You are all my wings

You are all my wings. Chapter 267

Li Mu Bai has, "This is sorry, I certainly know that you are not intentional to hurt me, so I don't blame you. But this is not a good relationship with you?"

Qing Qing is low, saying, "My Master warned me before, saying that I was absolutely absolutely impossible to have the relationship with others before practicing the realm of just being justified. I will not fall in love with a man in my life, so I haven't forgotten the words of Master. If I just think of, if I listen to Master or practice it to the realm of just soft, then you will Will not hurt. "

Li Mu Bai can only be speechless, what is the ghost just soft ?. Do you have this limit? Can you not be with someone before a certain realm? That is to practice the realm for a lifetime, isn't it a lifetime?


Chapter 247

Pain is expected.

After the blood dried up, it was scarred in the wound and formed an ugly look.

Ale is lying in the dark corner, silently looking at the sky, the eyes are empty, there is no direction.

The wound did not disinfection, even did not accept treatment, he just took off his coat tied the wound.

When a rough cloth is wound, there is a stunning sense of stinging, it is unbearable.

But Ale does not dare to go to the hospital.

He is afraid of being found by those people, and he has no money, can't pay for the cost of medical wound.

He can only hide in a dark corner, wherever everyone can't find the wound recovery.

Under the dark night sky, Wao Shu lying on his side, screaming, cold and hard floors can't make old people feel uncomfortable. In fact, the life of the scenes, they have spent a lot in the days.

Two people are outside the waves, and some of the parts and beggings on Aile occasion cannot earn a stable living fee.

Most of the time, the two can only rely on the leftovers of others from the trash can.

Of course, sometimes they will go to some hotels in the reservoir pray for some other people to eat leftovers.

Most of the time, the chef will give them the food left.

That is a sumptuous big dinner, even with meat.

Although Ale knows, as long as he uses his own super power, you can don't eat it, it will not be so poor, and you can make Waveshi and yourself.

But super ability this kind of thing, is not a fun thing to look in Aile.

If your super capability is discovered by others, then the police will catch yourself, and even if you play a few police officers, you can't play the army.

Never use what missile, nuclear weapons and the like.

Those missile nuclear weapons in the TV are so powerful. If you are, you will die, you have to die very badly.

I may even even even fly ash.

At that time, it is estimated that there is no chance to eat leftovers.

Ale is very afraid to die.

He also wants to find a way to treat Wong Shu, can't die so early.

In fact, Ale is afraid of death, but also fear of excellence.

He is eight years old to find yourself over.

At that time, his super power was still very weak, and he couldn't do this. Now, it is only slightly interfered or induces others' thinking.

Then he knew this thing.

Since then, Ale is taken to the underground casino to gamble, and the father wants to rely on Ale's super power to help him win.

But every time you win a little more, the father and son will be dragged to the back to the poison by those casinos.

Father took him a lot of underground casinos, sometimes won the money and ran away, but most of the time is not willing to go, win more, and have to hold a poison by those people.

Ale is small, it is not very miserable.

But his father was hurt every time, and later he was cut off three fingers, but he still refused to repent, still sent a mad, with Ale want to find the underground casino to win - - Of course, if he is willing to repent, Ale's mother will not hung commit suicide.

The young Ale, who always saw his father and fierce him, and the poor look of being poisoned by those casinos. Every time they can only hide in the corner of the wall. I am afraid that I can't cry, I can only bow my head. .

Whether it is a father, it is still those who are playing, or those who are mixed with their fathers are all fearful.

He is afraid of these things, but his father has been fierce, and he is quite horizontal asking him to face these things every day.

Until the end, his father's good luck finally didn't.

When I collided with the boss of the underground casino, Ale's father was smashed.

At that time, the blood sprayed a place, all sprayed into the opposite Ale body.

The Children of Sithers have grown their eyes, and they were sprayed by blood, and they were all bright red blood, scared, crazy, escaping there.

He is desperately running, running hard, like a horrible man with a horrible people behind him, running crazy, do not dare to stay in the body, until the last power in the body, until the legs are tired The strength of the lead is connected, and the young children are only in the muddy in the roadside.

Since then, Ale has been fleeing there, escaping the place called hometown.

In the end, he even forgot where his home was.

People's memory should not be so forgetful, but Ale's sense is really forgotten.

He forgot the name of his hometown, forgot the orientation of the place, even even the name of the father, the mother's face, the more blurred in memory.

Later, what happened, did you live? Is there any repentance and no longer gamble? These did not know.

He thought, even if he and his father seemed to face, it is estimated that he can't recognize his father's face ...

Since then, Ale has been wandering.

He hover in the edge of the city, swims around those trash cans, restaurants, and rushed around the garbage mountain, reluctantly sneakers.

He is not willing to use his own super power.

He is even afraid of excellence.

Use super power to make money, he doesn't even have the same idea.

Whenever the night, he even did a nightmare. The father in the dream was screaming in the ground, and the sharp chopper fell, and the two palms flew out, and the blood sprayed him ...

That is what he has ever seen, the most horrible dream, still entangled him, refused to let him.

If it is not a uncle, he is not willing to use his super capabilities again. It is preferred to live in a lifetime.

Such deception can make him get a little security, not letting him always see the hands of his father in a nightmare ...

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