A slightly cold breeze blew the treetops, and the yellow leaves fell tremblingly in the cool breeze, and soon they would be swept to the corner by the aunts with red armbands in Idar City.

In the wide streets of Idar, a famous Idar rides a newly bought bicycle, passing by the side of a rickshaw.

The civilians who ride bicycles can't help but press the bells on the handlebars a few times, making a crisp sound of jingle and jingle, attracting the surrounding passers-by to cast envious eyes.

The first batch of civilians who bought bicycles were mostly Idars who have lived in this land for generations. They witnessed the prosperity of the Idar Principality and the rise of the Stuart family.

At the same time, these civilians also soared with the trend of the times.

Although it cannot be said to be rich and expensive, most people have no worries about food and clothing, can afford new clothes, and can afford to eat white flour. Even the bicycles that have just begun to be popular in the Principality of Idar are also for them. No longer an out of reach.

In the eyes of more Idars, these civilians riding bicycles are a portrayal of their own future.

But just lived in the Principality of Idar a few years earlier than myself!

As long as you work diligently, abide by the laws of the Duchy of Idar, and maintain the rule of the duke, then it will not be long before you can have this kind of life, and you can also ride a bicycle to the market!

After all... these things are not out of reach.

Working hard, or taking an exam, or obtaining certain inventions, these methods may make a leap in your life and make your life no longer mediocre.

Perhaps the life of common people is still difficult, but now... they at least have the power to look into the future!

Soon, the rickshaw crossed Idar Avenue and turned into Jingshi Road, which runs through the east-west direction of Idar City.

This road that gathers most of the important institutions and authorities of the Principality of Idar is actually not crowded on weekdays, but...today happens to be the day when the final admission list for the official ape exam is announced!

Therefore, Jingshi Road has long been overcrowded, whether it is the candidates who took the exam or the Idar people who came to see the lively, almost occupying most of the streets.

The siblings had planned to go to the Idar Government Office and the Idar Immigration Administration to go through the procedures for the noble immigration, and then if time allowed, they even planned to visit Bruno Stuart, Duke of Idar.


Seeing the crowded streets in front of her, Ferona couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

"The Principality of Idar conducts public service examinations every year, and selects qualified Idar civilians for important positions. Today, it happens to be the day when the official service examination results are announced."

Upon seeing this, the coachman explained very enthusiastically.

"Official ape... exam?"

Many words in the Principality of Idar were something she had never heard before, not to mention being an official ape. In the interior of the empire, even examinations were actually not common.

"Regardless of their origin, any civilian who is willing to join the Idar Administration Office or other Idar administrative agencies can sign up for the Idar Principality's official ape exam. The topics of the exam are different, but the premise is to learn how to spell. Learn to think."

"If the test results are up to the standard, you can participate in an interview organized by the Idar Government Affairs Office. If you pass the interview, you can become a government official in the Principality of Idar and hold important positions after training."

Hearing the coachman's explanation, Ferona couldn't help but move slightly.

The Principality of Idar abolished the fief granted to the nobles and made the Stuart family the sole ruler of this land.

Originally, Ferona was still wondering, as the territory of the Duchy of Idar expanded, how the Lord Duke should establish a complete ruling team to maintain the vast territory of the eastern part of the empire.

After all, before this, every country on the continent maintained its own rule through the noble system of dukes, marquis, earls, viscounts, barons, and knights.

There has never been a precedent for the ruling structure and administrative system of the Principality of Idar.

Obviously, what was placed before his eyes was the answer given by the Lord Duke.


Among the countless Idar people, select outstanding civilians who meet the requirements to manage this territory.

This is the answer given by Duke Idar.

Although from the standpoint of the nobility, this means the deprivation of the nobility, but... since the Graf family has made a choice and put the future of their family on the Principality of Idar, it also means that they are early You are ready!

Therefore, the more perfect the situation presented by the Principality of Idar to Ferona and Johann, the more determined Ferona's belief in emigrating to the Principality of Idar became stronger.

"But... all the civilians in the Duchy of Idar can read?"

The news of traders and mercenaries is mostly related to the clean streets, strong army, and perfect business environment of the Idar Principality.

Therefore, even though the Graf family has the most complete intelligence network in the interior of the empire, it is impossible for Ferona to know everything about the Duchy of Idar.

"We have a school!"

Upon hearing this, the coachman said proudly:

"Originally, Lord Duke just opened a double-point college to teach commoner children to spell and read aloud, but this year, after the war, most communities have opened several community schools."

"Furthermore, every issue of "Idar Daily" will also be published for people to learn spelling. Even adults who are busy working to support their families on weekdays can also learn spelling in their spare time! "

Although the words spoken by the coachman have no great reason, these most ordinary civilians can often use the simplest and unmodified words to show the changes in the Principality of Idar.

You know, in this era of prenatal education per capita, it is not very useful for ordinary people to learn spelling.

But... the civilians of the Principality of Idar obviously don't have such awareness. Under Bruno's guidance, even the most embarrassed civilians understand the use of learning spelling!

This is not something that can be done overnight, but Bruno Stuart, the Duke of Idar, has linked reforms such as learning spelling and the official ape exam together!

How could this not shock Ferona?

Seeing is better than hearing.

In fact,

Since entering the territory of the Principality of Idar, the siblings have always maintained a state of shock, and from time to time they will take a breath, so that even their faces are already a little stiff.

"Let's stop here."

Although there is still a certain distance from the Idar Government Office, Ferona has long been unable to restrain her curiosity and wants to see with her own eyes what kind of surprise the Principality of Idar will bring to herself.

"As you wish, miss."

When the driver, who was still somewhat lost, received a golden coin from Ferona's attendant in surprise, he suddenly smiled.

This is a gold coin!

These decadent Norman nobles really made a fortune!

Although the Principality of Idar is no longer the same today, and the income of civilians has also risen, a gold coin is still considered a lot of income.

after all…

You only need to add a few copper plates to buy a new bicycle from the Principality of Idar!

Moreover, if you don't buy a bicycle, this kind of windfall can completely buy a new clothes for each of your family members, and you can even let your children learn spelling and reading aloud at the Double Dot Academy without any worries!

Well, just learn spelling!

In this way, whether you are going to take college entrance examinations or public service examinations in the future, you are doing things for Lord Duke, which is definitely the best way out!

The coachman pulled the rickshaw away happily, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart that the money of the Norman nobles is so easy to make, and then go to the gate of the city to pick up work!

On the other side, Ferona and Joe Hahn put down the aristocratic arrogance and walked towards the crowd with the attendants around them.

Today is the day to officially announce the list of official apes who have passed the selection.

Different from the initial test list, which is distributed to various communities, the list of personnel officially selected by the official ape will be publicized in front of the Idar Government Affairs Office.

This is not only to inspire the sense of honor of the newly recruited public servants, but also to influence more Idar people.

When the announcement of the list was released, almost all candidates who participated in the interview were awake at night and came to the Jingshi Road early to wait for the announcement of the list.

after all…

Once you are fortunate enough to be selected and successfully become an official ape in the Principality of Idar, then the path of life in the future will be completely different from before!

This is for the Lord Duke!

Not to mention that I can get a stable salary every month. When I say it, it is also an exceptional honor.

Ethan also arrived on Jingshi Road early.

Although he passed the written test with the first place score, after all, one-third of the people will be eliminated during the interview. Therefore, Ethan's heart is also very worried.

You know, after all, he is not like other people. After studying systematically at the Double Point Academy, most of the time, Ethan just squatted under the street lamp with a copy of the "Idal Daily", taking advantage of his work. Learn spelling by yourself in your spare time.

And now, it's finally time to announce the list!

The guards of the Principality of Idar were on standby early on Jingshi Road. In order to make it easier for the candidates to check the list, the guards even set up a special passage for candidates, and directed traffic on Jingshi Road to prevent congestion.

The people of the Principality of Idar are also full of curiosity about the list this time. They all want to see which one is lucky to be selected and will become the civil servants of the Principality of Idar.

The total number of official apes recruited this time is 461.

Among them, the top ten will directly receive training and stay in the Idar Government Affairs Office, while the rest of the official apes will be sent to various parts of the Idar Principality after training.

In principle, public servants will be assessed on a large scale every three years, and those who perform well will be promoted, while those who perform poorly will be demoted or transferred.

"Donald Smith, thirty-one, comes from the Cape community in Solenburg."

"Jordan Trump, 21 years old, from Merlin District."

"Elliott Wales, twenty-six years old, from..."

Before posting the list, the staff belonging to the Idar Government Affairs Office will first read out the names of candidates who passed the exam in order from lowest to highest.

And whenever a name blurted out, the crowd would cheer and thunder, and there would be a burst of exclamation.

Idar people are simple and kind.

Not only the candidates themselves, but even the candidates' family members, relatives and friends, even neighbors and classmates, will cheer from the heart to celebrate this exciting moment.

after all…

This is the first time, this is the first time that civilians can change their future lives and their destiny with their own efforts.

When they heard their name coming from the mouth of the government affairs office official, no matter how much effort and sweat they had put in before, how much energy and time they spent, it was already worth it!

Because their hard work has been rewarded!

From then on, they will become an official ape of the Principality of Idar, enter various departments of the Principality of Idar, or be assigned to various parts of the Principality of Idar.

Since then, they can proudly say that they are a public official of the Duchy of Idar, not only playing for Bruno Stuart, Duke of Idar, but also doing their best to maintain the prosperity and development of the Duchy of Idar.

There was thunderous cheers in the crowd, and those candidates who had heard their names were all rejoicing, while those who had not yet heard their names were full of tension and anxiety.

Not selected? Or is it... even higher?

At the same time that people have different minds, the staff of the Government Affairs Office are constantly saying new names:

"Sheri Dawson, nineteen years old, Valence City."

"Nahun Ward,..."


Why can't it reach me yet?

As more and more names were pronounced, Ethan's mood gradually became more and more tense.

Even though his score is ranked first in the written test, but... who can guarantee that he can perform well in the interview?

Although the later the name is pronounced, the higher the result will be, but Ethan would rather the officials of the Idar Council to pronounce his name as soon as possible, so that the heart he has been hanging on will settle down a little bit.

"The third place, Herman Ram, seventeen years old, from the Mann Fortress."

As the top three began to be revealed, everyone present at UU Reading www.uukanshu.com listened carefully to the lucky ones who came out on top in the first big exam in the Principality of Idar.

"Second place, Fred Reminger, 23 years old, from Idar City."

Upon hearing this, everyone was in an uproar.

"Idar's official ape exam, the first place is..."

This time, even the officials of the Administrative Office who were in charge of roll-call slowed down their speech speed.

The people and examinees present also widened their eyes, looking at the Idar official in anticipation, as if they were cursing...out-of-character dog! Out of Chapter Dog!

After a while, after feeling that I had pulled up the hatred, the staff of the Office of Government Affairs finally said in a deep voice:

"First place..."

"Ethan Myers, twenty-seven years old, from Idar City!"

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