After reconnaissance, we return to the mercenaries who were waiting away from the bandits.

Communicating the existence of the captured people is a mixed response to those who are angry or not interested.

We can't abandon them anyway.

Then we destroy the bandits and rescue the prisoners. It has become necessary to achieve these two simultaneously.

A person who directly targets bandits and attracts attention.

Those who secure and evacuate the hostages.

There's no twist. It's a very simple thing to do. It's very simple, but mercenaries are much simpler to move.

Most of the mercenaries on the scene are individuals (solos) or groups of about three to four. That's about a dozen now. It is unlikely that such a large number of people will be able to carry out the operation in line with the opponent they met for the first time.

In that case, you just need to know your area of expertise from the beginning and understand the extent to which you will not interfere with each other. On top of that, if you decide on a simple role, you don't have to think about anything extra.

--That's why we're now hiding out of sight of the bandits.

Surrounded by cut rock walls, the only way to get inside is from the front. However, there is a fairly fine wooden gate where the ingredients came from, and it also serves as a watchdog.

When this happens, it's a little difficult to sneak in unnoticed. If you just push into it helplessly, the gate will be closed immediately and you will attack.

I had a chance to blow it with magic, but this was rejected. The gates are sturdy to see and require considerable magic to blow them up.

Eina had mastered the magic she deserved, but the proposal was rejected. If there is a wizard amongst the bandits, there is a danger that they will detect the magic generated at this stage.

I wondered if there was a wizard who could dress up as a bandit, but it seems that a wizard who was not a mercenary, but a bad wizard, would get off the road.

It is often said that wizards are hired to help a bandit, or to serve as a vigilante for a criminal organization. Sometimes I actually took over the wizard I told you about.

If it is simply the annihilation of a bandit, then perhaps you can do something about it. But this time, there's a prisoner rescue. I want to take the form of an ambush if possible.

A powerful strike ready for quick action and capable of destroying gates.

Actually, I had an idea.


"Are you ready?

I told the other mercenaries.

Mikage, Kunai, and Rudell seemed motivated to ride in the carriage with me. But it's subtle about the look on the other carriage. I'm sure you're motivated, but I'm turning a little suspicious.

I understand that the plan I put forward would be difficult to accept without someone who knows my "achievements" well. Still, they're still complaining because the highest-ranking lizard in the world agreed to it.

I don't even know how I feel.

If you're in the opposite position, you're like, "What is this guy talking about? I'm absolutely complaining.

However, the situation is the only one, and for a little while, you will swallow up your dissatisfaction.

"For me, I don't really care."

"Hahaha, well, I think it's bad around here, really."

"Then I don't want you to be even more indifferent."

Cunei turns his eyes on us because of my dissatisfaction with what I do after that. Because we have experience once, and we know what happens afterwards.

"... but things are life-threatening. I'm not convinced, but I understand. All right, I'll put up with it."

"Thank you. So, Eina. Can you do it?

"... no problem"

While nodding, Aina feels nervous. It has a much harsher atmosphere than when we first hunted the Grievous Beast together. She's just like me. I've never fought a killer before.

I know it's different from training.

I'm not an expert enough to take care of someone who points a blade at me with the intention of killing them.

That's why I think about the results I'm waiting for.

And there's some confusion about making Eina carry it.

"You can still wait here now. I don't blame anyone for what they say."

"No... I've decided to follow you, and this is the way to go. I'm ready."

Eina swallowed her saliva and spoke so strongly that she aroused herself.

I see. So... here we go!

I jumped out of the shade and ran vigorously toward the gate.

I noticed the bandits watching me. Obviously, as long as the neighborhood of the gate is noisy, the open gate is closed. Even if I run at full speed, the gates will be tightly closed by the time I get there.

Regardless, I shook a black spear in my opposite hand with the momentum to run. Use Weight Increase (Enchant) at the same time.

Let's go, Gram!

I know where we're going!


The super heavy black spear was thrown with all its strength.

And then...


The next moment a gram of black rigid arrows landed, the gate blew up with a flashy shattering sound. In the aftermath of the shock, bandits who were guarding the gates were involved and rolled over the ground.

What was left was the wreckage of a broken gate and several bandits who fell on the ground. There was no longer anything that hindered Asia and the outside world.

"Ok! What a life!?

I made a fist and took a guts pose, but I knelt to the ground with the pain all over my body. It turns out that a recoil came from throwing an ultra-heavy spear. I was ready, but what I wanted hurt.

"Oh, no! Are you okay!?"

"Sorry, it hurts so much! I'm going to cry!!

"Already, you're really just being rude! Try to heal me, too!

Cunei is quick to heal me, even though he's complaining.

"Ahahah! That's a black blade! This is it, this is what I wanted to see!

There's one guy who's kind of weirdly high tension. Rudell looked at us with his sparkling eyes as he turned his head and shouted. The Gadis on the side is a little open.

I've never seen a super heavy spear throw, but I've seen them jump through the castle floor and break into the lower floors. A fine stone gate would have been impossible, but I thought I could handle it if it was all made of wood.

In contrast, the mercenaries who had been filled with mistrust earlier looked at the gate, which turned into dust. I don't even know how you feel, really.

"What are you blurring about!!

"" "A-hh!?

The mercenaries who returned to me to inspire the lizards.

"The opponent is not ready yet, now is your chance to ambush! There's no way to miss this!

The mercenaries who remember what to do have power in their eyes. I acted quickly after I recovered. When each weapon is removed, they rush out at once.

"Yukina-kun, I'm ready to move!

"Thank you. I can fix it myself."

After being cured to a certain extent by Kenai, I will continue the treatment (healing) myself. This is because I and Cunai are free to move.

The mercenaries had already reached the destroyed gates. This is as it should be. It was supposed to split into two and enter the azimuth with the combination that had been on the carriage from the beginning.

"Well, shall we go?"

I finally saw Mikage and Rudell. After making sure everyone nodded forcefully, we ran all at once.

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