[I did this? ]

Yan Jia was at a loss as to what to do when he saw the deformed guards and the slight changes in the orbits of the Planetary System.

All this time, although Yan Jia could observe this Planetary System in his sleep, he actually didn’t have the power to interfere with this starry sky. To him, it was like watching a big production starry sky movie, but the screen of this movie was getting bigger and bigger, and the details were getting clearer and clearer.

Recently, he could even see another Planetary System that was closest to him. However, he could only watch it, not affecting the movie in the slightest.

But just now, Yan Jia felt that the two parts of himself had finally merged. It was as if the audience sitting at the movie theater had suddenly been pulled into the movie.

He could suddenly feel it.

He could feel the majestic, explosive energy contained within his body; he could feel the pulling force of the planets around him and the pulling force they produced on him; he could also feel a force that was just as vast as the current him controlling his movements.

Compared with this force, whether it was the slight pull of the surrounding planets around him or the gravitational force he exerted on them, they were like a tiny spider web.  It was as if he could easily break it with just a slight push.

Yan Jia guessed that this force was the gravitational force emitted from the center of the river where his star was.

After calming down, Yan Jia gently used a little bit of energy in his body. Yan Jia can guarantee it was just a little bit, less than a little bit between his fingers.

The result was that the planet closest to him had been completely remodelled.

Looking at this Planetary System that had changed because of him, Yan Jia suddenly remembered a data he had accidentally seen in his previous life – in the universe that we live in, the sun accounts for 99.84%  of the total mass of the solar system.

Compared to this data, although he didn’t know how much the mass of his star accounted for in the entire Planetary System, he estimated that it shouldn’t be too far off.

After understanding this point, Yan Jia suddenly realized. The Planetary System that revolved around him was an incomparably huge but delicate and fragile house to him.

It was so fragile that even a tiny movement of his would cause irreparable damage to this house.

Perhaps this was the result of using only a little bit of energy in his body, which caused a planet to be completely remodeled, and the orbit of the entire Planetary System had changed a lot.

After thinking about this, Yan Jia immediately stopped moving, afraid that he would accidentally destroy the entire Planetary System.

Half a month later.

On a steel train passing through the Golden Crow Academy, Yan Jia was sitting on a seat near the aisle, holding a new True Sun Cultivation Technique book in his hand and silently reading it.

Many people looked about the same age as Yan Jia on the train. They were probably the same as him, heading to the various academies to further their cultivation.

However, the others were either accompanied by their parents or traveling together. They chatted ceaselessly.

Compared to these people, Yan Jia, who was alone, seemed to be out of place.

Six days ago, Yan’s father brought back a notice and an acceptance letter from Golden Crow Academy. Although he knew that he would definitely be able to enter the Golden Crow Academy, the moment he received the letter of acceptance, Yan Jia still heaved a sigh of relief.

As for Hsu Ze, he had also received the Giant Academy’s letter of acceptance, so he wasn’t on the train.

Although there were still a few days before the deadline stated in the notice, Yan Jia still decided to set off a few days earlier, although Yan’s mother was a little unhappy about this fact. Even though he had been playing for a few days, Yan’s mother still wanted the family to go out and play for a few more days.

But in the end, Yan’s mother still agreed to Yan Jia’s decision. Because Yan Jia had been very assertive since he was young, Yan’s father and mother did not accompany him to the Golden Crow Academy to register.

This was also the reason why Yan Jia was the only one who went on the road alone.

“Student, can you give way for a bit?”

A female voice interrupted Yan Jia’s train of thought, and he turned around to look. A tall, thin woman wearing a fiery red coat was standing by his seat. There was also a similarly bright red suitcase beside her feet. It should be the passengers sitting by the window.

He quickly stood up, put the bookmark on the spot he just saw, closed the book, put it on the seat, and stepped aside for them.

After standing up, he realized that the woman was tall. Although she was not as tall as Hsu Ze, who was two meters, Yan Jia, who had just celebrated his 16th birthday half a month ago, was already over 1.7 meters tall.

But this woman was even taller than Yan Jia by half a head.

“Let me help you.” Seeing that the tall and thin woman was about to put the luggage beside her feet on the luggage rack above her head, Yan Jia immediately went forward to take the luggage from her hand and helped put it on the rack above her head.

Although Shanhai World already had a space technique that could take on Mount Tai as a medium, due to various technical aspects, A space device that could be widely promoted had yet to appear. Therefore, people mainly relied on all kinds of luggage bags to travel.

However, it should be soon. A few years ago, the news said that there was a major breakthrough in space technology. Perhaps in the next few years, just a ring and a bracelet would be able to reach an ordinary family’s home.

After the tall and thin woman went in and sat down, Yan Jia picked up the latest book, True Sun Cultivation Technique, from his seat and prepared to continue studying it.

“Thank you, classmate.” The tall and thin girl sitting by the window looked at the cover of the book in Yan Jia’s hand. “Student, are you going to Golden Crow Academy?”

“Yes, beautiful girl, how about you?” Yan Jia put down the book he had not yet opened and replied.

Beauty had taken the initiative to chat with him. Why would he want to read a book at this time?

The two chatted happily for several hours. Yan Jia also learned that the other party’s name was Zhu Xiyun, and she was also heading to Golden Crow Academy.

Unlike him, the other party was a senior who had enrolled two years earlier.

Her goal was also different from his. It was not the Golden Crow that symbolized the glorious sun, but the Fire of the South, the Rosefinch Divine Bird that was one of the Four spirits of Heaven that would lead to immortality.

However, this was the Rosefinch Divine Bird from the legends of his previous life. Although the Rosefinch was still one of the Four spirits of Heaven in the Shanhai World, it was more of a divine bird rather than a god from the legends of his previous life.

After waking up from his sleep, the interior of the car was as bright as the daytime because of the lights. Looking out the window, the big light ball in the sky hadn’t risen yet.

Yan Jia turned his head and looked around. Most of the people were still sleeping, and only a few had already woken up and were reading. Some people noticed Yan Jia had also woken up and nodded at him as a greeting.

Feeling that his right shoulder was a little heavy, Yan Jia lowered his head and found Zhu Xiyun sleeping soundly on his shoulder.

Her black hair flowed down like a waterfall from the top of her head to Yan Jia’s hand. Unfortunately, he could not see her face from that angle. Her delicate facial features were hidden under her thick hair.

Yan Jia gently pulled out the newly obtained True Sun Cultivation Technique from under his seat. He did not want to wake her up.

He flipped to the page with the bookmark and started to read it.

Compared with the daytime, although the interior of the carriage was still as bright, in comparison to the noisy atmosphere earlier, only the sound of pages being turned could be heard every now and then.

Everyone seemed not to want to break the rare silence, and at the same time, Yan Jia’s movements of turning the pages of the book were a little more relaxed.


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