Young Miss, Please Don't Run

7 Chapter 007 - The Man with the Mask

Ba Yue just finished her daily training at the Black Forest and is getting ready to go back home before sunrise. Suddenly she stopped walking and became aware of her surroundings. She then noticed a spiritual beast right behind the tree in front of her. Staring at her like she's already his food on the plate.

She has been training for 2 weeks already and her martial art level is about 30% of when she was still Li Hei Yi. She didn't spend much time cultivate because she has to concentrate strengthening her body first.

For the past 2 weeks that she has been here, she has encountered a few wild animals, but have not once encountered a spiritual beast. What bad luck I have today, though Ba Yue.

But she is not scared nor is she afraid of that spiritual beast! She has picked and collected lots of herbs and plant in this big Black Forest. Some were actually very poisonous plants too! She has made lots of poisons for protection.

Suddenly, the beast runs very fast over to attack Ba Yue. With a quick turn, she just barely avoids the beast's attack. She can finally get to see the beast closely now since he's closer to her. She wasn't able to see what kind of spiritual beast it was earlier due to the darkness of the night.

She can see it now, it's actually a black boar beast with the fire element. Black boar beast is just one of the lowest level spiritual beast. If Ba Yue was still Li Hei Yi, she can easily kill this beast! Unfortunately for her, with her current skill, it's going be a tough fight.

Ba Yue took out the small hunting knife that she had brought with her for protection. She had previously applied poison onto this knife, who knew it has come to use so soon.

"Come, you big fat beast! I can test out my training result on you!"

Ba Yue ran as fast as she can like the wind to attack the black boar beast. Her arm swung very quickly, but it barely touches the black boar beast. The black boar beast is now angry! Angry at this human for not staying still and just become his meal already! Angry at her for almost injuring him.

The black boar beast roared loudly and suddenly a ball of fire spilled out of his mouth, aiming at Ba Yue. She had barely escaped from the fireball and her right arm got hit a little by it. The clothes around the area that got hit are burned off, but the skin injuries were not too bad.

Ba Yue is currently the lowest grade, Red level element user. She's the Red level, grade one. She's unsure which element she has since she hasn't been cultivating much these past two weeks.

When she was Li Hei Yi back then, she was able to control both fire and wood. That's also why she was so good with medicine and refining pills.

She lifted her hand and tries to control the vines around the black boar beast. She prays it would work, otherwise, she's in big trouble! The vines started to move and it quickly wrapped around all four of the beast's legs.

Ba Yue knew this is her chance! She runs over to the beast and with a swing of her right arm, she had stabbed the black boar beast right in the head!

She falls down onto the ground with heavy breathing. Not enough, still not enough power! I have to get stronger! thought Ba Yue.

Just when she thought she can finally relax a little bit after the battle with the spirit beast, she noticed a slight motion on top of the tree that's not too far from her.

It was a man wearing a mask standing on the tree branch. The man was wearing all black clothing which makes it hard to spot him if he didn't make any movement. He also has very beautiful silver-white hair, with a pair of shiny blue eyes that looks like the color of the sky!

Even with the mask on, you can tell that he is a very good looking man!

"Who are you?" Asked Ba Yue as she gets in her cautious mode.

"Just someone passing by. I just stopped to rest on this tree and who knew I can see something interesting." Said the man with an expressionless face.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you." After saying that, the man throws something at Ba Yue. It was something very small and doesn't look like it's dangerous.

So Ba Yue caught the thing that the man has thrown at her. It was a small jar, the kind that you keep the medicated cream in. She then looks up again, but the man is already gone.

What a weird guy, I wonder what this is? Ba Yue opened the jar and a very nice herb fragrance comes flowing out. She smells it and knows this is the top grade medicated cream for cuts and burns. She put the jar away and continue to head back home.

On the other side of the forest, stood two men. One of them was the man with the mask from earlier.

"Master, that young miss has just left the Black Forest. Said the other man with respect, he is one of the guards of the masked man.

"I won't be back tomorrow, report back to me like usual." After saying that the man with the mask then turns around to leave. He left so fast that it looks like he just disappeared into the thin air.

Master has been weird lately, he has been paying a lot of attention to this young miss as the guard thinks to himself.

This happened 2 weeks ago, we were doing a mission and had passed by this Black Forest. On our way out of the forest, we saw this young miss entering this dangerous forest all by herself.

Usually, our master with his super cold and uncaring personality would not pay any attention to it and will continue to leave.

But not this time, it seems like he has found something interesting about this young miss, so he followed her to see what she was doing. To our surprise, this young lady was trying very hard to train herself.

At first, she can't do anything! She's was so weak and we all thought she won't even make it back home by herself. When she left, we thought she must have given up. But somehow, master thought that she hasn't given up yet and will be back tomorrow.

So the master came back the next day to see if she's here again. Sure enough, that young miss was back again! This time, there was something a little different about her. She was able to train harder than the day before. Her movement has gotten a lot quicker too!

There's also something different about her looks too, but I can't pinpoint it. That has triggered the interest of my master even more! Master has come a few times to watch her these past 2 weeks, even though he's usually very busy. In the days that he can't come, he will make us come and watch this young miss and report it back to him.

Under the order of our master, we have gotten rid of some strong wild animals and beasts that we believe the young miss can't handle in secret when it gets close to her.

At first, we thought the master must have been bored so he took a little interest in this useless young miss. But soon, she has gotten our interest too! We were able to see her hard work, her special way of training and most of all, her transformation!

If you see her now and compare her to the person from 2 weeks ago, you won't be able to tell that she actually the same person! It's like we can discover something new about her every day.

Just like now, we had no idea that this young miss was able to cultivate! She hasn't cultivated the 2 weeks we saw her here. We were going to go get rid of the beast from earlier for the young miss. But was stopped by the master, he wants to see the result of her training. It was just a weak, low-grade spiritual beast. So if the young miss was in any danger, we would just pretend to have passed by and saved her.

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