Young Miss, Please Don't Run

64 Chapter 064 - Leaving

After listening to the Han sisters' story, Ba Yue looks at them expressionlessly while thinking. She wants to help take revenge and doesn't want them to be afraid and run away from this man that had harmed their family. But she also knows that it's easier said than done. It all depends on the girls if they wanted to take revenge or not. If they do then she will give them a helping hand. She doesn't know how strong that man is but know he must be way stronger than she is. It seems like she needs to get stronger quicker in order to protect the people that she cares about.

The girls seeing Ba Yue quietly looking at them with no expression on her face, they though Ba Yue had changed her mind about bring them with her and is worried about the trouble that they might bring to her.

"Young Miss, we will understand if you don't want to bring us with you." Han Yan said in a low voice, she doesn't want Ba Yue to feel troubled because of them.

"Nonsense! Your stories and background don't affect my decision, I have already told you that before. I was just thinking that we should find this man and get rid of him to revenge for your parents." Ba Yue said.

The sisters look at each other with tears in their eyes. Their young miss not only still wants them with her but also think about revenge for them. Something that they didn't even dare to think about since that man is so strong and have the royal family background. But their young miss said she will revenge for their parents. Even if that's not true or she couldn't do it, it doesn't matter. Just having her words is enough for them.

"Young miss, it's too dangerous facing that man. You don't have to revenge for us, as long as you are not afraid of us bringing you trouble then we will always stay with you, no matter where you go."Han Yan said, with absolute firmness in her eyes. Han Chu also agreed and is nodding her head next to her sister.

"I won't go pick a fight with someone that I can't handle. What I think right now doesn't matter. What really matters is that what you two think. I don't want you two go with me and always be worried about running into that man. That way, you two will never have true freedom. We should worry about him when that time comes. Until then, the only thing we should do is to train and to cultivate. We have to be stronger! Otherwise, we can't protect ourselves and the ones that we care for."

The sisters look at Ba Yue feeling touched and also agreed with what she had just said. They will have to train even harder than before! They can't protect their parents back then but they will definitely protect the young miss, even if it means them life!

After the girls left, Little Red suddenly came out and jump onto Ba Yue's lap. He didn't speak until he's sure to that the Han sisters are far away enough from them that they can't hear them talk.

"Master, you sure you want to bring them with you? The girls' enemy is from the upper plane world, the same kind people from the same world as your real parent."

"I thought there are many different worlds in a different section of the planes. Ba Yue asked with a little question mark on her head. She read the book about different worlds but it didn't mention how many worlds there really is all together.

"For lower plane worlds like the one we are currently in, there are a lot of them. That's why it's hard for the people that were chasing after you and your mothers to find you here. As for the Jino, the middle plane world that the Han sisters are from. There's about 10 of that kind of world in the middle plane. For the upper plane and the spiritual world, there's only one for each of those plane since they are considered special."

"What do you mean by special?"

"Well, the upper plane world have strongest people reside there. According to my memories, they used to have people that can advance passed the sky level in the legendary god level. Once the person is able to reach the god level, he/she is not restricted into any worlds. They can travel to any worlds without the transportation portals and can even go to a completely different world in another universe. But these are just in the past, there hasn't been anyone that's able to advance to the god level for many years. Well, at least not that I know off in my memories for the past hundreds of years.

On the other hand, the spiritual world is a completely different kind of a unique existence. It's not classified as any kind of level plane world. Just like the name, many spirits live there. Spirit are souls, they can live in that world if they have some power and still don't want to move on to reincarnate. They can actually cultivate to be more powerful, after reaching a certain level, they can create a new physical body like a real living person. But if they die with their created body then they will be forced to reincarnate.

There are also exceptions like the royal family and very strong spirits. All royal family members are very strong, so all their offspring are born with real physical bodies. It's the same thing for other strong spirits. If they are strong enough to create their own body and have children. Then their children would also be born strong and have a physical body too."

"I see. I still didn't ask Lok Son which world we are going to. But it doesn't really matter since I have to start somewhere." Ba Yue said, she doesn't really care she starts off because her final destination won't change. And that is to go to the upper plane world to see her real parents.


The week passed by very quickly and it's finally time for Ba Yue's departure.

Master Ba is sending Ba Yue off in front of the Ba residence. He had prepared a horse carriage full of stuff in it. There are lots of clothes for different seasons, food, gold, and much more. Ba Yue happily accepted it all and thank her father for it. She knows her father won't be happy if she doesn't accept it. They talk for a little more and Ba Yue gave her father a tight bear hug before she got onto the carriage to leave. She opens the curtain inside the carriage to look back at her father as the carriage gets farther and farther away from the Ba residence.

Watching the carriage going farther away until Master Ba can't see it anymore. His normal face finally shows signs of sadness, there are also tears in his eyes. He's already started missing his daughter even though she had just left. Now, there's no one else left in the Ba residence to be with him until his sons come back from school.

Inside the carriage, Ba Yue thought back the times she had spent with her father, her eyes start to turn red. Suddenly, she remembered something and ask the girls to change direction with the horse carriage. Ba Yue didn't take anyone with her other than the Han sisters, so the girls are the one that drives the carriage.


Inside of the Li residence, Old Master Li is teaching Li Meng how to manage the family business. A servant suddenly came in to report that a woman has come and requested for a meeting with the old master. The servant said that the woman didn't say who she is but said that she is a friend of the already passed away elder miss, Li Hei Yi.

Surprise by a woman who claims to be his granddaughter's friend that wants to see him, he also wants to see who this person is. He walks into the room where Ba Yue is waiting and sees a very beautiful woman that he has never met before.

"Who might you be? And why do you want to see me?" Old Master Li asked as he looks at the woman with a silk handkerchief covering her face.

"It doesn't matter who I am, but I'm here to deliver something for you on behalf of Li Hei Yi. She asked me to help her deliver it to you before she passed away," Ba Yue said. She doesn't want others to know that she's Ba Yue so she covered her face up.

Old Master Li wonders what his granddaughter wants to give him and who this mystery woman is. He received a small box from the woman and opens it. To his surprise, it is something that he has always wanted. Inside the box is a mid-grade strengthening pill that can help him advance to the next level!

"How...why?" Old Master Li is so surprised by what's inside the small box. If he had this pill back then, then he didn't need to go into closed-door cultivation for years and the tragedy won't happen to his elder son and his family.

"She happens to come across this pill and wanted her grandfather to have it. She also wants you to know that she didn't blame you for going closed door cultivation for so long. So you shouldn't blame yourself for what happened her and her parents."

Old Master Li's eyes turned red, he might not look like it but he has been blaming himself for what happened to his family. If he didn't go into closed-door cultivation for so long, things might not turn out this away. Not only is his eldest son and his family all passed away, but his youngest son and his family are also missing. Even though he punished his youngest son and his family, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't care about them anymore. They are still his family no matter what!

Ba Yue was about to leave but also remember another matter that she wants him to know.

"One more thing, the rumor about Li Xiang and his family are true. Li Xiang and his wife are dead but your grandson and granddaughter are still alive. They aren't in this town anymore but I'm sure they will come back in the future." Without saying any more or letting him get a chance to ask her any questions, she quickly left and disappeared from the Li residence.

When Old Master Li comes back to his sense from the shock of confirming his younger son's death by that woman's mouth. He wanted to asked that woman some more questions, but she's already gone. He doesn't know why, but he had a feeling that he can trust her words. And he is also glad to know that his grandchildren are still alive.

Ba Yue quickly got back inside of the horse carriage that was parked a little farther down in the hidden alley. She saw her grandfather from when she was still Li Hei Yi and gave him what he had always wanted and also told him information regarding Li Xiang. She knows that her grandfather still cares about Li Xiang and his family even though he is very disappointed in him. All she can do now is to let him know what had happened to them so he won't keep worrying about them every day.

The Han sisters drove off as soon as Ba Yue got back on to the carriage. They are heading to the young masters' school and the girls know that it will be soon that they will leave this world. They have prepared themselves for what's to come and vow to protect their young miss.


It took them about a week to finally reached the school where Ba Jing and Ba Zi attends. The school is big and Ba Yue had no idea where to look for her brothers. Ba Yue and the Han sisters stand in front of the school and it attracts tons of attention and stares to themselves.

Ba Yue is a very beautiful woman who is even prettier than the so-called four big beauties in the Fu Country. The Han sisters are not as pretty as Ba Yue but are as pretty as the four big beauties if not prettier than them.

Many people gather but no one dares to go up to them since they have this strange cold air that surrounds them. People that attend this school is talented martial artists and element users. They can't feel any power coming from Ba Yue since she's hiding her strength. But they can definitely feel the power that's coming from the other two girls and those two girls are strong!

Finally, a girl went up to Ba Yue with an unpleasant look on her face. She is considered the most talented and the prettiest girl in this school. How can she stand to see someone prettier than her? What's worse is that there's three of them!

"Who are you? Don't you know that outsiders are not allowed in here!" The girl said it in a very rude way, her voice sounds like she's mocking them.

Ba Yue glanced at that girl and lets out a sighed. Why does trouble come to her when she didn't even do anything. The girls furrowed their eyebrows and look at that the girl who is talking to them.

"Before you ask someone who they are, shouldn't you introduce yourself first? And we are here to look for someone." Han Chu said.

"I'm talking to her and not you so don't butt in." The girl points at Ba Yue and yells.

"Don't use your finger to point at our young miss." Han Yan quickly steps up and smack that hand that is using the finger to point at Ba Yue.

When the girl heard that the more beautiful girl is the young miss and the other two girls are just her maids, she's got even more jealous. Let's not talk about the young miss, her two maids are more beautiful than her! Just that alone drives her mad with jealousy.

"Since you two are just lowly maid, how dare you speak before your young miss? I don't know where such a young miss is from that doesn't even know how to teach a maid some manners." The girl said mockingly to Ba Yue.

Finally, Ba Yue speaks up and said, "they are not maids but my personal guards."

Before that girl can say anything, her friend came over and speaks up for her.

"You people are so rude and don't have any manners! Wan-Ling is this school's top honor student and her family background is huge. You should show some respect to her otherwise you won't be able to leave here that easily."

The girl that speaks up for Wan-Ling is an average looking girl name Xi-Tao. She is Wan-Ling's friend and also her follower. She's doesn't have any strong family background and isn't as talented as Wan-Ling so she needs to suck up to her so she can survive in this school. And of course, Wan-Ling like this kind of people. Someone that is not as pretty as her and is good at sucking up to her.

Ba Yue can't believe she got tangled up with trouble already just by showing up at her brothers' school. She only wants to see her brothers and spend a little time with them before she leaves without causes to much trouble or attention. She turns around to leave to walk away from these two girls in front of her.

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