Young Commander’s Supernatural Sweetheart

Chapter 390: The third team fell

On this day, after class, Mu Qingxin walked to the dormitory. She didn't use the breeze step. Now she has practiced Echo Jue to the last level. Because there is no class in the second period, she wants to walk back to the dormitory slowly. Suddenly, Mu Qingxin keenly perceives the surrounding gazes, and when she looks up, she sees the pity and worry flashing in her eyes from the surrounding students...

Pity and worry? Why are you looking at yourself with this look? Does she need mercy and worry? Mu Qing was suspicious... looked around in confusion, and the students quickly shifted their gazes after touching Mu Qingxin's gaze.

Along the way, Mu Qingxin noticed that after everyone saw her, they all showed pity at the same time. Mu Qing suddenly felt uneasy and felt a little uncomfortable. Did something happen?

"Classmates, please wait!" Mu Qingxin called to a student in front of her.

Unexpectedly, the student said quickly, "I'm going to be late for class, I'm going to class!" After that, he ran away quickly.

"..." Mu Qing had more doubts in her heart. She stood there, her mental energy scattered and enveloped the entire academy, and then she heard various voices reaching her ears.

Among the many voices, she keenly heard her name, and a touch of mental energy immediately wandered over, and she saw a group of students gathered around a classroom and said something.

"When is this? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"It seems to have happened this morning..."

"No, it happened last night, I found out this morning, but it's over!"

"Oh my God, how could such a thing happen? The Zerg is so hateful that they have begun to attack us so openly!"

"Oh, it's a pity that everyone in Team 3 didn't even survive..."

"What about Commander Mu?"

"It seems to have sacrificed too..."

"Ah? Does Mu Qingxin know?"

"I do not know……"

"It's so pitiful, if Mu Qingxin knew about it, she must be very sad..."

... Mu Qing stood there stiffly, listening to the group of students, watching the class bell ring, they stopped talking and immediately sat down.

The voice of the discussion ceased. There were only threes and threes walking on the road in the college. Mu Qingxin stood stiffly on the spot, her eyes blank, everything seemed to be static, and her mind was constantly circulating. Commander Mu sacrificed...", "It's so pitiful!", "Does Mu Qingxin know?", "No one in the third team survived..."...

" is...April Fools' Day? Hehe, did they all cheat me..." Mu Qingxin smiled on her face and said softly, with a voice in her heart, forcing herself not to ask, don't watch, don't Say...that's all fake, fake! Dad is coming to Capital Star tomorrow. I was still videoing with him at noon yesterday. Everything is fine, how could! ! !

Above the planet m101, the Nether team's ships stopped sailing in a messy starry sky.

Qin Jiyou stood in the battleship, patrolling everything outside with a calm face. At this moment, there were the wreckage of the ship, various parts of the battleship, and the mecha that was still on fire. The shells of artillery were everywhere. Some corpses...

"Count the number of people. After the corpses are counted, report it up and clean the battlefield. Has Commander Mu found it?" Qin Jiyou had returned to the ship at this time and asked Ling Xuan on the side.

Ling Xuan also calmed his face, his face was full of sorrow, and he said in a deep voice, "I didn't find it, even the corpse...not even the corpse. Hearing from the monitoring army on the planet m101, it seems that in the last time, some people died with the Zerg. I know if it is Commander Mu..." Ling Xuan did not continue to say the following, but Qin Jiyou knew the meaning.

Suddenly, Qin Jiyou saw that there was another battleship searching among the wreckage outside, "Who is that?"

Ling Xuan looked outside, "It should be Yu Xiu and Qixi..."

Thinking of the relationship between them and Mu Fengnian, Qin Jiyou didn’t say anything. Regarding the terrible situation of Team 3, Qin Jiyou has been enduring the tragedy of the third team. What makes him most distressed is that he doesn’t know what will happen to the girl after she learns about it. So... Qin Jiyou didn't dare to think about it, but he was afraid that the girl would not be able to stand it after she learned about it from others. He walked to the corner alone, thought for a while, turned on the light brain and contacted Mu Qingxin.


Mu Qingxin was walking aimlessly in the academy at this time. She didn't know where she was at this time. Hearing the voice of Guangnao, she stopped blankly, looked at the strange surrounding, no one, bowed her head. Looking at Guangnao again, it was sent by Qin Jiyou. Mu Qingxin was hesitant to pick it up. She was a little scared at this moment. She was afraid to hear Qin Jiyou's sudden call to tell her something bad. Don't listen...

Guangnao rang again and again, Qin Jiyou's heart speeded up with the voice of Guangnao, and he was very worried, for fear that Mu Qingxin already knew what to do.

Mu Qingxin never received Qin Jiyou’s communication. Looking at Guangnao, she wanted to click on her hand but she was hesitant to click on it. In the end she clicked on it and went on the star network to search for what happened this morning, but she I have seen today's headlines without searching. The Star Network is full of news that the third team has died.

Mu Qing stared blankly at the above message, one of which said, "The third team commander Mu Fengnian and the Zerg have died together, and they are living together...", tears fell without warning, and then she saw Dongfang Linghe With the messages of condolences sent by Shui Huanlan and others, Mu Qing lowered her head and looked at one by one...


Suddenly, Qin Jiyou's image appeared in front of Mu Qingxin's eyes. Mu Qingxin blinked the tears in her eyes and looked at the image above blankly, not knowing whether it was true or false.

"Heart..." Qin Jiyou saw Mu Qing's heart crying, and her heart flicked together, her eyes flashed with distress, "Hey, don't cry, I'm here, don't worry, I will definitely find Commander Mu Official!"

Hearing this, Mu Qingxin was stunned. It turned out that Qin Jiyou was really talking to her. After listening to Qin Jiyou's words, Mu Qingxin's tears flowed down again. After holding back for a long time, she finally seemed to find a catharsis. All of a sudden collapse and vent.

"You..., tell me that it is fake! My dad is going to Capital Star tomorrow, and he told me yesterday that he brought me a gift, and all the rumors on Starnet are fake, right?" Mu Qingxin looked at Qin Jiyou longingly, hoping to hear the answer she expected from him.

Qin Jiyou looked at Mu Qingxin distressedly, and said softly, "Heart..., you have to be strong."

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