Young Miss, Please Don't Run

48 Chapter 048 - Father and Daughter Talk

Ba Yue thought about a lot of things as she sat in the bathtub. She thought about how to give her uncle and his family an extra kick to finish them off. She also thought about how to deal with Mu Huang and Li San-San. But most of all, what's she going to do after everything is over.

Ba Shao-Ten comes home late that night from a business meeting. As soon as he comes home, the guard at the front door notified him that the young miss is waiting for him at the dining room. Knowing her daughter finishes with her cultivation and is currently waiting for him. He rushes inside to see her.

Upon reaching the dining room, he saw Ba Yue sitting there at the table thinking absentmindedly. That's his daughter but she feels somewhat a little different. Ever since she woke up the accident, she has changed a lot but in a good way. And now, she gave him the feeling that she's going to leave and go somewhere far away from him. Just as he thinks absentmindedly too, Ba Yue came back to her sense from thinking and saw her father by the door.

She smiles and called out for him in a gentle voice.


Ba Shao-Ten's mind came back from his thinking upon hearing his daughter calling for him. He saw the smile on her face and thought that she's growing up looking more like her mother.

"Ah Yue, how's your cultivation? It's been a very long time, you've just missed your brothers. They came back twice but you weren't able to see them." Master Ba walks in and took his usual seat to sit down.

"It's okay, I'm sure I'll see them soon. And my cultivation has improved a lot." Ba Yue replies as she pours her father a cup of tea. She then had the maids to go warm up the food and brings it over from the kitchen. She makes a few small chats with her father, then after a while, she finally gets to the main point.

"Father, I need to discuss something with you," Ba Yue said it in a very serious tone.

Master Ba took a deep breath and exhaled, he also looks at his daughter with a serious face.

"Ah Yue, you can tell me anything. I knew this day would come sooner or later, so I've started preparing myself since I know she started training and cultivating."

Ba Yue had a confused look on her face, she has no idea what her father is talking about. But she continued to tell him what she wants to say to him.

"Father, I will leave here and go somewhere far in the near future."

"I know." Master Ba had his eyes closed, he tries to calm his emotions down. He knew this day would come but didn't expect it to come so soon.

"Wha! What! How did you know?"

"Ah Yue, to tell you the truth. I have always known, that's why I didn't want you to train or cultivate so you won't have to leave me or this family." Master Ba slowly opens his eyes, there's sadness in it.

Master looks adoringly at his daughter and thinks back to the old days and said:

"When I first met your mother, I knew she was special and that she is not from around here. I don't know much about her and don't know where she came from. But that didn't stop me from falling in love with her and insisted on marrying her when everyone is against us. Your mother has lots of rare treasures and a vast amount of knowledge of things that no one can compare to, not even the people from a bigger country. With the treasures and her knowledge that she had brought with her, we finally have gotten the approval to be together.

Soon after our marriage, your brothers were born. I was very happy, but I can tell that your mother is always thinking about something. Even though, we already have our own children. I'm afraid that she will leave me one day and go back to wherever she came from. When she got pregnant again with you, she's always absentminded. She told me that she knows this time the baby will be a daughter. I didn't know how she knows that the baby will be a girl, just like I didn't know how she knows your brother was going to be boys. But I was very happy since we have two sons already, so it's great to also have a daughter.

From time to time during her pregnancy, your mother would say some weird things. She would mention if something happens to her, I have to take good care of the twins and this daughter of theirs that's still not yet born. She told me she had saved everything she wants to give you in that room. I never expected anything to happen to her and thought she was just nervous about being a new mother again, until the day of your birth.

I found out from the doctor that her body was too weak to have another baby but your mother has kept it a secret from me. She told me she has to give birth to this daughter no matter what. She had a very difficult labor and was in pain for many hours, but she never gave up. The midwives said that it's a matter of time that both mother and child can't make it and asked if I want to keep the mother or the child.

I didn't know what to think or how to choose, but your mother insisted that if only one of you can survive, then it must be her child. After 6 hours of painful labor, our daughter is finally born. I thought we finally made it and everything should be okay now. Unfortunately, the doctor had informed me that your mother has a postpartum hemorrhage. She's bleeding so heavily that the blood can't be stopped. I panicked and have no idea what to do, she grabbed my arm and told me to listen to her.

She said that it is not this child's fault, it's her own fault because she had wanted her daughter to be born. She said this is a special child, she will grow up strong. When she is strong enough, she will leave here to go somewhere far. I think your mother meant the place she originally comes from. She told me to please don't stop you when the time actually comes and to let you go. I don't understand why she had said that but can only accept her last request of me.

She died with you still in her arms while giving you a final kiss for goodbye before she closed her eyes forever. She didn't get to see your brothers one last time before she goes because she doesn't want to scare them with all the blood she has lost all over the bed. I cried uncontrollably for the very first time in my life, I have lost the woman that I loved forever. But then I heard the cries of my newborn daughter. I looked at her and thought to myself, I have to take good care of her and gives her twice the amount of love for the mother she has also lost too.

Your brother was devastated when they learn of the news that their mother had passed away. They cried for days saying they want their mother back. So I brought you over and told them that you are their younger sister. Their mother uses her own life to give birth to this tiny little life, so we must love and protect her for their mother that can't do it anymore.

As you grow older, I got worried about what your mother has told me before. I'm worried that you will leave me to go somewhere far just like your mother. So when you saw your brother training hard and wanted to train with them, I stopped you. I told you that I don't want you to work so hard and get injured from training because I didn't want you to get strong and leave me. I know I'm selfish and because of my decision, you had a hard time growing up. But I have already lost your mother and I didn't want to lose you too, at least not so early.

After you woke up from the accident, you have completely changed and started training and cultivating all by yourself. I know the time has come as your mother had said before. No matter how much I will miss you and be sad, I still have to let you go since I promised your mother.

Ah Yue, can you forgive me for my decision for not letting you train when you were younger? I'm sorry for causing you to have a hard time when growing up."

Ba Yue eyes have already teared up, she silently cries her eyes out while listening to her father. After his father finished talking and ask her to forgive him for not letting her train with her brothers, she got up from her seat and went over to her father. She hugged her father and cries in his arms and told him:

"It's not your fault that I didn't train when I was younger. If I insisted on training, I know you would definitely not stop me. I just didn't want to train myself since I know father and brothers are there to protect me." Ba Yue said it while still crying in her father's arms.

After crying for a good few minutes, Ba Yue finally calms down. She continues to tell her father about her plans of leaving here. She didn't mention anything about the other worlds but only said that she will go travel somewhere far and might take a very long time before she gets to come back here again.

"Ah Yue, no matter how far you go, just remember this is your home. You can always come back here and I will forever wait for you to come back." Master Ba said it in a gentle voice while he pats on her head.

"Father, no matter how far I go, I will definitely come back again to see you." Her eyes starting to get red again with tears forming around her eyes.

"The only thing is that, what are we going to do about Lok-Son? He's a good man, I know he cares for you a lot. And there's also the engagement arranged by the Emperor." Master Ba felt that it's not going to be easy to get the Emperor to cancel the engagement.

"Father, you don't have to worry about that. Mak Lok-Son isn't really what he seems. I'll talk to him and get this taken care of, so you don't need to worry about anything." Ba Yue continues to tell him about Lok-Son not having a mental disorder and why he pretended to have one.

Master Ba sighs deeply and look at his daughter and shakes his head.

"Ah Yue, don't blame Lok-Son for lying to you about his mental disorder. He also has his reason and must have grown up with a hard life with so many dangers around him. But I can still tell that he likes you a lot and do care for you."

Ba Yue didn't say anything but just nodded her head. They talk some more and ate dinner together that night. After dinner, Ba Yue went back to her room to rest. She can't run away from Lok-Son anymore, she needs to talk to him. Since he knows about her and the other worlds, she can speak freely with him about it. And if he can accept her for who she is then maybe she can give him a chance.

The next morning, Ba Yue woke up early and was thinking about going to see Lok-Son after she eats her breakfast. When she opened her bedroom door, Mak Lok Son was already standing there waiting for her. He has gotten the news of her coming out of her closed door cultivation late last night from his men.

He got to the Ba residence before the sunrise and cooked lots of Ba Yue's favorite dishes. He then came over to her bedroom and stand in front of her door, hoping to see her as soon as she walks out that door. When that opens and he saw her for the first time in so many months, the smile on his face can't be covered up.

Ba Yue was so surprised to see him in front of her door, she was just thinking about him and he just suddenly shown up! She saw that big bright smile on his face and thought how much she misses his smile and his face. Before she can think farther to react, Lok-Son immediately ran over to her and held her in his arms. He misses her so much that he doesn't ever want to let her go.

Ba Yue soon came to her senses and pulls herself away from Lok-Son. She looks seriously into his eyes and said, "we will go somewhere to talk after breakfast."

Mak Lok Son also looks her in her eyes and said: " I'm ready to tell you everything that you want to know. But let's first go eat breakfast first, I have made lots of your favorite dishes."

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