Young Miss, Please Don't Run

55 Chapter 055 - Li Xiang's Imaginations

The next morning, the fire at the Mu residence is still burning but isn't as strong as before. Lots of people helped to put the fire out. They didn't find any survivors in there, but they did find four adult bodies and one baby body. It seems like all the servants have left the Mu residence that night.

Two days later, they've found a couple of the servants that escaped that night. After questioning them, they have told the government officers what had happened that night. Knowing it was Li SanSan that caused the death of Mu Huang and his mistresses, the case is closed because the culprit is also dead at the scene.

When the Li Family got wind of the news, they didn't make any comment on it. They only post out a notice stating Li SanSan is no longer a member of the Li member and the Mu family has nothing to do with them. Li Xiang and his family completely ignored the incident. They just got connections with the second prince by sending Li Mei Ting to seduce him, they don't want to bring any more negative news to themselves.

No one came out to claim the bodies or to give them a burial. So the government officers buried them in an unnamed grave. The Mu residence has been sealed up, but the government didn't take it to auction it off since there's more Mu member still alive. They can come back to claim the residence back later on.


Ba Yue is drinking tea at a teahouse, while she listens to the gossips regarding what had happened to the Mu residence. Little Red is sitting on her lap relaxing.

She took a sip of the tea and is thinking absentmindedly. Seeing her like that, Little Red is curious about what she's thinking right now. So he asked with his mind wave.

"Young Master, what are you thinking about right now? Don't tell me you feel bad for them."

"Of course not! I'm just thinking that it will be soon for us to leave here. Now, that Mu Huang and Li SanSan are both not here anymore, it's time for Li Xiang."

"But even if you took care of those people, you still can't leave here yet. We still didn't find the transportation portal."

"I'm planning to go with Lok Son to his world first since they have a special tool to open the transportation portal to go to their own world. Once we are there, it should be easier for us to go to other worlds."

"I still don't know which world is that man from, do you know?" Little Red asked.

"Ah...I have never asked him about that! But he did say that he's not from the upper plane world like me." She can't believe that she never thought of asking him where he's from. How can she agree to go with him without knowing anything! But then again, it makes no difference. Since she has accepted him, she will go wherever he goes. And he will do the same.

"Young master, before you think about leaving here. You still have to worry about advancing to the Purple Level first. You are currently still at the Blue Level, even though you are not far from advancing to the Purple Level."

"I know. After I deal with Li Xiang and maybe his other family members. I plan to take a few pieces of the energy stone and do another closed door cultivation for a month to advance to the Purple Level."

"You sure about that? I think you should save the energy stone for future use. You might need it when you are stuck at a higher level in the future."

After thinking for a while, she thinks his right about that. She's not in a hurry to leave, so she might as well try to cultivate without the stones first. It might take a little longer to reach the Purple Level, but she knows she can do it.

She nodded her head to agree with Little Red's suggestion. Suddenly, at the corner of her eyes, she sees familiar people walking into the teahouse. But due to her seating area being in the corner and there's a wall next to her, those people that just walked in didn't see her.

The people that just walk in have sat down on a table not too far from Ba Yue. So, Ba Yue was able to hear clearly when they talk.

"Mei-Ting, you have to work harder to make the second prince like you more. Our futures depend on you now, we can't depend on your stupid older brother anymore." Said the man sitting across from Li Mei-Ting.

"Father, don't worry. His second highness likes me a lot, I'm sure he will make me as his wangfei very soon." Li Mei-Ting replies overconfidently to her father. She believes her beauty can trap the second prince into marrying. They even have the husband and wife intimate relationship already, it's only a matter of time that he marries her.

"Mei-Ting, don't be overconfident. The second prince is a playboy and has lots of beautiful women throwing themselves at him. Remember what I have taught you, don't let him have you so easily. Treat him cold and with distance sometimes, otherwise, he won't treasure you." Said the woman that's sitting next to Li Xiang.

"Mother, I understand that. But if I treat his second highness too coldly, he will lose interest in me. You don't have to worry, I know what I'm doing." Li Mei-Ting is getting annoyed by her mother's nagging. She's doing fine with the second prince right now, so she doesn't need her mother's lectures. What her mother didn't know was that she has already given herself to the second prince. It is already too late for her to play hard to get.

"As long as you understand that." Chen Miu lets out a sigh, she looks haggard since leaving the Li residence with her husband. They didn't have much on themselves when they were kicked out of the Li residence. Luckily, her children still care for them and came to look for them. "What's your brother doing, why is he not here with you today?"

"Brother is at the Tang residence again. He still wants to get back together with that bitch Tang Wen-Yi. He said that even if he couldn't get back with her, he still wants to get back the gifts that he had given her before." Li Mei-Ting shakes her head, she thinks her brother is embarrassing with his action. "Why bother doing that? Once, I have become his second highness's wangfei, I can find him a better woman. As for those gifts that he has given her, those are nothing. He should stop embarrassing himself like that because it will also embarrass me too!"

"Don't talk bad about your brother like that" Chen Miu is a little unhappy with the way her daughter is talking about Li Dong Man.

"It's the truth! And I'll let you on a secret, the second prince is going to be crowned as the crown prince very soon. He will be the future emperor and if I marry him, I will be the future empress!" Li Mei Ting says happily, she didn't even pay attention to her surroundings when she burst out those words.

"Shh, lower your voice! You can't talk about that so loudly in the open. Where did you hear that from?" Li Xiang hush her daughter to lower her voice, this isn't something to be discussed openly. If other people hear it, they will be in trouble.

Knowing she had made a mistake, Li Mei-Ting lowers her voice to speak. "I overheard it outside of his second highness study room. He was talking to someone about him being able to get crowned as the crown prince, once the news of the seventh prince die comes out."

"What? The seventh prince is going to die? How can that be?" Li Xiang still asking in a low voice.

"I overheard his second highness said something about the seventh prince being poisoned and won't have long to live."

Li Xiang thought about it for a while, if it is true, then there's a good chance that the second prince might get the throne in the future. Currently, the empress is grounded and the Kinning Country is a mess. The eldest prince is also weak, so they currently are no threat to concubine Liu and the second prince. The sixth prince has no backing at all and is unfavorite by the emperor, so he won't stand a chance for the throne. The only person left is the seventh prince since he is the emperor's favorite son. If he's gone, then there's no one standing in the way of the second prince and the throne. If his daughter can marry the second prince and be his main wangfei, she might be the future empress. Suddenly, his eyes are lid with lights! Once, his daughter became the empress, the Li family is nothing!

"Mei-Ting, what else did you hear about?" Li Xiang continues to ask his daughter, he's in a very good mood right now.

"That's it, nothing more. I didn't want him to notice that I have been eavesdropping, so I didn't stand outside his door for too long.

"Listen to me well, you got to hang on to the second prince tight no matter what. Throw away your mother's stupid teaching and get the second prince in your bed. It's even better if you can get pregnant quick." Li Xiang sounds very excited, it's like he can see his bright future already.

"Husband, what are you teaching our daughter!" Chen Miu shouts.

"Wife, listen carefully. From what Mei-Ting had just said, there's a very high chance that the second prince will get the throne in the future. If our daughter married him as his main wangfei, she might be the future empress. Even if she doesn't get the main wangfei position, it doesn't matter as long as she gives birth to a son first. The second prince has no main wangfei or any children yet. It is the best chance to steal the eldest son position if she gets pregnant now. Once she's pregnant, we can force him to marry her, even if it's just a side consort position for now. When the second prince ascends to the throne, he will be the emperor. His eldest son might get crowned as the crown prince!" Li Xiang is getting overly excited with his imaginations right now.

Chen Miu also has her eyes wide opened like she's seeing the bright light. She is already visualizing herself as the mother of the Empress in the future. She can be high and mighty soon, once again! She quickly turns to her daughter and said, "Mei-Ting, listen to your father. Our futures depend on you! I'll go grab your brother back from the Tang residence. We don't need that tiny Tang residence's help. I can't let Dong-Man embarrass us, the future royalties!"

Li Mei-Ting had her head up high and is proud of herself since she already slept with the second prince. All that is left now is to wait for him to marry her. She is already fantasizing herself as the future Empress.

The family of three is chatting happily about their bright imagination future. They are plotting on how to force the second prince to marry Li Mei-Ting. On the other hand, Ba Yue couldn't help but shakes her head in disbelieve. She can't believe how stupid this family of three are. There's no way that the second prince will marry that dumb Li Mei-Ting. They are thinking about forcing him to marry her? They are just seeking an earlier death.


Ba Yue went back home shortly after Li Xiang and his family left the teahouse. She's lost in thought as she slowly walks home. She's thinking that she might not even have to do anything since they are already seeking death themselves right now. But she will pay attention to them and see what happens next. And she also has to prepare soon to go training, so she can advance to the Purple Level.

Little Red is on her shoulder, he didn't say anything since his master is in deep thoughts right now. He's also in deep thoughts himself because he didn't expect that things will move so quickly. He will be leaving here soon with his master. He still doesn't know which world she's going to with that man, but it doesn't matter. Once they get out of this lower plane world to another world, it will be so much easier to travel in between worlds. He's thinking where his parents might be since they won't be staying at that same world waiting for him. It has been 10 years already since he came to this world. He wonders how he can locate them.

By the time Ba Yue got home, it's already starting to get dark. She saw the Han sisters and told them to come to her room. Once inside the room, she lets the sister know something shocking.

"Young Miss, you want to talk to us?" Han Yan asked.

"Yes. The truth is that I will be leaving here soon." Ba Yue calmly said it as she strokes the fur on Little Red.

"Where are you going? Are you going to take us with you?" Han Chu hurriedly asked.

"I'm going to another world with Lok Son. I want to bring you two with me, but I know your powers have been sealed. So there's no way to bring you two with me with your current level."

The room is silent, the Han sisters didn't say anything since it's the truth. Even if they want to go with her, it's impossible with their powers sealed. But they really don't want to separate from their young miss. They have declared their loyalties to her and swear to protect her. How are they going to do that if they are not with her?

Suddenly, Little Red spoke up. "Young master, maybe you should ask that man if he knows how to break the seal. He's strong and is from another world, he might just know how to do it. You can also go back to that room your mother left behind for you, there are tons of books in there. Who knows, maybe one of them has written a way to break the seal."

After thinking for a while, Ba Yue agrees with Little Red. She should ask Lok Son about it and also go look through those books too. It's time for her to go back to that room and see what else is there. Plus, she wants to store all those books inside her space bracelet, so she can read it anytime. After thinking it through, she sends the girls back to their room. She told them that she will let them know later what will happen after she talks to Lok Son.

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