Young Miss, Please Don't Run

20 Chapter 020 - I want 100k more Gold Coins

The annual martial art competition has finally ended! The result was extremely surprising! No one would have guessed that the once useless young miss of the Ba family has won.

"Now it's time to present the prize to this year's annual martial art competition's winner, "BA YUE!" said the competition committee member.

The crowd is hurrahing very loudly. Ba Yue is already on the stage waiting for her prize.

"This competition is sponsored by our emperor. Your majesty, please come on to the stage to award the prize to our winner."

The emperor got on to the stage, he has a big smile on his face and was waving his hand to greet his citizen. The emperor is in an extremely good mood right now. The winner is Ba Yue, his little seven's future wife. Not only is she beautiful, the only daughter of Ba family, she is also now the #1 ranking martial artist.

"Congratulation, Miss Ba!" The emperor congratulates Ba Yue as he handed over the 100k gold coin prize to her.

"Your majesty, I remember the prize is 100k gold coin plus the chance to work for the government, is that correct?"

"Miss Ba, that is correct, but you are a female and can't work for the government. Prior female winners usually take the cash only."

"But that is because the past prizes can only one or the other. This year, in addition to the gold coins, the winner can also have a chance to work for the government, so it means the winner can receive both."

"That is true, but only men can work for the government. If it was any other female contestant, I can offer them marriage to the royal family. But you are already engaged to the 7th prince."

"Then can I ask for a compensation for something else since I can't work for the government?"

The emperor is having a headache with Ba Yue, he didn't understand why she's so hard to deal with. Why can she just be happy with the 100k gold? But then he thought to himself since she's going be married to little seven in the future, why not just give in to her a little. Whatever she gets now will be his little seven's afterward.

After thinking it through, he finally gives in and asked her "so what do you want?"

"Well, in the prior competition, the prizes are either one thing or the other. So, it means both prizes have the same value. Since I'm receiving a 100K gold coin, I should receive something of the same value."

"Okay, which is?"

"I don't need any position or things. I just want another 100k gold coins, so it will be 200k coins total for my prize. I know your majesty won't care about that little money, right?" said Ba Yue with her nice big smile. She knows she's pushing it, but she really needs the money right now, and it doesn't hurt to try!

The emperor has agreed to give Ba Yue the additional 100k gold coin. He then said some ending speech and left the stage. As he was leaving the stage, he thought to himself that he must change the prize for next year's competition!

Ba Yue has received her prize and happily left the stage to go home with her family.

The masked man also got up to leave and told his men to take care of what he told them to do earlier.

Later that night, rumors of Ba Yue has once again spread throughout the country. It was said that the young miss of the Ba family is not only beautiful but also very strong. She has won the annual martial arts competition and became Fu Country's #1 ranking martial artist. Tons of good things were said about Ba Yue.

On the other hand, news of Li Mei Ting of the Li family was using a scummy cheap trick in the competition to win against other competitor has also be spread. Everybody is calling her shameless and an embarrassment to the Li family.

Just when everybody though no more rumor will come out that night, another big rumor came out. This time it's about the 2nd prince! It was said that he was accepting many bribes from a few government officials. Not only that but he also frequently goes to the brothel and often take women against there will.

The emperor and many government officials have gotten wind of this rumor. A few government officials that go against the 2nd prince had actually provided evidence to prove the rumor. When the emperor saw the amount of evidence against the 2nd prince, he was furious!

But due to the 2nd prince's mother is the emperor's current favorite concubine, he was punished very lightly. His punishment was being grounded at his mansion for 6 months.

Back at the Ba residence inside of Ba Yue's room. The rumors didn't reach Ba Yue yet and even if it did, she doesn't care about it. All she cares about is the gold coins in front of her!

After she came home with her family, she told them that she was tired and went straight back to her room. As soon as she reaches her room, she couldn't wait to take out her prize to look at it.

She's looking at the stack of gold coins happily in front of her. As she looks at the gold coins, she is planning on how to make use of the money she had now to make even more money as she did before.

When she was Li Hei Yi, still living at the Li residence. The money in the family belonged to the head of the household, which is her grandfather. As with any other families, their income source comes from doing business.

Her grandfather is not so good when it comes to doing business, but the Li family had lots of money that were passed down from the older generation. When her father became the vice head of the family, he made a few changes. Her father is very intelligent and was good with doing business. While her mother helps to manage the household.

With his intelligence with doing business and good household management from Li Hei Yi's mother, the Li family's wealth and property had grown a lot since the 3 years that her father was in the position of the vice head.

Her uncle doesn't understand the hard work her father had put in the family to make the Li family the way it is now. He only thinks that all the wealth is passed down from the old generation and he had a right to it. He didn't understand that if you don't put in the effort to make the money, the money that was passed down would eventually run dry one day.

When Li Hei Yi marries Mu Huang, she received a large sum of money and gifts as dowry from her parents. Her uncle was very unhappy about it and thought that his brother had no right to use the money from the Li Family without their father's permission for her daughter's dowry.

But Li Zong (Li Hei Yi's father) pointed out that he didn't use any of Li's family money. The dowry that was given to her daughter was the hard-earned money from his side business. Of course, her brother chose not to believe it even though he knows it's the truth.

After marrying into the Mu family, she had given half of her dowry to her husband to expand the Mu family. The Mu's family are not that well off even though they are one of the four big families. Mainly because they haven't been around that long and the past old master was sick and had to use lots of money for medicine and pills.

Li Hei Yi was an outstanding wife, not only did she managed the household well, but she also helps Mu Huang managed his business. She has learned a lot from her father when it comes to business. With only a few short years of marrying into the Mu family, the Mu family's business has expanded a lot and had become quite wealthy. Due to her capability, Mu Huang felt even more useless around her and starts to blame Li Hei Yi of his uselessness.

Li Hei Yi's dowry is all gone after Mu Huang had locked her up. All her precession belongs to him and all the hard work that she puts into the Mu family had only to pave way for others.

The next morning, when Ba Yue got to the dining room for breakfast. She saw a whole table full of her favorite dishes. Not only that, but the 7th prince is here again!

"What are doing here so early in the morning? asked Ba Yue as she picks up little red of Mok Lok Son's lap and then seated next to him. She then greets her father and brothers.

"I was training yesterday like you told me to. I wasn't unable to come to watch your matches but have heard from my imperial father that you have won. I wanted to come early in the morning to congratulate you and to celebrate it with you."

"Okay, and how do you "plan" to celebrate it with me? asked Ba Yue as she starts eating the food in front of her.

"I made a big breakfast for you and brothers to celebrate the win," says Lok Son as he watches Ba Yue takes her first bite of the food in front of her.

"WAIT! Did you make all this food? YOU!" Ba Yue pointed at the food and then points at Lok Son. Ba Yue's is in disbelief, not only her but everyone else in the room too when they first heard it.

"Yes, I told you before I can cook for you, so I made all the food here by myself. I woke up at 2 AM this morning and starts cooking. Is it good, do you like it?"

"Lok Son, your food is very good! You'll make one good househusband" says Ba Jing with a mouth full of food. Ba Zi also agrees with his brother by nodding his head and continue to focus on the delicious food in front of him.

"Yes, it's really good, Lok Son. But you don't have to personally cook for us. We have chefs here that can cook for us," said Ba Shao Ten as he also enjoys the food.

"The food is good alright, but I'm more curious how a prince like you are able to cook this good. Don't you have those palace chefs to cook for you?" Says Ba Yue as she puts some food on the plate to give it to little Red to eat.

Mok Lok Son looks down with a sad face and said, "As long as I have remembered, lots of people want to poison me. My mother protects me well, but after her death, no one else can protect me. Imperial father can't stay with me all the time. I have gotten poison a few times and barely escape with my life. Ever since then, I don't eat from the palace. I started to learn how to cook and have cooked for myself since.

Everybody stops eating and looked at Mok Lok Son, there was pities in their eyes. They kinda understand why people want to get rid of him, Lok Son is the emperor's favorite 7th prince. Lots of people are jealous of him and some even worries the emperor would make him the crown prince even through his mentality is of a child.

Ba Yue now feels bad for being mean to him before. She swears she'll be a lot nicer to him from now on.

"It's okay, let the past be the past. You can come here and eat with us all the time. Cheer up, okay." Says Ba Yue, as she patted Lok Son on his shoulder.

" I'm fine, don't worry about me. Eat up! otherwise, the food will be cold."

The people in the dining room continues eating, Mok Lok Son looked down and had a slight smile on his face. Nobody notices it except for little Red. Little Red thinks to himself, this family is so easy to trick. He then continues to eat the food on his plate.

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