You guys really know how to play in the second dimension

400 The heart is like still water, the aggression is like fire

Soichiro Kuzuki, the master of Caster Medea in Five Wars, is a man who is so taciturn that it makes people feel a little scary. His character is like the superheroes in those American blockbusters... although on the surface he is a serious teacher of the people. , but actually he is a killer who has no emotions.

In the original story, after Medea was summoned by the Holy Grail, she planned to kill her original master because she hated her. The cause of death of the master was: blond, playboy, like Jason.

Of course, without the support of her Master's magical power, Medea could not stay in the real world for long, and was injured by Cu Chulainn. She fell in the area of ​​Ryudou Temple, and was rescued by Soichiro Kuzuzuki just before disappearing.

Medea is a woman who has no hope for the future, or in other words, as a witch, she has no future, so she tells all about the Holy Grail War and asks for the help of Soichiro Kuzuki. Originally, she planned to use magic to control the other person's will and make him her own puppet after the other party refused. However, unexpectedly, Kuzuki Soichiro not only had no doubt about her words, but decided to help her unconditionally. This made Mei Dia was very fond of him.

Afterwards, both parties signed a contract.

Because Kuzuki Soichiro is not a magician, he cannot provide magic power to his followers like a normal master. After meeting Kuzuki Soichiro, Medea, who originally had no hope for the future, began to long for the Holy Grail, so she tried to steal it from others. life to obtain magic power... Perhaps, this is why skeleton soldiers attack humans at night.

Of course, Soichiro Kuzuki is not an ordinary person. As mentioned above, he is a killer.

Kuzuki Soichiro originally belonged to a mysterious group. This group would take the selected people to the depths of the mountains far away from human habitation and conduct closed training. It could take as short as a few years or as long as more than ten years, gradually erasing their humanity. Turn them into tools that only kill people.

Does it look familiar?

That's right, Soichiro Kuzuki's origins are exactly the same as those of the male protagonist Shizuki Sojuro in "Magician Night", which makes people have to doubt that these two people are from the same organization.

Let me digress... Ichiro, Juro, Shiro, Shiro, Taro, Jiro, why do Xingyue have so many wolves?

In addition, this organization also has the rule of "one person kills one person". In other words, after more than ten years of hard training for one mission, everyone must die regardless of whether the mission succeeds or fails.

Kuzuki Soichiro's mission was to kill an important person. The process was simpler than he imagined, even so simple that he felt that spending his entire life preparing for it became ridiculous. Perhaps based on this mood, he did not end his life after the mission was successful like his predecessors did. Instead, he fled to a distant city and lived an ordinary life as the teacher provided by the mission.

The organization did not send anyone to kill him, and he continued to live like a zombie until he met Medea.

This is Tang Hao's understanding of Kuzuki Soichiro, and in terms of strength, he cannot surpass a divine realm martial arts master like Tohsaka Nagato, but if there is an unexpected assassination, even Tohsaka Nagato may be killed with one blow. , because the most terrifying thing about this kind of killer is killing him at first sight.

In the fsn story, the Servant Medusa had her neck broken by Kuzuki Soichiro, killing her with one blow, and even King Da Mao was almost killed.

Of course, there are two reasons for this result. First, Kuzuki Soichiro is strengthened by Medea's magic, allowing him to fight head-on with the servants. Secondly, Daimao's master Shirou Emiya is just a newbie magician who is not even half-qualified, which seriously affects Daimao's attributes. If it were an excellent magician like Tohsaka Rin, with Daimao's intuition, The results could be completely different.

However, no matter what, Kuzuki Soichiro is a dangerous opponent.

He is like a poisonous snake, waiting for an opportunity to move in the darkness, ready to give the enemy a fatal blow at any time.

Fortunately, Tang Hao, under the special training of Kazami Yuxiang, already had a lot of experience in being attacked. Soichiro Kuzuki's Hatsumi Kill failed to kill him in the end, and he didn't have to be distracted by protecting Tohsaka Rin. After that, Tang Hao immediately launched a counterattack.

The heart is like still water.

This is the martial arts experience of Tohsaka Nagato. He is a quiet martial artist. Through the control of breath, he can reduce his heartbeat, blood flow and even internal circulation to the limit required by the human body, so as to achieve braking with stillness. It remains unchanged and adapts to all changes, and even allows the whole person to blend into nature.

Tang Hao is young, his aura is more vigorous than Tohsaka Nagato's, and he has limited time to practice seriously. He is far from reaching the state of blending into nature that Tosaka Nagato has. He can only make himself better through past experiences. More of a quiet state.

In this state, Tang Hao's speed slowed down, but his reactions became more flexible and quicker. What's even more incredible is that Kuzuki Soichiro's snake-like and weird movements gradually became clearer, and seemed to slow down, allowing him to do it with the smallest possible speed. consumption to resist the opponent's attack.

Although it is defense, it is also a counterattack.

Kuzuki Soichiro couldn't attack for a long time, and seemed to realize that something was wrong. He suddenly made a feint and shot lightning from his body towards Rin Tosaka.

His speed was so fast that in just an instant, the distance between the two was shortened to about one meter, and Tohsaka Rin did not even react.

But at the same time, the surging palm force rushed towards Kuzuki Soichiro like a wave.

It was Tang Hao.

How can a god-level martial artist only be good at defense? Tang Hao, who had fought against Tohsaka Eito, knew better than anyone how terrifying that guy was when he hit people. He did not rely on magic, but only relied on physical strength to have a servant-level melee ability. Once he was out of the static state, His attacks were like a violent storm.

Aggression is like fire.

This is Tohsaka Nagato's attacking style.

Kazami Yuka's special training allowed Tang Hao to complete a complete transformation and be able to adapt to any form of combat. Tohsaka Nagato's secret book, although the help to him was far from obvious, it made up for his weakest link. , that is the skill of martial arts.

The most obvious thing is that he can switch between offense and defense more easily.

As soon as the invasion came out, Tang Hao came first. Soichiro Kuzuki felt the threat from behind and had to give up the attack on Tosaka Rin. Otherwise, even if he could kill Tohsaka Rin, he would be attacked by Tang Hao later. kill.


Tang Hao's eyes flickered and he sighed secretly.

In Japanese animation, there are often some familiar chicken soup for the soul, such as "the power of protection is the most powerful", "can burst out infinite power for others", or "people with love are more powerful than careless tools" Strong" and so on.

However, in fact, this is just a routine of passionate young people. Although it is not completely unreasonable, at least it does not apply to everyone.

For example, Kuzuki Soichiro, if he has not left the organization at this time, then even if he faces Tang Hao's late attack, he will definitely kill Tohsaka Rin, because a tool without a human heart will not care about his own life. of.

As a result, Tang Hao would be busy rescuing people, and his rhythm would inevitably be disrupted.

However, Kuzuki Soichiro is no longer a heartless tool. He already has love in his heart. For Medea, he will not give up his life easily, so when Tang Hao's threat comes, he can only give up on Tohsaka. Rin's attack.

It’s not about choice, it’s about human instinct.

Yes, now Soichiro Kuzuki has once again transformed from a tool back into a human being.

To be honest, he who has love in his heart has become weaker, at least he is no longer a qualified killer.

Of course, he lost his last chance.

Bang bang bang!

Storm-like attacks continued to hit Kuzuki Soichiro. From a full-force attack to a temporary change of moves, even if it only took a moment, it was a lack of rhythm for a master. At this time, he had completely fallen into Tang Hao's offensive. Among them, he kept retreating.

Of course, Tang Hao, who had the initiative, would not be merciful, and used the aggressive tactics to the fullest, without giving Kuzuki Soichiro a chance to fight back... The first sight kill was defeated, the initiative was lost, and he fell into the opponent's rhythm. , at this time, Kuzuki Soichiro could only defend with all his strength and try his best to support.

But when the defense is finally exhausted, when the physique and strength of both sides are equal, in a head-on confrontation, a normal killer is no match for a martial artist.


In a moment, Tang Hao's hands were pressed on Kuzuki Soichiro's chest. With a cracking sound, his whole body was blown away, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

Tang Hao frowned, a little regretful.

Because almost at the same time he hit the opponent, the light mist on Kuzuki Soichiro's face transferred to his chest. It was the power of magic. The magic originally used to cover his face was transformed into a protection for his body. , otherwise it would be more than just vomiting blood.

As the magic that obscured the face dissipated, a slightly thin face was revealed, with a pair of glasses on the pale face and a meticulous seriousness.

"Teacher Kuzuki?!" Only then did Tohsaka Rin finally see his face clearly and couldn't help but exclaim.


At the same time, another woman's voice sounded in the darkness, with a bit of panic and uneasiness, and then dozens of white rays were shot, attacking Rin Tohsaka and blocking further attacks by Tang Hao.

The two quickly backed away and looked up, seeing a woman in a cloak floating in the air, with magic lines flashing on both sides of her back, like wings.

"Caster!" Tohsaka Rin's eyes flashed, with a bit of panic in her heart. Although there was no formal fight, she could tell from just those magic lines that the other party's magic skills were extraordinary, and might even be stronger than Kuonji Yuju.

In her opinion, Youzhu is already almost the top magician in modern times. Anyone who is stronger than Youzhu can only be a magician of the Gods, and can only be a caster summoned by the Holy Grail!

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