Young Miss, Please Don't Run

46 Chapter 046 - The Truth and Punishmen

Li Xiang is thinking about how to calm his father down from his angry and also how to get the family heirloom from him. He has been acting as the family head for so long now, he doesn't want to give the position back to his father. Just as he's thinking, he heard his father asked him a question.

"Li Xiang, why didn't you come to get me when your older brother and his wife passed away?" Old Master Li asks in a firm voice as he looked at his son. He's holding himself back from beating this son up because he still has more questions to ask him.

"Father, you were in closed-door cultivation, I know that it is an important time for you so I didn't want to bother you. I was going to tell you when you come out after you have advanced." Li Xiang said while avoiding his father's eyes. He has thought about how to answer his father's questions when he comes out since long ago.

Old Master Li knew he's lying with just a glance of him. Li Xiang is his son, so he knows him better than anyone. Ever since he's young, whenever he lies to him, he will avoid his eyes.

"Is that also why you didn't come to get me when your niece, Hei-Yi died?"

"Ye...Yes, father."

"Tell me the truth, how did Li Zong and his wife really died?" Old Master Li had enough of his bullshit, so he just brings it right out in the open to talk about it.

"Wha...What do you mean father? Older brother and older sister in law died from an accident. Their horse carriage fell down the mountain cliff on their way home from a business trip. That's why we can't find their bodies." Li Xiang is getting nervous, so his voice shivering a little. But he knew he had to stay calm if he doesn't want his father to find out the truth.

"What about Hei-Yi? Why did she also died soon after her parents' death?" Old Master Li continues to ask.

"Little Hei-Yi was so sad about her parents' death that she felt ill. Her husband and I have hired many doctors to treat her, but she never got better. She died at her husband's home."

"Her husband? I have questions about that too. Li Meng told me that Hei-Yi has gotten married when I'm not around. But after she passed away, why did San-San immediately married Hei-Yi's husband?" The more he hears from his son, the angrier he gets. He knows what kind of a person is his son and his family. He especially gives him a chance to come clean, and if he does, then he's going to punish them more lightly. But it seems like he's not smart enough to take this only chance that he has given him.

"That's Hei Yi's last wish before she passed away. She hopes that San-San can take care of her husband in her place when she's not here anymore. And also..." Before he can continue with his lies, Old Master Li can't listen to it anymore and stopped him.

"Father, it's the truth!" He's still trying to lie his way out.

"The only reason I even asked you, is that I was giving you a chance to come clean. If you would have told me the truth, then I will punish you more lightly. Since you are still lying to me, then don't blame me for being cruel." He said it with disappointment in his voice.

Suddenly, Li Dong-Man kneed down on the floor. He also pulled his younger sister down beside him.

"Grandfather, it's not our fault. We didn't know anything about it until after it had happened." Li Dong-Man said hurriedly, he's the only one with a little bit more intelligent in their family.

"Oh...I'll give you a chance. If you tell me the truth about everything, then I'll let you and your sister stay here. Otherwise, you'll accept the same punishment as your parents." He knows by saying this, his grandson would rat out his own father out.

And just as he thought, his grandson spilled all of his father's dirty secrets. He told his grandfather how his father tricks his uncle to go out of the town. And how his father and Mu Huang worked together to send their own men to kill them when they pass by the mountain. His uncle and aunt couldn't fight off so many assassins, so they were heavily injured and was forced to jump off the mountain cliff.

He then told his grandfather about his older sister's affair with Li Hei-Yi's husband. And how Mu Huang and his father plotted to harm and kill Li Hei-Yi. After finish telling his grandfather everything, he looks at the ground and didn't dare to look up.

The color of his father's face is pale white, he can't believe his own flesh and blood had ratted him out. Not just him, but Madam Li and Li Mei-Ting too. But the person with the worse look on their face is Li Meng and Old Master Li. Li Meng didn't know any of this, so he is very shocked and angry at these heartless people right here.

But Old Master Li is beyond enraged, he is also very sad and disappointed in his younger son and his family. He can't believe that just because of his greed that he is willing to kill his older brother and his family. He can't control his rage anymore, so he uses his full power and launched a punch at Li Xiang's left shoulder.

The punch was so strong that Li Xiang flew a few feet away and sputtered out blood from his mouth. There's was a loud crack sound heard when his shoulder was hit, the shoulder is most likely broken.

After hitting his son, Old Master Li calms down a bit. He finally announces the punishment for them.

"From now on, Li Xiang and all his family member will be removed from the main family registry."

Old Master Li said it with pain and sadness in his voice, that's his only son left, but he must give his older son and his family some justice. He knows nothing he does now can bring them back or give them real justice, but he still has to do something for them.

Li Dong-Man immediate looks up at his grandfather and said, "but grandfather, you promised that if I tell you everything, my sister and I can stay here."

"You two can stay here, but not as the Young Master or Young Miss of the main family anymore. Since you kicked the subfamilies out and belittles them, then you will be one of the subfamilies from now on."

Li Dong didn't dare to muster another word. He knew this is the best punish he can get from his grandfather now. But Li Mei-Ting didn't take it that well, she starts screaming and crying very loudly.

"Waahh…..I don't want this, I don't want to be the subfamily. I'm the Young Miss of the main family, why do I have to suffer. Grandfather, you are not fair to us."

"Fair? Tell that to your father when he killed his own older brother and their family. And I'm sure you know something about it too since your brother knows. And you want to be treated with fairness? If you don't want to stay here as a member of the subfamily then you can leave here with your father and mother!" Old Master Li can't believe that this stupid granddaughter of his still dares to act and talk this way.

"Wha...What did you say? Father and Mother have to leave here?" Li Mei-Ting said while trying to hold back her cries.

"That's right! Not only are their names going to be removed from the main family registry, but they can't stay here anymore. From now on, they are not part of the Li family anymore!"

Li Xiang is shocked that his father would really kick him out of the Li family. How can he do that to him, he's his only son left! He crawls up from the floor and he shouts to his father, "Father! You can't do this to me! I'm your only son now. If you kicked me out, you won't have an heir for the Li family!"

"You don't have to worry about that. I will bring Li Meng and his family back as the main family. I will also make Li Meng as the heir and future head of the Li family." Old Master Li said it while looking at Li Meng who's shocked from what he has just heard.

"This can't be happening", Li Xiang mumbled under his breath. He can't believe everything he had is gone.

Madam Li also falls down to the ground and starts crying uncontrollably. Old Master Li can't stand the cries anymore, so he had Li Meng and a few guards to pick up Li Xiang and his wife and throw them out of the Li residence.

Li Dong-Man and his sister didn't say a word, they don't want to be thrown out too.

"I'm going to straighten out the Li family in the coming days. I hope you two won't make any more troubles. Otherwise, you can follow your parents." Old Master Li left after saying that, he just left the two siblings there shocked and speechless for a very long time.

A few days later, Mu Huang has received the news that Old Master Li came out of his closed-door cultivation. He also received the news that Li San-San's parents' has been kicked out of the Li residence and her whole family has been removed from the main family registry including her. Such a woman doesn't have the right to be the main wife of the Mu family anymore.

So, he heartlessly demoted her to be a second wife, which is only a little better than a mistress. When Li San-San heard the news of her demotion and her own families situation, it causes her to go into early labor.

Her stomach suddenly starts hurting, she's in so much pain that she is calling for help. But no one came to check on her, no one even called the midwife or even a doctor for her. She finally knew that Mu Huang has given up on her. But no matter what, this is still his child. He can't do this to his own child!

She picks herself up and tries to drag herself outside to look for Mu Huang but fell onto the floor right before she got to the door. Suddenly, the door opens and Kim Miu walks inside. Li San-San is glad to see her maid coming in, she immediately orders her to go get Mu Huang and a midwife. But Kim Miu didn't move at all, she just stood there and look at her.

"Ah….why... are you not moving, get water broke, ah.. the baby is coming. Go...go..get the Master now!" Li San-San had so much pain that she can't even speak in a full sentence.

Finally, Kim Miu speaks up. But what came out of her mouth sounds like the end of the world for her.

"There's no need to call for a midwife or the Master." Kim Miu said it in a calm and cruel voice."

" you mean?"

"Master doesn't want to come here to see you, you are just a second wife now. And Master said that there's no need for a midwife since your baby will die in your stomach before it's born."

" lying! That can't be true!"

"It's the truth, you see...Master didn't want this child so we took care of it together. You probably notice there are lesser movements in your belly lately. How about now, do you feel any movements at all? Hahaha!!!!" Kim Miu is actually happy to see this madam of her suffer, who told her to be so arrogant.

"YOU BITCH! I...won't...ah….mm...forgive you!" Li San-San screams as she bends down to hold her stomach. As she bends down to hold her stomach, she noticed blood on her pant. And the pain is too excruciating for her that she feels like she's about to pass out.

She can't let this child died, she can't! Even if she has to throw away her self esteem.

"Kim Miu,….begging you...ah...ah….Please….save...ah...this..child. you..ah...better...and ....will this."

"No need for you to treat me better since Master has been treating me very well. Oh, by the way, I'm not your maid anymore. Master has just taken me in as a Mistress. I'm leaving now, it reeks of strong blood scent here. I'll be back later with the others to take care of mess here." Kim Miu left the room without giving Li San-San another look.

Li San-San is in too much pain to move, she can't get up to go get help. Even if she did get up, no one will help her since this is the Mu residence. She just wants to pass out so she doesn't have to feel the pain anymore, but she can't. In her mind, she keeps thinking why Mu Huang would do this to her? Didn't he say that he loves her? He loves her so much that he is willing to kill Li Hei-Yi so that she can be his main wife.

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