Young Miss, Please Don't Run

10 Chapter 010 - The Emperor’s Arranged Marriage

The emperor and empress arrived soon after Ba Yue has seated. Everyone got up and got on their knees to greet the king. Since Ba Yue was all the way in the back by the wall, no one can see her. She didn't bother getting up to greet the emperor and empress.

With a wave of his hand, the emperor gave for the people to stand and go back to their seat. The emperor has a big smile on his face showing how happy he is today. He then goes to his seat where the golden dragon chair is with his empress who will sit next to him. There are also other concubines there, but only the empress is allowed to sit next to the emperor at the banquet.

Soon the banquet starts, there was dancers dancing and lots of yummy looking food and wine.

Ba Yue was not interested in the dances so she keeps stuffing her face with food. Even though she has a silk handkerchief wrapped around her face, she has no problem lifting it up a bit to put food inside her mouth. She's also not worried about being seen since she's all the way in the back and no one is paying any attention to her.

The madame and young miss usually have their entertainment circle and will hang out with each other. No one knows who that woman sitting in the back is. They just thought that she might be some relative of other families that have brought along.

After the dances were finished, it was the boring giving presents time to the emperor. The head of each family member and government officials will bring the presents up to the staff. The staff will record it in the book and says out loud who has given what presents.

The more expensive and rare the presents are, the more face and glory that family will receive. Sometimes they will get a thank you gift back from the emperor if he really liked the gift.

When that finishes, it's time for the main focus of the banquet and that's the talent show! All the young unmarried miss is waiting for this, they want to show off their talent in hopes of catching the eyes of the royalties or upper-class family.

The talent show is optional, so if any of the young miss that wants to show off (I mean to perform) can write down their names on the list and they will be called up in the order that was listed.

I remembered the two out of the four big beauties "according to others" were the best performers last year. Believe it or not, Li SanSan was one of the so call big beauties until recently because she has gotten married. The young miss that has replaced her spot as one of the four big beauties was Tang Wen Yi. I seriously think that the people that were chosen as the best performers were base on looks.

The only time that the old Ba Yue ever gets a smile from that bastard, was when he was receiving gifts from her. Due to that reason, the naive old Ba Yue went as far as stealing (ah...I mean borrowing) things from the treasure room to give to it Li Dong Man, hoping for a smile in return!

Usually, after the talent show, the emperor will see who's single and tries to arranged someone's marriage. It would be good for some and not so good for others. The way the emperor arranged someone's marriage is by looking at that person's background.

He will not choose 2 big families that are in good terms to have their children married each other because he's worried they will unite and go again him.

Oh well, it has nothing to do with me, thought Ba Yue. Everyone knows the young miss of the Ba family is a useless fatty. No ones want to marry her, so the emperor would not force others to marry her knowing that. Because he doesn't want to make enemies on the Groom's side.

That's also the reason why I'm not showing my face yet. I don't want anyone to have their eyes on me! But little did she knows, there's a person that already had his eyes on her!

"Everyone, thank you for coming to my birthday banquet tonight! Since most of the young miss and young masters are here today. I'm going to it an even happier night by arranging a few marriages for some of you. If there's any request, please speak up before I do the arrangement."

Even though he is saying that, but it really depends on the emperor if he wants to or not.

It was quiet in the banquet room, no one dared to speak up and go first. Finally, a few young masters decided to speak up and have asked the emperor to arrange marriages for them. Two young masters have gotten the approval and one has not. And the reason for the one that got declined was because the emperor has someone else in mind for him.

That someone else was the 5th princess. It turns out the 5th princess has like that young master for a while so she has asked her imperial father to arrange the marriage for. Compare to the happiness of her own daughter to someone, of course, he will choose his daughter.

That young master was devastated but was unable to have the emperor change his mind.

Finally, just when everyone thinks the arranged marriage is over. The emperor suddenly asked, "Master Ba, I heard your daughter has just come of age." (note: 16 years old is considered coming of age)

Everyone was surprised when the emperor suddenly mentions Ba Yue. Especially Ba Yue herself! She was just thinking about how to show herself before the banquet ends. Think no more, because the emperor has just caused all the attention to fall on her.

"Yes, your majesty. My daughter Ba Yue has just turned 16 years old not too long ago." Even thought Ba Shao Ten is surprised why the emperor would ask about his daughter, he still replies honestly.

"Master Ba, I want to arrange a marriage for your daughter, what do you think?" Said the emperor.

Immediately, all the unmarried young master, including the princes' panics! They don't want to marry Ba Yue!

The young masters that have requested the marriages were so glad they did, otherwise, they will risk having a chance to marry Ba Yue, the one everyone calls the useless fatty! Whoever marries her will bring embarrassment to their family.

Li Dong Man is sweatdropping and having cold sweat right now. Everyone knows Ba Yue likes him, what if the emperor tries to arrange for her to marry him? Shit, I should have requested to marry Tang Wen Yi earlier, though Li Dong Man.

No one can guess what the emperor is thinking and does not dare to try.

On the hand, the emperor won't make an arranged marriage for Ba Yue to other young Masters because she didn't want to make enemies with the groom and his family, but that doesn't mean he can arrange marriage for Ba Yue to marriage one of his own sons.

Even though, Ba Yue has lots of rumors and is not beautiful and has no talent at all. She has the whole Ba Family behind her since she's the only daughter! Master Ba and his sons are strong martial artist and element users, it would be great if he could get them to be on his side!

Of course, his sons don't want to marry Ba Yue. But I'm their imperial father and the emperor of this country, they cannot go against my wishes! All they have to do is just marry her and give her the title of wangfei (means Princess). They could then marry whoever else they want in the future!

Men in this world can have many wives, especially if they are powerful and have a strong influential family background. As a prince, of course, they are allowed to marry many wives, too.

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