prepare for defense. Outside of [Arrent], there was no more decent city in the south. It could be said that Torristine couldn't retreat, and once they were defeated, they lost the southern part of Torristine. Even if the allied forces were annihilated here, Goliath's army could attack all the way under the king's capital, then take the capital which lacked the manpower to defend, and then take down the entire Torristine.

Goliath entered the war at Albion, and especially tangled with Kelmania invested a huge amount of troops, and threw into the Torristine advance army of 50,000 destroyed, the main battle corps of a pale blue eagle corps of 10,000 was also wiped out, these 50,000 west coast border guards is the last force Goliath can mobilize to attack the Torristine. Without sufficient victory here, Goliath's intent to attack Torristine could be said to have failed.

With this in mind, the West Coast Border Guard commanded an aggressive attack. After the army took a short rest, it launched an assault on the city, and 50,000 troops poured thickly into the walls of [Arent].

The walls were divided into left and right, with the left side Hao Tian handing over to Alice and her immediate army, and the right side and near the city gate being garrisoned by Torristine. It avoided a lack of smooth command.

At first, the armies on both sides relied on defensive supplies to repel the first two waves of Goliath's army with relatively small losses. Then the defensive supplies were depleted, whether the rolling stones or the kerosene had been used before.

The Goliath army did not stop to attack, and the soldiers climbed the walls to fight with the allied soldiers. The soldiers climbed the walls and strangled the allied soldiers, and at the city gate, many of the soldiers combined their strength to hold a siege mallet against the iron-clad tungwood gate.

The situation was at a stalemate, and soldiers from both sides fought on the city wall.

The crowd of Magic Knights were scattered all over the city walls, using magic to support the soldiers. A wave of magic strikes landed on the area where the Goliath troops were about to stand, beating the soldiers inside, and then the soldiers on Torristine's side swarmed the enemy troops down. Because of the Wizard Knights' activity, the disadvantaged Torristine army had the advantage in a narrow terrain like the city walls.

On the other hand, the Kelmania Alice army had been formed for a short period of time, one didn't have elites equipped with enchanted armor, two didn't have red-robed mages, and three didn't have supporting wizards. And 12,000 troops is even less than Torristine, in just two hours, Alice army relying on the wall advantage is also difficult to fight a beautiful battle loss ratio, the city wall is even more powerless by the Goliath army a little bit to stand their ground, and then the influx of more troops.

As the commander-in-chief, Alice is also a [Quadrilateral] magician, although she can't use the fourth level magic, but the instantaneous first level magic [Fireball] with the 5-meter size of the undead demon flying back and forth on the city wall, killing people and setting fires, one person and one bird control the 1,000-meter length of the city wall, no matter the enemy or friend is difficult to cross.

Struggling to repel the third four or five waves of Goliath's attack, Goliath temporarily retreated, raising fires and cooking outside the city of [Yalunt]. Regardless of the fact that Hao Tian and Alice were taking a breather, they did not order their troops to pursue, leaving a few on guard and counting casualties, and the rest went to eat while the two commanders got together to exchange ideas.

Alice honestly said that her side was having trouble defending the next wave. It had lost 6,000 men and wiped out about 8,000 of the other side. Hao Tian's side was estimated to have lost 5,000 men and wiped out about 9,000 opponents, but the Magic Knights were drying up their magic power one by one, so I'm afraid it would be difficult to make an effort in the afternoon.

Alice looked at Hao Tian with a questioning gaze.

Hao Tian didn't hesitate much to make a decision.

"Give up on [Arent]. The remaining troops of the retreating king's capital, relying on the wall supplies of the king's capital, can resist twice the number of enemies." Hao Tian Dao.

"I'm a guest army, of course I'm willing. But giving up [Arunta] is almost the same as giving up southern Torristine, what an easy face for you." Aeris.

"The city place is lost, there's just a chance to fight back. If the whole army is wiped out here, Torristine is going to fall. Let's take advantage of the noon break and get the troops to retreat after lunch."

"Got it. And I don't want to get all my troops killed here."

They separated, each returning to their troops to deliver the general's orders.

Although Osman, Valier, and Lady Carina were all strongly opposed to abandoning the southern part of Torristine, this time Hao Tian overpowered their objections and withdrew his troops from [Arunta].

Thus, the outside of the city was still digesting its midday meal. The allied army inside the city, except for the 1,000 soldiers who were pretending to be walking around the walls, the rest of the army quietly retreated from the back door.

In the afternoon, Goliath's remaining 33,000 troops easily captured the [Arendt] with only 1,000 men. 1,000 of them died in battle 300, the rest chose to surrender. The Goliath side did not kill them, but kept them in the dungeons of the city. After the occupation of [Arunt], Goliath's West Coast Army did not continue north in pursuit, but consolidated the rear, leaving 13,000 sitting in [Arunt], sending 20,000 to sweep the entire southern Torristine cities and villages, easily capturing the south of Torristine without a formed army.

The next morning, Hao Tian and Alice's remaining 17,000 allied troops returned to the Torristine royal capital. Although Anrietta had some slight words for Hao Tian abandoning the south, she didn't look into it deeply and still let Hao Tian command the troops to strengthen the defense of the king's capital. Alice and her 6,000 troops also stayed in the King's Capital, and would remain here to help defend it until word came from Kelmania. With 17,000 defenders, Goliath shouldn't be able to take the royal capital in central Torristine without 50,000 troops.

At this point, the second round of the Torristine-Goria battle came to an end, and Goria occupied about a third of Torristine's southern territory.

The battles of Albion, Romania, and Torristine were quiet, and the battle between Kelmania and Goria had only just begun. If the conflict over the redeployment of troops on the border between the two countries was the prologue.

Then the 20,000 water demon songs and 20,000 local troops stationed in the port city [Tilos] in the territory of Goria, northwest of Romania, received Joseph's order to contain the Kelmanian forces in Romania and prevent the Emperor Kelmania and the Duke of the Infernal Dragon from uniting their troops. The inevitable battle was the development.

The commander of the Water Demon Singing Legion could only laugh bitterly, although his legion was also the main battle legion, it was the smallest in number and was also used mainly to defend Romania and transport troops by water. He was a bit guilty of letting him fight real battles with land-based troops. King Joseph's orders, however, must be obeyed. A navy and water army would not become a land army when it came ashore.

chapter fifty-four - the entanglement of the water demons

After receiving Joseph's orders, the Water Demon Singing Commander sent out his troops that evening to harass Nirent's 56,000 strong army. From the port city [Tilos] departed by ship, transporting 5,000 troops to attack Nirent down the various cities and villages in the northern region of Romania.

For the small cities and villages of Nirent, Nirent only left dozens to hundreds of soldiers to maintain law and order, in the face of 5,000 troops in the form of an army completely unable to resist.

The next day, reports of attacks on various cities and villages were sent like snow to the cities where Nirent's main army was stationed. The Nerantes judged that the number of the army was 4-6 thousand, and allocated 10,000 troops from the city to the south to eliminate them.

But the commander of the Water Demon Song, using the waterway, had already taken 5,000 troops back to the port [Tilos].

10,000 troops regained the south of Romania, and no trace of the enemy was found. After being puzzled, the 8,000 troops returned to Nerente, leaving behind some security forces in various cities.

The water demon song once again transported troops by water, concentrating its superior force to encroach on the small groups of troops left in Nirent's various cities and villages. This time, it was a daytime battle, and the security forces finally realized that the enemy was coming from the waterway, and resisted while sending the news to Nirent. Of course, the 2,000 troops scattered all over northern Romania were annihilated by the water demon's song with very little effort.

Nirent, who received the letter, was furious that his opponent, instead of confronting him head on, was engaging in this kind of sneaky business. The speed of moving troops back and forth from land was no match for using waterways to travel, so the mobility was indeed no match for the opponent.

However, a monk who could run away couldn't run away from the temple. The ships were departing from [Tilos] and returning to this city as well. Nirendt found the key, as 52,000 troops crossed the Romanian-Goliath border and attacked [Tilos].

In addition to the 20,000 water demon singing navy, there were also 20,000 border guards stationed in [Tilos].

When Nirent's army attacked, relying on 【Tilos】's walls and defensive supplies, the 20,000 border guards fought without retreating and repelled Nirent's multiple attacks. But in the end, there was a huge disparity in strength, and after sacrificing 14,000 and taking away around 17,000 of the enemy's troops, [Tilos] was still captured by Nirent.

The remaining 6,000 local troops were picked up by boats and evacuated from [Tilos].

After Nirent captured "Tilos", he burned down all the ship facilities in the harbor, and was unable to use the city as a port city anymore. Leaving 1,000 soldiers behind to stay behind, Nirent led the remaining 34,000 Yanlong, border guard mixed army back to northern Romania.

And after picking up the 6,000 border guards, instead of heading to the three port cities on the west coast of Goria, the Water Demon Song headed south to the Water Capital.

The Siren Song of the Waters offered to lease the port of the Water Capital.

After discussion between the Pope and Julio, the Pope agreed to the request, believing that an enemy of an enemy is a friend, not to mention the fact that Kelmania's 100,000-strong army would have to rely on Goliath's army to stop them.

After the Siren Song got a new port and rested, it again transported 6,000 soldiers to attack the Kelmanian soldiers scattered in northern Romania.

After the third attack, Nirent finally gave up his control of southern Romania and concentrated all his forces in the border cities. 33,000 troops were concentrated in one city, and the commander of the Siren song did not dare to provoke the angry Nirent.

Taking advantage of this, the Romanian Pope restored his control over the various cities and villages in the north.

The Siren Song also maintained a fighting force under the Romanian provision, threatening Nirent's forces that might move.

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