If she hadn't come out of the villa of Li family, the bodyguards would have put her on the list of suspects and arrested.

Yes, it's not someone else. It's Tang Xiaomeng!

After sunglasses, her smart eyes glanced around. Tang Xiaomeng was very satisfied with her fully armed dress up! After making sure that no one recognized her appearance, Tang Xiaomeng pulled her clothes and swaggered down the mountain.

Li's villa is on the hillside. There will be no taxi here. If you want to go down the mountain, boss Li takes a plane and Li yaxun drives a car. So for a person who can only ride a bicycle, Tang Xiaomeng You can only walk on your own legs.

Do you think there will be bicycles in the house of the boss of the underworld leader of the Li family? Funny!

"Captain, Miss Tang is down the mountain. Do you want to call the young master?"

The captain of the bodyguard thought for a while, and the master didn't tell Miss Tang not to go out: "protect secretly for the time being."

Girls are inconvenient. Besides, the master and young master are so busy that they have no time to take care of Miss Tang.


Facing the autumn wind, Tang Xiaomeng walked down the mountain in a cozy way. His steps were still falling steadily, and a red sports car came to him. The speed made Tang Xiaomeng forget the moving steps, staring at the red sports car running towards him

The screeching sound of the brake sounded, Tang Xiaomeng fell and sat on the ground, the palm was rubbed and broken, and he could not care about the pain. Tang Xiaomeng clenched his palm and gasped with a big mouth. The car and she were only one centimeter, yes, one centimeter! She's just about to be killed!

Tang Xiaomeng's breath was sprayed on the front of the car. After being frightened, he raised his head angrily and roared: "can you drive! If you can't drive, don't... " Come out and be a road killer!

After the words have not finished, the convertible sports car up and down the familiar people, let Tang Xiaomeng back of the words stuck in the throat!

It's her!

Wu Lili, the fiancee chosen for him by his mother situ Lanyu!

Tang Xiaomeng lowered her head, and her sight was a little misty. She muttered, "it's really a narrow road for enemies." She remembered what it was called, about her present situation.

Oh, Tang Xiaomeng suddenly realized that the so-called love enemy meeting is particularly envious! Wait Wu Lili should not recognize her dress?

I don't care. I won't move if the enemy doesn't move! Tang Xiaomeng decided to watch the change!

Wu Lili, with her hands around her chest, stands haughtily in front of Tang Xiaomeng. From her point of view, she is totally overlooking Tang Xiaomeng in front of her.

A pair of 12 cm high-heeled diamond shoes on Wu Lili's legs are particularly dazzling in the sunlight. Tang Xiaomeng can't open her eyes!

"Why, Tang didn't go to class these days. He was doing a part-time job in the street, ha ha..."

"Ah?" She is fully armed. Can Wu Lili recognize herself? God, are you sure you're not playing with me?

If Wu Lili knew it was her early on, then her sudden appearance was not an accident? Wu Lili's high-ranking princess was humiliated by situ Lanyu in public, so she wanted to run into her to vent her anger. Tang Xiaomeng fully understood that she was almost murdered.

It's good. It's your conscience!

"Ha ha Classmate, you know the wrong person

Tang Xiaomeng stood up and rubbed his wrists. He decided not to talk to Wu Lili. He had thirty-six plans to go! She didn't want to see her meeting porcelain incident in school tomorrow, although it was the attempted murder of some people.

"Is it?" Wu Lili sneered and pulled off Tang Xiaomeng's hat mercilessly. When Tang Xiaomeng was stunned, she quickly pulled off her mask. She didn't mind if she hurt her.

"What are you doing?" Tang Xiaomeng covers his face with his uninjured left hand. Where is the cultivation of this woman and a lady? How rude!

"Let's talk."

Tang Xiaomeng put down her hand and was recognized. There was nothing to hide: "we have nothing to talk about."

Tang Xiaomeng didn't think he had anything to talk to her. Besides, she came out to see situ Lanyu! I don't want to waste time because of irrelevant people.

"Let's talk about Lanyu."

This time, Wu Lili was in full control of the initiative. After that, without waiting for Tang Xiaomeng's reply, she turned directly to open the door and sat in the driver's seat.

Tang Xiaomeng tugged at the corner of her clothes nervously. She looked up and saw the bright Wu Lili sitting in front of her like a queen. Finally, she stepped forward and got into Wu Lili's car. As soon as Tang Xiaomeng got on the bus, the car started. She was scared to close the door!

"Oh." Wu Lili squinted at Tang Xiaomeng and disdained her clumsiness, but she did not hide it.

In front of Wu Lili, she is humble to the dust. She clenches the seat belt with her fingers. Tang Xiaomeng cheers herself up and cheers on Tang Xiaomeng!Wu Lili stepped on the accelerator to the end, and the sports car sped along the road, which made Tang Xiaomeng pale.

In the sight is the scene of everything rapidly retrogressing. The strong wind blows on her face, and Tang Xiaomeng closes her eyes in pain. Wu Lili is too fast, and she has the posture to die with Tang Xiaomeng! And Tang Xiaomeng can only comfort himself, not to see, not to see, not to see is not afraid!

The more frightened Tang Xiaomeng is, the more excited Wu Lili will be. If she breaks down Tang Xiaomeng step by step! Let Tang Xiaomeng see the truth. The fact is that she is not qualified to fight for situ Lanyu with herself!

Wu Lili noticed that Tang Xiaomeng's hand holding the seat belt was moved to cover her chest. This shows that Tang Xiaomeng is very uncomfortable now. Wu Lili is very confident in her racing skills, so she will not be stupid enough to die with Tang Xiaomeng.

Within the scope of Wu Lili's control, the speed only increases but not decreases.

Suddenly a sudden brake, let unprepared Tang Xiaomeng directly forward.

With a bang, Tang Xiaomeng covers her forehead with pain. Seeing the car stop, Tang Xiaomeng rushes out of the car and holds the door to vomit.

"Tang Xiaomeng, aren't you very capable? That's what you're going to do? "

For Wu Lili's ridicule, Tang Xiaomeng can only powerless white eyes, who said that the ability should be reflected in this?

"Here, it will be more comfortable to rinse your mouth."

"Eh?" Tang Xiaomeng also just vomited. For Wu Lili's courtship, Tang Xiaomeng thinks that this person is not too bad.

"Thank you." After reaching out to take the water from Wu Lili, Tang Xiaomeng unscrewed it. Because his palm was hurt, Tang Xiaomeng was struggling.

But Because of the difficulty, Tang Xiaomeng can see clearly the mineral water in his hand. This is

Tang Xiaomeng has seen this brand of water on TV. A bottle of mineral water the size of a fist can cover her living expenses for a month!

To drink or not to drink? Tang Xiaomeng thinks that if you drink this water, you will definitely gain weight. It's too expensive! I'm sorry for the price if you don't increase the price by a few catties!

After drinking this golden water, Tang Xiaomeng rubbed her stomach. It's really hard for you, brother stomach!

did not understand Tang Xiaomeng's movements. Wu Lili only regarded her as a woodlouse. She deliberately used this water to satirize Tang Xiaomeng. HMM, it is because of this woodlouse that she becomes a joke. How can she easily let her go?

"Are you ready to throw up? When you throw up, get in the car. " Wu Lili opened the door and looked at Tang Xiaomeng, who was squatting on the side of the road.

Tang Xiaomeng wiped the corner of his mouth: "where to?"

Isn't it about situ Lanyu?

"Do you want to walk back by yourself?"

Tang Xiaomeng looks at the deserted seaside. She doesn't know where it is. Can she find the right way to go back?

Wu Lili knows this, so she has such a tough attitude. She doesn't have to worry that Tang Xiaomeng won't get on the bus. As long as she gets on her car, where to go depends on her mood.

When the car stopped for the second time, it had reached the entrance of the most prosperous downtown luxury restaurant.

The car boy came to stop Wu Lili, and the welcoming guests at the door respectfully said hello to Wu Lili. Tang Xiaomeng thought that everything was out of place with him.

When working, Tang Xiaomeng heard colleagues talk about this restaurant. This restaurant is one of the most luxurious restaurants in the city center. Even the waiters are proficient in many languages. They have to make an appointment one month in advance. Ordinary people are even more deterred.

In fact, the most important thing Tang Xiaomeng doesn't know is that this is the industry of Jiang family.

Along the way, Tang Xiaomeng cautiously follows Wu Lili, watching the waiters on the road say hello to Wu Lili respectfully.

"Sit down? Do you want to stand with me and discuss Lanyu? Of course, I won't mind if you like

Her mind was pulled back, and Tang Xiaomeng noticed that she had entered the box. Wu Lili had already sat down, and she was still standing stupidly.

"Come on, what do you want to talk about about situ Lanyu?" Tang Xiaomeng opened her chair and sat opposite to Wu Lili. She only wanted to make a quick decision at the moment, so she quickly got out of the way.

Do you have enough strength to talk to me? I Wu Lili is not a stingy person. Since I ask you out to talk, of course, I won't let you go hungry on an empty stomach, and you will have strength when you are full, right? "

Tang Xiaomeng's carsickness didn't slow down. Wu Lili said that she looked down at the delicious food on the table, but she had no appetite for anything. She felt chest tightness and vomiting.

I don't know whether it's intentional or unintentional. The menu is just next to Tang Xiaomeng. Tang Xiaomeng glances at the contents above

Oh, good guy, the lowest price of this dish is 100000. The total price of these ten dishes adds up to one million!

Is this gold? Ah! So expensive, is this the world of the rich? One meal can eat your life!

Tang Xiaomeng looked up and looked at the sarcastic expression on Wu Lili's face and held back the corner of her mouth: "car sickness has not eased. I feel like vomiting when I see these foods, let alone appetite. Miss Wu still doesn't waste everyone's time."

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