Zhou Li sighed, shook his head, and continued: "If His Majesty did not make this decision, then it must be the fourth prince faking the decree. That day, I risked my life to sneak into the palace and meet His Majesty. At that time, I found out that His Highness had long been chased out of the capital by the fourth prince. "

Zhao Qingfeng lowered his gaze. "The situation was rather urgent at that time. I was suddenly assassinated by them, so I ran out overnight." Then what about my royal father? How is royal father? "

"His Majesty is currently imprisoned in the fourth prince's chambers. Because His Majesty's illness is not yet well and there aren't many people around, we can only have this old subject secretly come out to look for His Highness. At present, the fourth prince is in danger of conspiring against His Majesty. He is only waiting for Your Highness to return and take charge of the situation." Zhou Li cupped his fists towards Zhao Qingfeng and bitterly said, "I know that His Highness does not like the situation in the middle of the country, but now that things have come to this point, the Jin Kingdom's Jiang Shan royal family is in danger. The Fourth Prince has no choice but to return."

Zhao Qingfeng clenched his fists as the expression in his eyes slowly darkened.

Now, that man had sent someone to assassinate him again. It seemed that he couldn't wait any longer. If he came back later, he wouldn't be able to use it even if he had the thing.

"Master Li, let's head back to our country tomorrow!"

"Yes sir!"

Zhao Qingfeng made up his mind. That night, he would discuss matters with Su Qianhan in the study room until very late.

Xiao Qingqing only found out about it later. That man had promised him that if there was any real danger in the Jin Kingdom, he would send someone to bring out his mother's concubine from the palace. He promised Zhao Qingfeng that he would agree to Su Qianhan's conditions for free.

After knowing about this, Xiao Qingran joked with Su Qianhan: "He really doesn't worry about you. Isn't he afraid that one day you will take the opportunity to make him hand over the throne?"

The man laughed heartily. His imposing aura of a monarch was as if it was made of nature. "This King has never been able to get what I want. Why would I get it in such a way?"

These words of his were overbearing and Xiao Qingyi seemed to have already known of this insufferable person and was not in the mood to pour water on him.

Zhao Qingfeng left in the afternoon of the second day. Xiao Qing had promised to help him out, but before he left, the man only left her with one last sentence, "Cherish."

Zhao Qingfeng left, and Su Qian Han finally loosened up a bit, but he didn't relax for long. During this month, news came from the capital, although they didn't say it directly, the main idea was that those old guys in the imperial court were being forced to force Su Qian Han to go back and carry the bag.

Su Qianhan, on the other hand, was a calm and patient person. Xiao Qingran could even imagine those old officials in the court waiting in panic without even replying to a message.

Although it couldn't be said that they had a good harvest in two months, it was definitely not going to be bad. Since Xiao Qing had nothing better to do, she decided to go for a stroll in the fields or go to Wolf Claw to take a look at the training of those bastards.

It was only on April 16th that she suddenly felt a pain in her stomach when she was discussing with Riko whether she should go out for a walk today. Afterwards, something hot flowed down her thigh.

Riko had never experienced such a scene before and immediately fell into a panic. Luckily, Hua Chengyi had come over to play the other day. Upon seeing this scene, the people below immediately called for the midwife.

When Su Qianhan heard the news, she was in her study, organizing her work. She rushed over in a fluster to see Xiao Qing Qing but was blocked by Li Er.

"Prince, Liu Suifeng and the midwife have already entered. You should wait outside. Otherwise, it would be even worse if the young miss saw you nervous." Although Riko was burning with anxiety, she still remembered what Liu Suifeng had told her before she entered.

Everyone saw Su Qianhan's beloved wife in his eyes, especially for something so big like this. He would probably be even more nervous and anxious. If he were to enter, he might lose his mind and do something so troublesome.

"Dodge! Let This King take a look at Qingqing. This King will guard her side!" Su Qian Han pressed his hand against the door frame, the smell of blood lingering in his nose. He had already smelled this scent a thousand times on the battlefield, but it didn't make him as nervous as this one.

There was no sound coming from inside. Qing Qing didn't know how she was doing. Everyone said that when a woman gives birth to a child, she is just walking through the gates of hell. If Qing Qing can't take it, then he …

At this point, it was the easiest for him to let his imagination run wild. He didn't know what was going on inside, so he completely lost the surprise he had when he first found out that she was pregnant. All the messy thoughts rushed into his mind like a pot about to explode.

"Ah!" A mournful scream suddenly rang out from inside.

Su Qianhan's body froze. All his senses instantly collapsed and he pushed open the door, "Qingqing!"

He knew her pride the best. If it wasn't for the extreme pain, she wouldn't have cried out.

Liu Suifeng was waiting outside the tent for news about the inner room. When he saw the man enter, he hurried over, "My dear ancestor, can you please stop messing around at a time like this? "Li Er, didn't I tell you to look at him? You're really …"

"It's not like you don't know the temper of the prince, how could I stop him alone?" Riko was also extremely anxious as she hurried forward to pull Su Qianhan along. "Your Highness, you should just go out and wait."

However, Su Qianhan had stopped moving the moment he entered the room. Even his pupils had stopped moving, as if he had been frozen in place by someone's blood.

The stench of blood in the room was even more intense, so much so that it caused people's brains to hurt. He could hear her muffled cries of pain coming from the inner chamber, and he could also hear her midwife's voice saying 'Royal Consort, use more strength'. He knew that she was enduring it because she was afraid he would be worried, but it was precisely because of this that he became even more panicked.

"Qian Han ~" A soft voice came from the inner room, calling with a hint of attachment.

"Qingqing!" Su Qianhan's eyes trembled as a wave of anger spread from his head to his feet. When he came back to his senses, he had already pushed open the door and entered the inner room.

In the inner room, Xiao Qing laid on the bed with a blanket covering her. The two midwives half-squatted at the foot of the bed to give birth to her. Her face was pale and her forehead was covered in cold sweat.

"Qing Qing, Qing Qing Qing ~" Su Qian Han stepped to her side, pressed both of his hands on her wrists, then placed his palms next to her mouth. He looked at her and whispered, "Does it hurt? "If it hurts, then bite my hand. Don't hurt yourself."

Xiao Qing wanted to shake her head and refuse. She didn't want to hurt him, but she instinctively felt the pain as her teeth sunk into the man's hand. The stench of blood in the room immediately became stronger.

Su Qianhan, on the other hand, was unfazed. With his other hand, he wiped away the cold sweat from her forehead. "Qingqing, don't be afraid. I'm here. I'm here to accompany you. It's fine, I'll definitely be fine …"

He didn't know if it was comforting her or comforting himself.

When Liu Suifeng saw this scene from the door, he let out a sigh of relief.

No matter what, it was fine as long as this man did not act recklessly. Before she gave birth, he had already had someone feed her the medicine, so nothing bad would happen to her.

Even so, she still had to struggle for an entire afternoon before the child was born. When she heard the midwife say, "Congratulations, your highness. The wangfei gave birth to a precious daughter, a young princess." Su Qianhan's heart finally relaxed.

When she woke again it was evening, and the man was sitting on the edge of the bed, rocking the cradle she had drawn long ago by the craftsmen in the city.

The gentle candlelight on the man's face made him look very gentle. Seeing that someone had woken up, he immediately carried the warm water that he had prepared earlier, "Qing Qing, are you thirsty? "Come, let's drink some ginger candied water first, and then we can eat an egg. Liu Suifeng said that you can't eat oily food for the time being. This thing can best nourish your body, allowing you to recover some strength."

Xiao Qing Ran drank some water from his hand to moisten her throat before she finally opened her mouth to speak: "Let me see the child."

Before she passed out, she heard the midwife say that it was a girl. This man had finally gotten what he wanted and could now use that name.

"Look." Su Qian Han gently pulled the cradle closer to the bed and whispered, "This is our daughter, You You."

The child was extremely young, and her face was wrinkled like a monkey that had not yet grown up. Both cheeks had traces of blood on them, making them look unsightly, but at this moment, the image of her sleeping with her eyes closed was deeply reflected in Xiao Qingran's mind.

This was her child, a piece of meat that had fallen from her body.

That strange, joyful, excited, and yet calm as tea filled his heart. Xiao Qing Ran thought that her current expression must be very interesting. She extended her hand in an attempt to poke the child's face, but her finger stopped mid-air.

"Qingqing, what happened?"

Xiao Qing shook her head.

This child was still too young, as soft as tofu. She was afraid that if her subordinates weren't serious, they would harm her.

Su Qianhan looked at her and felt a warm current run through his heart. Something was slowly filling up his chest, and a sweet taste seemed to be overflowing. "Qingqing, thank you."

Soon after she gave birth, she fainted. At that moment, his heart almost stopped beating until Liu Suifeng told him that she was just too tired. Only then did he feel slightly relieved.

This child was the most important treasure that carried their consciousness. From now on, there was an extra burden on his shoulders, but he was very happy and happy.

Xiao Qing's gaze landed on the man's face. He half turned his head to look at the little person in the cradle. She had never seen him act this way. It was as if the man had grown quite a bit, from a man to a real father.

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