You are all my wings

You are all my wings. 214

I don't give you no more repentance opportunities for Qingqing, and Xu Port dials on the phone of the frontier hall.

"Hello, can you give me a rope here? Well, it is the kind of rope that is bundled with things, the more it is, better."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Fu looked at the opposite Qingqing this time.

I am very good, "Do you say that I should be tied to a turtle?"

Qingqing blinks, "What is a turtle?"

Xu Fu's secret smiles, "I will know when you are waiting."

I have to say that the luxury hotel service is really good. Xu Port is less than ten minutes, and there is a waiter to send a rope that Xu Fu needs.

When the rope is handed to Xu Siri, the waiter's little brother is still particularly good.

"This is a rope that is tied. It is made with a very soft material. If you don't stab, Miss you can use it."

It seems that this hotel seems to be the first time to provide this type of service ...

The rope provided by the hotel returned to the room and looked at the big bed. He was unaatched, and Xu Lu smiled and smiled.

"Come on, little girl, let me teach you what is called turtle!"

Chapter 195, I have dizzy milk

Breakfast is eaten at the hotel's restaurant.

A very simple and simple breakfast is just a very high-grade, and even the plate is very delicate.

As for food, it seems that there is no difference in eating in Li Mu.

It seems that there is not much difference with the poor people to eat.

While spitting the sour water, eating a free breakfast offering the hotel, Li Mu, sitting on the window overlooking the city's landscape.

If he is a few years old, it will take out two photos of the phone, then the friend circle will take a wave.

What "XX Grand Hotel is still available, no more disappointment", and then equipped with two hotel pictures, as much as possible but low-key connotation.

But today Li Muhu has been underlying the age.

There is this time to do this boring thing. He is not as good as a big sister opposite the big breasts, why have always stared at him.

Li Mu Baoli could not color, of course, and it will not be on the side with the saints.

But the opposite sister has been watching him, which makes him somewhat surprises.

I am not a handsome guy, it is not a high and handsome, how can some women keep staring at me?

Li Mu's consciousness put the opposite big wave of mymei.

But take a closer look, this big wave of the chest is really big.

One hand can't be gripped, it is not much like Xu Fu, it's just ... ... ...

Li Mu is sighing, and I will have a mouthful of milk in my mouth. When you look up, the big wave of my portals has disappeared.


Li Mu Bai stunned, some strange, how can I not miss it?

Li Mu Bai's consciousness used to find it in the restaurant, did not find it.

Someone took a shot of his shoulders around him.

Then there was a laughter.

"Are you looking for me?"

Li Muhu looked back, and there was a big wave of red hair.

I don't know if the other party will run to myself.

Li Muhu looked at her, nor is it, I asked if I opened the door, "Beauty, you have been watching me ... Is I blocked you to see the scenery? Or block you to see other handsome guys?"

The big wave of deago smiled, "" How do you know if I am not looking at you? "

Li Mu Bai cuts, "I am not Schwarzene, have you look good?"

Big Bogi got up and down, but didn't touch it, but suddenly reached out of the right hand, smiled, "I called Sandy, you can also call me Sushan ... Little brother, nice to meet you."

Li Mu Bai hit her hand, rubbing his mouth, did not speak.

As a somewhere, he actually looks great to the guy who is fascinating.

However, here is Hong Kong, Hong Kong people are in English, and they don't have much relationship with it.

After all, Hong Kong has been colonized by the British for many years. From the real situation, Cantonese is the first native language of Hong Kong people, English is the second mother, and Mandarin ... Most Hong Kong people have never learned Mandarin.

Although since Hong Kong returns from Hong Kong, more and more people began to learn Mandarin, today's Hong Kong at least most Hong Kong people also barely understand most of the Mandarin, and even say a few words, but Mandarin I am not their mother tongue.

It is precisely because of this reason, when Hong Kong people talk, some nouns are called like English, not they like to speak English, but the cultural characteristics of this place is this.

Of course, understanding is understood, Li Mu is still unhappy for this monster of Hong Kong people.

He smiled and said, "If you continue to stay here, wait for my girlfriend, she will die, you may die."

Big Bangmei Sandy laughed, "You will be joking."

Then she once again looked at Li Mu, "I said that I have introduced itself. Do you not introduce yourself? Do you like to say the state of etiquette? The most basic social etiquette, should you know?"

Li Mu is unhaneous, "I am most annoying about the law ... So I will tell you, but if you have finished thinking, can you talk, can you slion? I really don't want to see you. For milk. The child continued to sway in front of me, I got milk. "

So-Li Mu is so vulgar, Sandy is not angry, but it is even more proud.

One pair of huge milk under the short-sleeved T-shirt. The room was fast to Li Mai's face, and Li Mu had had to retreat back, which escaped the other party's attack.

"Hello, feed ... There is something to say, don't take a ball," Li Muhu said, "said that I have a diamurt, you still make up, deliberately? Reachably, I am really Flush. "

"That's okay," Sandy shrugged without alarm, and retired half a step, "" This is the overall office? "

Li Muhu put his hand, "OK, there is something to say, who are you? What do you do?"

Sandy said, "I just heard that Sanlian helping Luo Lao has found a small white face son-in-law from the mainland, so come and see the lively, see what kind of Jun teenager can let Luo Lao people personally, don't the meaning of."

Li Mu Bai He did not lift, continue to have breakfast, "Then you see it now, can you leave? I have dizzy milk, especially if I have passed the milk, I don't even want to smell, I want to think about it. Spit, seeing nausea, so do you still have to continue. "

Sandy smiled, his teeth were slightly tightened, "Little brother, your mouth is really enough ... I really don't know that I will put the wolf dog's [] When you can still be so poisonous Go down. "

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