My name is Yan Liuzhou. I was born in the year 3559 of the Year of Shanhai. I heard from my father that if I had come out a few days earlier, I would have been ‘younger’ by a year.

The next year, my neighbor also gave birth to a child. She was female.

I played the role of an elder brother, always taking care of her and protecting her.

In school, if anyone dared to bully her, I definitely helped her teach that person who made her angry a lesson. Hmph, no one could bully my “little sister.”

It’s not that I’m bragging, but I have always been a strong person.  My family members all say that since I was born, I had always exhibited the strength of a bull. In school at that time, other than a few people who had awakened some sort of Bloodline, no one else could defeat me. I was also the King of Children at that time.

One day, a few of my classmates who were playing with me suddenly fainted. My ‘sister’ also fainted.

I was frightened.

Fortunately, there was a kind-hearted person who helped me send my little friend to the hospital, and I rushed into the hospital with her in my arms.

That year, I was 14 years old.

Fortunately, they were all fine and did not have any complications. However, the hospital did not find out what caused them to suddenly faint, so they had to stay in the hospital and observe for two more days.

The next day, I discovered why they had all passed out.

They had seen the two large horns that sprouted out of my head. I was very happy because I had finally awakened the Bloodline. At that time, although I still didn’t know what my awakened Bloodline was, I was still very happy.

It wasn’t because of how strong it was, but because at that time, it was like I had a new toy, a toy that no one else could snatch away. Actually, no one dared to snatch my toy, except for my ‘sister’.

Later, when I went to the hospital to see her and the others, I heard the doctor say that if they had been sent to the hospital a little later than usual, they wouldn’t have lived.

As for me, during the examination, I found out what the name of the Bloodline that I awakened was.

Disaster Beast Fei.

A kind of beast that looks like a cow, with a tail like a snake, but only has one eye… Disaster beast.

The reason why she and my friends fainted at that time was because my Bloodline was awakening. I unintentionally released a bit of the Disaster Beast Fei’s power, causing all of that.

When I found out, I originally planned to directly ‘expel’ the Disaster Beast Fei from my body through surgery. Later on, the doctor told me that there was no need to do so, that they could seal my power within my body. That way, I wouldn’t accidentally hurt anyone else.

I agreed because, at that time, I didn’t want to lose my new ‘toy’ just like that.

Later on, my friends all left me because they also knew that it was because of me that they almost died.

And I actually kept that pair of horns.

Although they also knew that I would no longer unintentionally hurt them, they still left me. However, she stood by me.

At that time, I still thought of her as my younger sister.

If it wasn’t for her accompanying me, I might have gotten rid of the Disaster Beast Fei’s Bloodline because I did not want to lose my friends.

Although I was a bit lonely without friends, it was a good thing that my “little sister” was by my side.

Later on, I failed. I didn’t manage to get into the top-tier Academy. I could not even get into the second tier. I could only get into slightly lower tier Academy.

Although that Academy wasn’t bad, it paled compared to my goal.

And her results were better than mine, although she also could not get into the top tier of Academy. The second tier was still possible for her to get into, but I wanted her to go to the same Academy as me. However, I did not have the right to tell her. After all, we were just neighbors who grew up together.

At that time, I was very sad, even more sad than I was when my friends left me.

During that holiday, I went to the Academy because I didn’t want her to see me. I was also afraid that I would make such a rude request to her.

When I had just arrived at the Academy, I felt really alone because I was not used to her not being by my side.

But I saw her again, not during the holidays but at my Academy. It was just a few days after I got there.

At that time, I didn’t know what I was thinking. The moment I saw her, I rushed forward and hugged her tightly.

Later on, we were together.

During the holidays, we held hands and went home together. We first went to her house and then to my house.

Everyone was very happy. That was the happiest year of my life.

In the second year, I originally planned to give birth to the Avatar of the ‘Disaster Beast Fei’, but my teacher told me that with my comprehension ability and aptitude, there was a high possibility that I would not be able to control the power of the Disaster Beast Fei during the process of giving birth to the Avatar.

At that time, I thought of how she looked like when she was lying on a hospital bed three years ago. I thought of what the doctor said if she had been brought in a little later, she might not have survived.

That day, it was my first time drinking, and it was also my first time skipping classes.

She found me. This time, she hugged me.

I remember that she hugged me very tightly.

I also hugged her and said loudly to her that I wanted to protect her, to protect her for the rest of my life.

The next day, I told my teacher that I had decided to give up on the power of the Disaster Beast Fei.

I asked him what kind of Avatar would be suitable for me.

My teacher recommended the Kui Cattle to me and I agreed to it.

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