Young Miss, Please Don't Run

5 Chapter 005 - The Rumored Idiot Seventh Prince

Ba Yue has just left the herbal store and is heading back to the clothing store. On her way back, a man was pushed out of a restaurant right across the street and fell right front of her. The man was very beautiful, she has never met anyone this beautiful before. Just as Ba Yue looked at the man that's still on the ground in front of her, a couple of the men came out of the restaurant yelling.

That brought Ba Yue back from her thoughts. She didn't want to get involved in this mess in front of her, so she ignored what the beautiful man in front has just said to her. She tries to walk around him to leave, but she was stopped by a very familiar voice.

"Well, Well, Well. Who do we have here? It's the useless, fatty Ba Yue! I thought you were already dead since you haven't show your face in a very long time around town." The man said it in an unfriendly mocking tone, he is one of the men that just came out of that restaurant.

Ba Yue looked at the man that had just insulted her and immediately recognize who he is. That man is Mak Lok Feng, he's the second prince of Fu Country. The past Ba Yue knew who he is because Li Dong Man was friends with this 2nd prince.

Mak Lok Feng is also one of those people that loves to bully and make fun of the past Ba Yue. Whenever this second prince bullies Ba Yue and Li Dong Man happens to be around, he'll never stand up to the prince and help her. The main reason is that Prince Lok Feng is someone Li Dong Man wants to make good connections with. Another reason is that he just outright didn't want to help her.

When she was still Li Hei Yi, she had actually met this second prince several times before. It's not because she wanted to, but because she needs to help Mu Huang make good connections with him. On the outside, this prince is good looking, of course, he isn't as good looking as the man that was just on the ground. But he does try to make himself look like he's an upright person. But who is he trying to fool? He's just a bastard that likes to pretend that's all. He likes pretty, beautiful women and thinks they all like him.

He has previously made many advances toward Li Hei Yi back then. Even though Li Hei Yi was unladylike, strong, and tough as a man. She has a very beautiful face that not much people can compare to. Prince Lok Feng has tried to get her drunk before to take advantage of her but had never succeeded. She can make medicine to take to avoid getting drunk and he can't use force on her either, because Li Hei Yi is not only a strong martial artist but also an element user. She also has her grandfather from the Li family to back her up!

"Shut up you idiot! You're just an embarrassment to the royal family! Why are you even outside, showing your stupid face?" After the second prince shouted at the beautiful man, he then turns to Ba Yue and starts laughing to her face.

"An idiot and with a useless fatty really make a perfect match! If you two get together, you two will make a great couple!"

Ba Yue stands there quietly and listens to the insults he had thrown at her. She didn't say a single word back to defends herself. According to the conversation, the beautiful man called the second prince as his older imperial brother. So he has to be a prince and there's only one prince that was rumored to be an idiot and that's the seventh prince, Mak Lok Son!

It's not that the seventh prince is a real idiot, it's just that he has the mentality of an 8-year-old child even though, he is currently already a 19-year-old adult.

Rumour has it that when the seventh prince was 8 years old, his mother mysteriously died in her room. They then found the 8-year-old prince on the floor with a serious head injury. He has forgotten everything or who he is and end up with a mental disorder. Since then, even though his body is growing normally, but his mind still remains the same. The imperial doctor said it's most likely due to the shock and head injuries.

Ba Yue has never met the seventh prince before because he rarely shows himself outside of the palace. And at this time, the current seventh prince, Mak Lok Son is just looking down at the ground and keeping quiet. He is afraid to make his second imperial older brother angrier!

"Hey Fatty, Ba Yue. Have you heard about Li Dong Man is currently seeing the third young miss of the Tang Family. We all thought that you've committed suicide because he dumps you. Oh, wait! He didn't dump you since he never liked you in the first place. You just shamelessly follows him around like a stalker! I feel so bad for Li Dong Man for having a stalker like you stalking him all the time."

Ba Yue seriously have enough of this bastard prince. She finally spoke up while trying to hold back her anger towards him.

"If you have said enough, move out of the way, I need to get going."Ba Yue said it in a very cold voice as she tries to walk away from him. Unfortunately, she was once again stopped by this bastard second prince.

"How can a useless fatty like you talk to me this way? I'm the prince and you haven't even shown me any respect or greeted me yet. Ba Yue, don't think just because you are the young miss of the Ba Family I can't do anything to you." The second prince is using a threatening tone as he said that to Ba Yue.

Just as Ba Yue is about to snap and give this bastard so-called prince a lesson, she heard the voice of her older brother behind her.

"Greetings to the second prince, is everything okay? I hope my younger sister didn't offend your highness." Said Ba Zi, as both brothers rush toward their younger sister. They were worried that their younger sister might have accidentally offended the second prince. But they were even more worried that the second prince might be bullying her!

"If our younger sister has offended your highness, please excuse her since she's still young." Ba Jing said it respectfully to the second prince while trying to pull his younger sister to stand behind him.

Ba Zi looks worriedly at Ba Yue and asked:

"Why aren't you waiting inside the clothing store as we told you to before?"

"The shopkeeper finished taking my measurement early. I have waited for a while and still haven't seen you two come back, so I wanted to go outside to look for you two." Of course, Ba Yue is lying, she can't tell her brothers that she went to the herbal store and tried to come back before they did.

"I just walked out of the store and saw a man that got pushed out of this restaurant. He landed right in front of my feet and I didn't know what happened. I wanted to leave here to go back to the clothing store, but the second prince wouldn't let me go. Older brothers, I'm scared!" Ba Yue is looking at her brothers with her big teary watering eyes like she's about to cry. She can't believe she can like a weak girl when she tries to.

Of course, she isn't scared of no stupid second prince! But she has to remain her pushover, innocent weak look in front of others for now. She can't show off her true self yet, at least not until she is ready. Not just in appearance but also have the strength to go with it to protect herself.

"What's this all about? Your Highness. Why are you trying to stop my younger sister from leaving? What are you trying to do to her?" Knowing that the second prince is giving his sister trouble, Ba Zi asked why with a cold tone of voice.

"Second prince, even though you are a prince. We, the Ba Family aren't any softies that you can bully at will! Ba Jing also said it with a slightly unhappy voice.

"I was just trying to teach her some manners! She didn't even greet me when she saw me and talked to me without any manners. But since she's young and ignorance, I'll let it go this time. You two better teach her some manners, otherwise, she'll embarrass the whole Ba Family even more than she already had!" After saying that, Prince Feng immediately turned around to leave, he didn't even give anyone else a chance to speak.

Even though he's a Prince, the Ba Family are one of the four big families and also the strongest one. It is best not to mess with Master Ba and these two young masters. Since they are strong martial artists, and they are also element users!

The only reason he dares to bully Ba Yue is that she's a useless fatty that's weak and also a pushover. She will never tell others when she gets bullied!

As soon as the second prince left the scene, the seventh prince rushes over to Ba Yue. He looked at her very his very beautiful, innocent, apologetic eyes and said, " I'm so sorry big sister! It's all my fault that this happened to you. I apologized in behave of my older imperial brother for his rudeness."

"It's okay, it's not your fault. And I don't mind what others said about me." Ba Yue replied with an uncaring look on her face, she didn't care what the second prince had said to her at all. To her, he's nothing but a joke.

"And aren't you two brothers, how can he talk to you like this? He pushed you out from the restaurant, does he bullies you too?"

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