You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6902: There are weaknesses and armor

  Chapter 6902 has weaknesses, but also armor

"Because you are more sensitive and not confident," Yue Ya'er said: "Because you are sensitive and not confident, after the organic disease is cured, it will still not work. If I tell you, you take that medicine, you It is very likely that you think you are taking that medicine."

"But I tell you, if you don’t take that kind of medicine, you will have confidence in yourself. When you don’t know it, you will form a psychological suggestion. In fact, you have no problem. You don’t need any medicine to help you. ."

  She chuckled, "So, you can really do it!"

  Qin Churong suddenly.

  Sensitive and not confident.

The five words    should be the chief culprit for his psychological disorder.

  He obviously has no problems with his body, but because of the psychological hints he gave himself, he felt that he could not do it, so he did not do it.

  He lowered his eyes and looked towards his right leg, his expression sad.

   Once, sensitive and unconfident, such words have nothing to do with him.

  He used to be so energetic and energetic, how can he know what is sensitive and unconfident?

  But a car accident changed his life.

  Not only did he lame a leg and became disabled, he couldn't even do it there anymore.

  For a long time, even if he could walk after losing his crutches, he still did not dare to go out.

  He did not have the courage to drag his disabled right leg to face the strange look of others.

  He couldn't face it whether it was a mocking look or a sympathetic look.

Even if others didn’t look at him, even if the people who got together were not talking about him, but he always felt that all eyes were on his disabled right leg, as long as the people who got together and whispered were talking about him. This crippled.

  He can't bear all this and dare not go out to meet people.

  But later, he accidentally saw his parents, who smiled at him every day, crying in the room with their headaches.

   Seeing that the parents who were optimistic in front of him and always talked about his crippled right leg in a not-so-important tone were heart-rending crying in their room, his heart was severely stung.

  He is the only son of his parents.

  His parents are no longer young.

  In the past, it was his parents who raised him, loved him, and protected him.

  Now, it is time for him to feed back.

  Because of a car accident, he was immersed in his own world and depressed and complaining.

  He forgot that his parents suffered no less than him.

  He has cried, vented, and is depressed.

  What about his parents?

  Clearly sad, she still smiles brightly in front of him, but also comforts him with a not-so-so-so, coaxing him, encouraging him, hoping that he will come out of the depression soon.

  Compared with him, his parents bear more.

  After that day, he woke up.

  Depression can't solve much.

  Since there is no way to change, then face it bravely.

  His life is not only his own, but also his parents.

  He is not only responsible for his own life, but also for the lives of his parents.

  The next day, he told his parents that he figured it out and he wanted to cheer up and start again.

  Fucking tears of excitement rolled in his eyes, but there was a smile on his face.

  He was very sad, but he smiled brilliantly at his parents.

  A few days later, he went to the company.

  On the surface, he has no fear of Frostblade and Snowblade, can smile at strange eyes, and can even lift his disabled leg in a joking tone.

  It seems that he really wants to open it and let it go.

  But, only he knows, he just hides inferiority and pain.

  (End of this chapter)

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