You Have Science, I Have Magic

Vol 2 Chapter 237: 3 beauties, martial arts level! (W word)

This matter is the big goblin's decision, she has the final say.

For Xiaohong and others, strictly speaking, he is just an outsider. If he speaks or persuades him, he will inevitably be a little overstepped.

In that case, why bother to speak?


"There are no outsiders now."

After breakfast, the big goblin stretched and walked in front. Sun Xiaowan supported Zhu Yaya and walked at the end. Lin Bin wanted them to go ahead, but they refused.

At this moment, the big goblin stepped on the slippers and said, "My nephew, what are your plans next? Buy a series of strengthening fluids as soon as possible to help you become stronger?"

"With your current wealth, Tier 8 and 9 are no problem, and even if the genes you need to incorporate are not too rare, Tier 10 is not impossible."

After the third stage, the fourth stage starts, and the price of the strengthening fluid is not fixed.

Because they are all custom-made, since they are custom-made, there are naturally many differences in prices. The most intuitive thing is the value of materials.

For example, a gene of an ordinary ant, or a gene of the ‘super ant’ void beast that can only travel in the starry sky...

How can this be compared?

Or a little snake gene or a ‘western dragon’ gene.

Naturally it is different.


Lin Bin frowned slightly: "I haven't thought about it carefully, and I have a question now!"

Back in the room, Sun Xiaowan ran to pour water, but Lin Bin and the big goblin did not avoid their eyes and ears. Lin Bin pondered: "You said before that the genes of the three creatures have been incorporated?"


The big goblin nodded: "Besides, because it was too poor before, the customized products are considered to be small workshop enhancement fluids. They are all for Tier 4 and Tier 5, which directly leads to no problem even with Tier 6 enhancement fluid, but my genes are a bit unstable. Going to fight, there is a possibility of genetic collapse."

"It costs a lot to solve it."

Zhu Yaya said from the side: "Because of this, the boss is still Tier 6 now, otherwise she should be Tier 7."


Lin Bin nodded lightly: "Understood."

"But what I want to say is actually not the problem."

Lin Bin is naturally worried about the fact that the big goblin still hides this kind of "sequelae", but what he wants to say now is really not this.

While keeping this in mind, Lin Bin said: "In fact, there is another problem, haven't you noticed it? You are also a member of the national martial arts school, and you have even developed your internal strength."

"But, you don't have Dantian?"

"In other words, your Dantian, unlike our ordinary warriors, cannot store internal strength."

"For these two days, I have been wondering what the problem is?"

He pondered, "Will it be possible to integrate part of the genes of other organisms with you, leading to changes in your own genes, and even the cause of changes in certain meridians and acupuncture points in your body?"


The big goblin was shocked, and immediately reacted: "You mean..."

"It's really possible!"

She pondered slightly and said, "I don't know how other people practice the exercises, but when I practiced, I found that it was indeed different."

"Like meridians."

"It always feels different."

"I'm free now, let me take a look for you." Lin Bin suggested.

Is strengthening fluid a good thing?


But my own path is national martial arts, or ‘martial arts’!

Just one word, Wu!

How do you get to martial arts? practice!

Of course, I have gold fingers, so I can relax, but in the final analysis, to myself, martial arts is the fundamental.

Although the strengthening fluid is good, if the injection of these strengthening fluids will cause changes in your body, which will have some strange and even negative effects on the martial arts, then the gain will not be worth the loss.

I would rather not inject those fortifying liquids than these changes can happen!

Because of this, Lin Bin is not so eager for the strengthening fluid.

Can't figure it out!

"Then you can help me see it."

The big goblin touched his chin: "Do you want to undress?"


Lin Bin was speechless, but he was used to the quirky style of the big goblin. He didn't talk too much nonsense. He directly pulled her wrist and drank, "Be calm and feel carefully."

In the next moment, his internal strength gushes into the body of the big goblin.

About two minutes later, Lin Bin opened his eyes, but frowned tightly.

"How do you feel?!" The big goblin was a little curious.

"not so good."

Lin Bin shook his head: "Your meridians do have some changes, and even one main channel has undergone tremendous changes. Although I don't understand the reason for this for the time being, this is indeed the reason why your Dantian cannot store internal strength."

"If it can be proved, this is because the injection of the fortifying liquid contains other biological genes..."

He sighed slightly: "Then I don't need to inject these strengthening liquids."

"It's easy."

The big goblin pointed to Sun Xiaowan who came back from the water: "You can feel whether their meridians have the same problem as mine."


"You really shouldn't be injected. With the level of reinforcement of the third-level enhancer, you can beat the eighth-level enhancer into a dog. In contrast, martial arts are more important."

"Then let me see?"

Lin Bin stretched out his hand, and Sun Xiaowan naturally wouldn't refuse.

Soon, the results came out.

Her meridians have also changed, and are different from the big goblin, because the selected genes of the strengthening fluid she injected are also different.

Finally, Zhu Yaya.

The result is still the same.

"At the moment, it looks the same as I guessed."

He shook his head lightly: "So, these strengthening liquids, I don't use them anymore."

"Various exercises and martial arts, even if there are subtle changes in the meridians or physical body, they may not be able to be corrected. It is impossible for me to give up martial arts and pursue the strengthening stage."


The big goblin nodded: "And you really shouldn't do that."

"It's simple, you can choose to inject basic strengthening fluid, which is relatively cheaper, but the effect is not good."

"The fourth to tenth steps are just basic strengthening liquid. Without adding any genes, each step can only increase your physique by about twice."

"How is your strength now?"

"The ultimate strength of a single punch is about 10,000 kilograms."

"So high? Not bad!"

"I'll do the math. One becomes two, two becomes four, and then eight, sixteen, thirty-two, sixty-four, one hundred and twenty-eight, one hundred and twenty-eight thousand kilograms."

"Not bad too."

Thousand tons of extreme punching power.

It sounds fierce, but if you compete with other Tier 10 enhancers for strength, it is definitely the bottom, and it is one hundred and eight thousand miles away from the penultimate.

Because it does not increase the enhancement liquid of other biological genes, it is just the basis! ! !

In other words, the human body has limits.

The first three levels are still far from the limit, which can naturally be greatly improved, but starting from the fourth level, it is getting harder and harder to break the limit.

It's not bad to be able to maintain a two-fold increase.

That's why it chooses to incorporate other biological genes to obtain the characteristics of other organisms, so that the injection can become stronger.

Strengthening fluid is a strong direction to increase physical fitness.

But it can be further strengthened by adding genetic enhancements such as beetles!

Increase the speed through some faster biological genes...

If Lin Bin only buys the basic strengthening liquid, he will undoubtedly suffer a lot, but in terms of his body, he must be the bottom one among the world's strengtheners!

However, he doesn't rely on intensive food to eat~

What's more, when Wu has learned a certain level, his physical fitness will also improve.

So Lin Bin smiled lightly: "It's okay."

"This kind of strengthening is still considerable."

"Currently, the horizontal training skills I master are not so strong."

"Of course it's impressive!"

"The most important thing is that with your current wealth, you can really afford it. If you only use the basic attribute enhancement liquid, you can still buy big-name ones, which is guaranteed."

"But after you bought it, you went back to the pre-liberation period."

"Wait a minute."

Lin Bin thought for a while, but decided not to make a decision so quickly.

"Anyway, we will not leave the City of Thousand Stars at the moment. According to your aunt, the City of Thousand Stars is generally safe."

"In this case, it's better to wait and see."

"Will the money be kept for other uses after the decision?"

"Yes, then keep it for you first."

"By the way, I will apply for a bank card later so that you can transfer the money to me."

"Wow! You have no conscience. You used to be called Xiaotiantian when you were in the first month of the month. Now that the newcomer is better than the old, you call him Mrs. Niu, want to get the money back?"



Just when Gou Jianqiang woke up, he saw this scene and heard these words.

Brains are buzzing!

Yes, the big goblin is sick again.

Lin Bin shrugged helplessly.


For the next period of time, Lin Bin was relatively leisurely.

Eat well, drink well, and live well.

Practice boxing every morning and evening, other times do you want to do exercises, or stroll around the city of a thousand stars, see the customs and customs of different regions, and open your eyes.

This is really an eye-opener.

The City of Thousand Stars, the absolute center of the entire alliance, with tens of thousands of intelligent races, thousands of planets with completely different styles and customs...

Almost dazzled Lin Bin.

However, this is not his leisurely play, but rather waiting for Zhu Yaya to be cured.

Using her cells to cultivate a leg, connect it again, and then fully return to normal. This process, even if you spend money, takes about a month.

Now that they have formed a team, Lin Bin can't leave them alone, right?

What's more, he knows too little about the alliance, the universe, and many intelligent races. It is good for him to be more knowledgeable and eye-opening.

However, at the same time, Lin Bin was not really idle. Under the strong request of the two of them, Lin Bin accepted them as disciples and taught them the martial arts.

The physical fitness of the fifth-level strengthener is naturally sufficient, but due to the changes in the meridians, it will be far more difficult for them to practice internal strength than normal people.

Unless they can overcome the problem of meridian worship changes and modify the exercises to suit them.

Until this day, Wu Nianzu suddenly called.


Lin Bin connected boxing while practicing, "What's the matter?"

"Something did happen."

Among the military powerhouses, Wu Nianzu looked weird and took the phone and said, "What did you do? The people in the Western countries are crazy."

"Our spies vaguely found out that it seems that all of their level 7 or higher enhancers in the Western country have all died in contact, and even their spaceships have no signal."

"Even the level five and six enhancers have only two or three big cats and kittens left."

"Did you do it?"

"Why doubt me?" Lin Bin was curious.

"Because people in Western countries are checking you, including your parents and apprentices." Wu Nianzu muttered, "But we blocked them all."

"It stands to reason that if it has nothing to do with you, they will not target you."

Wu Nianzu suddenly changed his words: "Hey, I really didn't expect that the Western countries could become so crazy, but considering this kind of blow, I can understand their approach."

"But, have you only been away for a few days? How did you do it?"

"What is it that I only left for a few days, how did I do it?" Lin Bin said hey, "You can eat anything, but you can't talk nonsense."

"Without proof, don't wrong the good guys."

"Good guy."

Wu Nianzu laughed strangely: "Let's put it this way, you should always have some news in the universe. Do you think they can come back?"

"This universe is still very dangerous."

Lin Bin sighed: "All kinds of dangers, natural and man-made disasters, one after another, and a little carelessness will make people die and the lights will go out."

"I see, they hang up~"

"I think so."

"Okay, you develop yourself outside, don't worry at home, if our people are watching, none of them can move."

"Okay, please."


hang up the phone.

Wu Nianzu smiled mysteriously and looked at Zheng Shan and Zhang Guowei beside him.

"Hey, this kid." Zhang Guowei grinned: "I said he is a good monkey? He is a little fox, can he admit it?"

"It wasn't he who did it!" Zheng Shan's expression was as usual, but his eyes were full of satisfaction.


Wu Nianzu nodded: "But those guys in the Western countries are crazy, but they are also a little troublesome. It seems that only too much has been given to them over the years, and they have somewhat forgotten our mission."

"Teach them a lesson."

"It doesn't need to be much, but it makes them hurt!"

The coldness in Wu Nianzu's eyes flashed by.

In the past few days, the Western countries have been a little crazy, and even frantically instigated those small countries to bark near the ancient eastern countries.

This matter...

Never finished!


time flies.

Soon, more than half a month passed, and it was the day when the unrestricted fighting martial arts hall was "harvested". From martial arts classes in schools across the country and the "Great Martial Arts", suitable seedlings were selected and collected in various branches...

Since I have already experienced it once before, and the path has already been determined, I only need to proceed step by step.

Gan Zhi's ability in co-ordination and other aspects was naturally even worse.

The whole thing was in order, without any problems.

Lin Bin remembered it even after the matter was over.

"It was done for the first time. Strictly follow your previous requirements and standards. It would be better to avoid abuse, but even so, this time, we have recruited 2,700 disciples."

Gan Zhi emphasized: "The main reason is that many of the people who were censored last time are ‘working hard’, so the number of people has increased a bit more than the last time."

"The last time I was brushed off, it was not that they were not talented enough, but that they didn't work hard."

"Once you work hard, the result will be different."

"It turned out to be so."

Lin Bin suddenly said, "Thanks for your hard work."


"A man's mouth, a deceitful ghost, what's the use of just saying hard work?" Gan Zhi snorted coldly, "Hang up!"

"Talk about things again!"


Listening to the busy tone from the mobile phone, Lin Bin also smiled.

"The character of this big sister under my sect is still so popular."

"But... 2,700."

"This is a coincidence."

"It just so happens that I have been free recently, plus some remaining disciples from the last time, I even made up three spots~!"

"Good guy!"

"Three positions, good news."

Looking at the number of times members can be invited: 3, Lin Bin couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

"It's finally here again, so who will it be this time?"

"Start the invitation!"


"Ding: New group members are being invited randomly, please wait."

"Ding: New group members are invited randomly..."


The world of "New Crane Needle".

On the boat upstairs, Lan Xiaodie fiddled with the strings of the pipa, his expression indifferent, but there was a deep hatred flashing in his eyes.

she is pretty.

But he was carrying a terrible hatred.

At the beginning, he was only in the infancy, between life and death, his father Lan Haiping clearly had a chance to save people, but he saved the princess, not himself.

Since then, they have never appeared in front of the two of them.

This difference has been more than 20 years.

Therefore, the mother died in depression and hatred.

And Lan Xiaodie also keeps this hatred in her heart, and does not want revenge all the time. At this moment, she already knows that Lan Haiping has an apprentice named Bai Yunfei!

The seemingly calm face, in fact, has already caused waves in his heart.


To kill Bai Yunfei!

"Bai Yunfei, Lan Haiping."

"You all deserve to die!"

Lan Xiaodie murmured in his heart, and the hands that fiddled with the pipa strings were a little messy.

The look in his eyes drifted along with it.

"Perhaps, this so-called martial arts conference is an opportunity, and Bai Yunfei will appear here with a high probability. If I seize the opportunity..."

But at this moment, a strange voice suddenly sounded in her mind.

"Ding: Congratulations, join the Guoshu chat group."


Lan Xiaodie's beautiful face trembled: "Who?!"


She whispered, and the sound wave power was almost random, shaking all directions in an instant, the whole ship was shaking, and even the river around the ship was bursting frantically, like multiple torpedoes exploding one after another.


Many subordinates also gathered for the first time, one! ?

Everyone was stunned.

Lan Xiaodie was shocked, he pondered for a moment, and waved his hand: "The thief has gone, retreat."


The world of "Datang Shuanglong Biography".

Hou Hou is cultivating in the Yinkui Sect, but it has also been heard that Cihang Jingzhai has produced a saint female teacher concubine Xuan, who is sung by the world, so he has already thought of fighting against it.

However, her Heavenly Demon Dafa still needs some time to cultivate to the highest realm.

At the same time, Shi Feixuan's situation was not much different.

The two are righteous and evil, opposing each other.

It's just that the gears of destiny haven't started to turn at this moment, and Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling have not yet "out of the mountain". They are still punks in the village. Therefore, the two of them have not really started confronting each other.

However, he has already heard of the other party's name.

This is the moment.

The two women were both at the crucial moment of practicing qigong, but suddenly, in their minds, they thought of a peculiar voice.

"Ding: Congratulations, join the Guoshu chat group."


Inside the Yinkui faction, Houhou's expression changed drastically: "No!"

"Why is there such a strange noise suddenly in my mind? Could it be that my heart was not calm when I was cultivating Heavenly Demon Dafa, and something went wrong."


She didn't dare to be careless, so she hugged Yuan Shouichi, concentrated her mind, and practiced seriously again.


"This is?"

Shi Feixuan is clear and beautiful, but her face is also uncertain at the moment.

"Why is there such a voice in my head?"

"Could it be... the heart demon?"

"No, I need to calm down and expel the demons!"

She didn't dare to be careless, and she immediately turned her heart to the sky, carefully examined her heart, and removed the ‘magic barrier’ in her heart...but she didn’t know that this was not a demon.


"Ding: The invitation was successful!"

"Lan Xiaodie, Houhou and Shi Feixuan joined the chat group."

On Lin Bin's side, the prompt sounded.

He was taken aback at the time, and then, the whole person was dumbfounded, and then he was ecstatic, and he almost couldn't help laughing a few times!

"Three sisters!"

"And... it turned out to be them?!"

How can Lin Bin not watch these ‘classic’ martial arts TV series or movies? I have even read the original! It can be seen only from their ‘heads’.

Lan Xiaodie is a character in the movie "New Crane and Needle".

But Hou Hun and Shi Feixuan are both from the drama version of "The Legend of Double Dragon of the Tang Dynasty."

That's right!

These two people come from the same world, and they are still the sisters of the ‘rival’, the ‘rival in love’, or even the ‘love and killing’~!

Of course, this is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that the martial arts level of these two worlds is much higher than that of Tianlong Babu!


It's a lot higher than the level shown in "Kung Fu"!

"If I remember correctly!"

Lin Bin fell into recollection: "The most amazing thing in "New Crane Needle" is the various sound wave techniques, Bai Yunfei and her master Lan Haiping's flute, Lan Xiaodie's pipa, and even Cao Xiong at the end. Reasonable President Joe..."

"They are all amazing."

"Not only that, there are also great opportunities such as the Guiyuan Cheats, and top martial arts such as the Five Elements Mizongbu, the opportunity of the former host of Dajue Temple, and the thousand-year tortoise..."

"This is a great opportunity!"

"And in terms of martial arts level, the sky thunder rolls at every turn!"

"Even just half of the Guiyuan Cheats can bring Lan Haiping back to life, and the crane!"

"If the Xiaoyao faction goes one step further, it is a low-end version of immortal cultivation, then "New Crane Needle" is basically a low-end immortal cultivation..."

"It can be said that we have truly entered the realm of martial arts from'wuxia'!"

"And this lady Lan Xiaodie is also very beautiful, and she dares to love and hate, and she can even say what you left in my body. I have already managed to force such words..."

"Ahem, the strange woman, the proper strange woman!"

Thinking of this, Lin Bin's face suddenly became a little hot.

No way, Lan Xiaodie is really beautiful, the key is, cough cough!

Immediately, his eyes moved to the heads of Hou Hun and Shi Feixuan.

"As for them..."

"In other words, in the world of Datang Shuanglong Biography, it has completely stepped into the realm of'Martial Arts' and completely transcended the'Martial Arts'."

"The Great Tang of Magic Reform..."

There are too many top martial arts in the setting of Datang Shuanglong Legend.

Four great books such as "The God of War Catalog", "Eternal Life Jue", "Cihang Sword Code", and "Tian Mo Strategy": Immortal Seal Technique, Yi Jianshu, Jianxin Brightness, Sanshou Bapu, Yanyang Qi Gong, and Tianma Swordsmanship, Day-changing Dafa, Imperial Examination of the Source of All Laws, Zhijing, Black Hand Magic...

Which one is not the famous top martial arts?

Which one is not at the ‘Budo’ level? Although he was only a newcomer to Martial Arts, he truly transcended martial arts.

To put it another way, these exercises and martial arts are all great opportunities for Lin Bin and others!

Not only that!

There are also top opportunities in the evil emperor's relic~~~

If you can win these opportunities, isn't it cool?

However, it is quite difficult!

"With the current strength of me and the group members, it is estimated that the odds of winning are not high. At most, I stand at the peak of martial arts and enter the position of martial arts for the first time."

"The members of the group are basically at the peak of martial arts."

"And in the world of Datang Shuanglong Legend, there are a large group of martial arts-level bigwigs."

Lin Bin's eyes were burning.

Although the pressure is great, I am not afraid, but very excited.


He hadn't encountered a real opponent in martial arts for a long time, and he had encountered the strongest sweeping monk before, and he was not the enemy of his all-out punch.

However, there are definitely many opponents in "The New Crane Needle" and "The Legend of Double Dragon of the Tang Dynasty", and he may not even be a dead opponent.

How can we not be excited with such an opponent? !

As for the division of ‘wuxia’ and ‘wudao’ levels, Lin Bin figured it out by himself.

Everyone has heard of martial arts, the great man serving the country and the people, but at the same time, it can also be interpreted from another direction, that is, the direction of strength.

And martial arts is truly entering the level of ‘Tao’.

Obviously a big level higher than martial arts!

For example, compare "Ba Bu of Heavenly Dragon" and "Biography of Double Dragon of the Tang Dynasty".

The most exciting world of martial arts written by Mr. Jin Yong has a lot of top martial arts, but it is still in the category of ‘wuxia’.

But what about Datang Shuanglong Biography?

All kinds of martial arts are really awesome.

Take "The God of War Atlas" as an example. In the setting, the God of War Atlas is the supreme martial arts metaphysics of Taoism from the ancient times. The author is unknown and it is hidden in the underground war temple.

The "God of War Illustrated Records" depicted in is carved in the Temple of the Gods of War. The surrounding environment of the Temple of the Gods of War is a world of its own, guarded by dragons, and strange flowers and plants that are not available in the outside world. , The Temple of War can move on its own, thereby changing its position, until someone with a chance appears.

Look, what is this?

Isn’t this special girl similar to the small world in the setting of a cultivator?

However, in ancient times, Guang Chengzi came to the Temple of War at a certain time and understood the mystery of the universe. After returning to the ground, he passed this knowledge to the world through the Yellow Emperor and wrote the "Eternal Life Formula" in oracle bone inscriptions. Then sneak back to the Temple of War and enter the extraordinary realm of broken steel.

During the Western Han Dynasty, Xie Tiao, the first generation of evil emperor who created the Dao Heart Kind of Demons Dafa, has a record about the "War God Illustrated Records" in the "Devil Dao Caprice", saying that this book has a mysterious origin and surpasses ordinary martial arts. , There are forty-nine styles, the last one is Shattered Void, which touches the secrets of heaven and earth.

This is the origin of "The God of War Catalog".

Empress Wu Zhao’s guess: Xie Tiao came from an ancient tomb that belonged to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. Seeing the description of "The God of War Catalogue", it was possible to get a glimpse of the secrets of the catalogue, and thus created the "Tao Heart Planting Demons Dafa".

The Demon Immortal in the last chapter of Dafa, just like the Evil Emperor's comment to Yutian, is equivalent to Shattered Void.

Dini, the ancestor of Cihang Jingzhai, knew the secret of Broken Void because of the fate of reading "The Caprice of the Devil's Path", and the "Cihang Sword Classic" had a great chance of being affected by the broken Void. The fairy fetus species go to extremes, and the source is the same.

"The God of War Catalog" and its ultimate move, Shattering the Void, are handed down like this.

Even Wu Zhao speculated that "Eternal Life Formula", "Tao Heart Kind of Demon Dafa", and even "Cihang Sword Classic" all originated from "The God of War Catalog", and I am afraid that it is not far away.

The four great books are of the same origin but different.

Not to mention anything else, it's just the catalog of the God of War...

Isn't the threshold of'Using martial arts to enter the Tao' enough? Absolutely enough!

That's why Lin Bin suddenly had the idea of ​​‘Martial Arts Grade’.

Because this is really a way of entering the Tao with martial arts.

Although it may not be too advanced in the martial arts level, it definitely has stepped into this realm.

"I have a hunch."

"If we can take advantage of the various opportunities in the world of "The Legend of Double Dragon", no, it should be said that as long as the Temple of War can be found, I and all the members of the group will be reborn!"

"As for the two of them..."

Lin Bin's eyes flashed with a strange brilliance.

Hou Hun, Shi Fei Xuan...

These two people are rare strange women!

How deep is the courtyard? Willow piles of smoke, there are no multiple curtains.

The Yule Carving Saddle Youye is not as high as Zhangtai Road.

The rain crosses the wind and the wind is violent.

With tears in her eyes, Hua Hua was silent, and she flew over the swing in chaotic red.

This poem is perfect to describe Houhou.

What is hard to let go of is the spring rain with a beautiful face, and what is hard to pass away is the love and hate of you for a lifetime, a bright red lip print, whether it is a bright color, the love of the future or the twilight will not change.

If Shi Feixuan is a flying fairy who came into the world from dust, if Shi Qingxuan is a clear water beauty who is beloved by creation, then Houhou is a fairy with light makeup and bright lip gloss. When the black pupil appeared with long hair, it made people scared and couldn't help but feel distressed. It made people want to hug gently in his arms, but what he hugged in his arms was the sweet smile and the scent of the breath. .

The heavy snow in Chang'an fell again and again, covering the stone path of the Leaping Horse Bridge, covering the spring in front of Xiaoxuan, buried the door of the wooden house by the village, and covered the footprints of the Chang'an restaurant.

But the faint demeanor on the stone path, the long ago of Xiaoxuan, the warmth inside the wooden house for a while, and the flowers outside the restaurant, like the flowers of the Yiren, can erase one or two of them even though the heavy snow every year.

In Chang'an ten years later, the heavy snow was falling. As she waved her jade hand softly to say goodbye, the Dream of Tang finally came to an end.

This enchanting beauty that has brought so many winds and rains in the Tang Dynasty, is as stunning and beautiful as the spirit of the devil. The graceful and graceful posture when the devil danced that day has made countless readers feel extremely amazing, and the unscrupulous true feelings and puppets The ever-appearing pear blossoms with rain has also left a deep impression in people's hearts, but what really touches the heartstrings is the dim glimpse of the back in the flying snowflakes.

How many unreasonable disputes of grievances and grievances drifted with the breeze of the jade arm, and how many endless loves and hatreds were hidden in my heart and became poignant memories.

In contrast, Shi Feixuan is another style.

Speaking of the teacher fairy, I can't help but think of a poem by Li Shangyin: "The mica screen has a deep candle shadow, and the river gradually falls and the sun sinks. Chang'e should regret stealing the elixir.

The woman who asks the immortal is destined to be company with loneliness for life.

Since I want to be a fairy, I am destined to be unable to grow old with my lover in this life.

Just like the lonely Fairy Chang'e in the Guanghan Palace lay down his beloved, singing and dancing in the sky.

Looking back on the Luoshui Bridge back then, the bright moon in the sky was also pale.

The three boys who didn't know the height of the sky were also dumbfounded.

Xu Ziling, who was so arrogant and regarded the beauty of the world like nothing, fell headlong at the feet of the fairy. From then on, the world was troubled, and grievances were entangled.

Treat all experiences as cultivation, and love can also be used for cultivation. After investigating the relationship, it will reach Jianxin transparency.

Huang Yidu personally said that in his heart, Shi Fei Xuan was the reappearance of Luoshen.

Can imagine its style and appearance.

And most importantly, what the two of them possess is more than just their looks, their strength is equally amazing!

Hou Hou practice, Heavenly Demon Dafa, know Heavenly Demon Sound, Heavenly Demon Wall, Heavenly Demon Clone, Heavenly Demon Wonderful Dance, and Heart-searching Swordsmanship.

With the double cut of the heavenly demon and the ribbon of the heavenly demon, they are very powerful in long-range attacks and close combat. They are extremely lethal, and they are not afraid of group attacks at all.

Moreover, since the first ancestor of the Yingui School, she is the only one who has practiced the Heavenly Demon Dafa to the eighteenth level!

No need to talk about its talent.

Shi Feixuan and Houhou face each other.

Just a sharp sword heart is enough to explain everything.

Talent and strength are enough to shock the world, in time, he is definitely a grandmaster-level figure, even surpassing a grandmaster!

"But what I didn't expect was..."

Lin Bin touched his chin and smiled: "I thought before, would it be a coincidence that two people from the same world would be invited into the group, but I didn't expect to come so quickly."

"Furthermore, it was the two of them who were so coincidental."

"Dog system, why do I think that you are not random at all? You are totally trying to do something!"

"Both of them have joined the group. If nothing happens or something comes out, I don't believe it."

He muttered for a while.

It's not that I think too much.

But these two people are really two extremes.

School aspect.

Shi Feixuan's teaching from Cheng Cihang Jingzhai can influence most of the martial arts sects, including Jingnian Temple and Sanzhen Ning Daoqi.

Hou Hou was born in the Yingui Sect, the first major Sect of the Demon Sect, and can influence most of the other Sects of the Demon Martial Arts, and has strategic alliances with Laojunguan and other Demon Sects.

In terms of martial arts.

Shi Fei Xuan studied the sword classics of the Cihang Jingzhai Town School. His skill surpassed Master Fan Qinghui's heart and soul, and was close to the highest level of Jianxin transparent.

Hou Hou practiced the Yingui Sect's Heavenly Demon Secret, and entered the realm very quickly, almost reaching the highest level.

Note that this was only when Huang Yi stopped writing, when they were still very young.

Years, decades later, how strong are they?


Shi Feixuan is a peerless beauty, beautiful like a fairy, like a reappearance of Luoshen, and she feels as if she is surrounded by immortals when she gets along with her, her conversation is elegant, and her wisdom is beyond ordinary people.

Hou Hou is also a peerless beauty, or a peerless demon, with white skin like snow, barefoot in white clothes, she can feel the beauty not like a mortal, the city is extremely deep, she is like a pure girl in peace, and she is invisible while talking and laughing while performing martial arts.

In terms of merit.

Shi Fei Xuan appointed Li Shimin as the leader of the Baidao Communist Party, and the Mingjun of tomorrow, awarded "Heshibi". Then needless to say, if it is a bit bigger, then Shi Feixuan created the Tang Dynasty prosperous era with one hand? ? ?

Hun Hun doesn't seem to be so exaggerated, but only by his beauty, he overthrows the great city of Jingling, slays the masters of the Pegasus Ranch, knows Kou Xu Shuanglong well, and is the most intelligent and master of the Yingui School.

Not only that~!

In the original work, Houhou also has a disciple named Mingkong, um... Mingkong.

Is it similar to "曌"?



Your Shifeixuan is the righteous saint? Do you support Li Shimin to ascend to the throne of God?

Nothing wrong.

But how can I be annoying? What about my apprentice? Didn't you also sit on the highest throne of this great country?

We even had an apprentice, and finally set foot on the highest position in the world.

Chaotang and are all our apprentices. Are you convinced? ? ?


That's two people!

It was a natural enemy, but now, these two people are in the group.

Lin Bin just thought about it and found it fun.


When he came back to his senses, he realized that the group was already very lively.

Everyone is bubbling, and even Wang Daochang has jumped out to say hello.

However, Shi Feixuan and Huhou did not say a word, but Lan Xiaodie asked vigilantly: "Who are you? What is this?"

"Why can I see Er et al. communication in my mind?"

"Who is it, and what kind of magic was used to drag me into this place?"

Feng Yuxiu: "Wow! The three young ladies are so beautiful, Miss Lan Xiaodie, I will answer your questions. For all questions, please read Newcomer Must Read~"

Huang Feihong: "···Auntie Thirteen, what's wrong with Auntie Thirteen, don't you remember me? I am Feihong!!!"

Lan Xiaodie: "???"

Chen Zhen: "Master Huang, don't you confess your relatives indiscriminately, okay?"

Chen Yuniang: "Okay, the three new members are all young ladies. Our days of prosperity and decline are finally gone forever."

Wang Yuyan: "In fact, there are still some yang and yin decline, but it is much better than before."

Ah Xing: "Hmm, it makes sense!"

Yi Tianxing: "Welcome three young ladies into the group, but unfortunately I am now at a critical moment in the practice, so I won't talk about it for the time being."

Invincible in the East: "Welcome three! Our group has grown again, @群主, I won't talk nonsense, if I ask for a movie, I desperately want to know how elegant their world is."

Zhao Xinchuan: "+1!"



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