After doing so much, it turned out to be this beast. Angry, I raised my leg to kick it, but just as I was about to kick it, it seemed to notice something and immediately panicked. It turned around and was about to run away. However, I had already sent out a kick. When I kicked, my mind was still in a state where I didn't think I could move freely. Thus, this kick was especially forceful in order to break through the restraining force. Who would have thought that I would be able to move all of a sudden. I used too much strength and sent that weasel flying high into the air with a kick. After an arc, he fell into the water in the middle of the well with a "plop" sound, while I also plopped down onto the ground with a "plop".

As soon as I sat down on the ground, I opened my eyes. In front of me was a well, dark, and the water inside was constantly flickering. Next to me was a small path. I'm back to reality! If this was reality, then how did I see the scene before I opened my eyes, and I remember clearly that I was under the influence of the soul, that my eyes were closed, that the other sensations had left me, that only my mind worked. How could I see anything under these circumstances? Furthermore, I even saw the weasel's real body. Could it be that I really have a third eye, and through this eye, I can see the truth of the matter? Subconsciously, I touched my forehead and felt the scars bulge out, like the lids of my eyes. Previously, when my forehead was itchy, it would bulge when I used my hands to scratch it. However, my forehead was neither itchy nor useful when using my hands to scratch it just now, so why did it bulge out?

The weasel fell into the water and began to struggle. It screamed like a woman crying for help. I didn't know if the weasel could swim, but this one definitely couldn't, because it didn't struggle for long before sinking to the bottom, leaving nothing but ripples that spread in all directions. I had thought at first that it was going to strike me, but after a while it didn't show up, which was a little strange. Logically speaking, it shouldn't sink so fast. It should be able to hold on for another five minutes or so, but once it fell into the water, it immediately sank in less than half a minute. It looked more like something had dragged it in. Was it a big fish, or was it Li Caizhong?

Just as I was thinking about it, I saw a thought rush up from behind me. It stopped just in time to complain, "Erlang, why are you like this? I said I opened my shoelace, wait for me, why aren't you waiting for me? You scared me to death."

"How come your balls aren't even as big as a pigeon's?"

"That's not it." He lowered his voice and said nervously, "I heard someone using a lighter in the well."

He said that someone was using a lighter in the well, and I had just smelled the scent of cigarette smoke, and the connection had led me to the conclusion that someone was smoking in the well. Ignoring the fact that no one in the middle of the night had the f * cking business to smoke in this damned place, even if they came, why would they smoke in the well? The well was filled with ten meters of deep water, and there was nowhere for them to squat.

"Did you hear wrongly?" I asked.

"No, I heard it from Zhen'er. The first time I didn't hit him, so I hit him a few more times." "It seems like she sighed before she hit him." As he said this, his voice trembled violently. Finally, he said, "Is this a ghost?"

He didn't seem to be lying, and it wasn't a hallucination caused by his stress, or he wouldn't have been so specific.

When I didn't answer, he asked, "There was something swimming in the middle of the well just now. Did you see it? Is it because Li Caizhong has been underwater for too long, holding in his anger, wanting to come out and change his breath, and he's even whistling! "

"Don't spout nonsense. Do you think he's some kind of bastard or something? I just kicked a yellow wolf in. He screamed. "

I finally understood why he was so timid in his first year of high school. It was because he could imagine, and imagine, extremely terrifying things, that he was scared of himself. Then, wasn't the sound of the lighter something that he had imagined? No, because I smell smoke, and this one seems to have something to do with the lighter he was talking about.

Smoke? If you smoked under water, the sound would be audible, but would the smell of smoke leak out? The pool had the effect of gathering the sound together. If there was a sound inside, it would only reverberate within, and I would definitely be able to hear it from my side. However, I didn't hear it just now. And that's why there was no such sound when we passed the West Bank, and it was only when I was gone and there was only one person left to think about it. Something must be going on here.

I put my arm around his neck and whispered, "No, you must have heard wrong. Someone was smoking on the west side of the bank, outside the mound. The second lap, I will walk around the outer circle of the well. You should slowly walk back here.

"I'm afraid."

"What's there to be afraid of? I already said that he's human." "Remember, when you see this person, you must not act rashly. You must wait for me. I am afraid that you will suffer."

When he heard that he would be at a disadvantage, he couldn't accept it anymore. He rolled up his sleeves and said, "If it's really him, then I'll do it. You want to scare me?" However, just as he stiffened, he immediately turned soft again. "That's not right. I heard the sound came from inside the well."

"Firstly, you might have misheard. Secondly, the sound is reflected in it. Do you understand?"

He shook his head.

"No wonder you don't understand. You haven't even graduated from junior high yet, but look at your voice. It began to echo in the air and then entered the well, so you feel like it came from there." As I tried to blind him, I demonstrated with my hand, which surprised him. I asked him if he understood.

He nodded, but then shook his head. "What is the atmosphere?"

"It's useless even if you know. Just do as I say."

With this boasting, I finally accepted that the person who used the lighter was a person. I walked around until I got to my dad's place. I told him to wait here and scream for the glass. The purpose of this was to numb the other side so that he would think we were still here, so that we could catch him off guard with just a thought. Actually, I don't know if there is anyone here, but I felt it was incredible to smoke in the well, so I wondered if there were people smoking in the periphery.

I began my second lap. I chose the outer edge of the mound, which, as I said before, lay on the bank of the well, surrounded by a circle of what must have been the earth that had been dug up during the excavation of the well. The mound was at least a meter from the level ground outside. The mound in the West Bank was a bit taller, and the perimeter of the mound was farmland. The two seemed to be about three meters apart, so if someone was hiding outside the mound, they wouldn't even know if they were walking in the inner circle.

Because the north and west sides of the well were farmland, it was easy to walk. I was afraid that this guy could walk too fast without any reason. Moreover, he was much closer to me than I was, so he would arrive before me. If there had been, he would have done it, and I would have trotted almost all the way there to keep him from risking his life.

But I was too late.

Just as he walked to the middle of the northern shore, he heard a thought scold from that side, "You really f * cking escaped. You're not simple at all."

He really escaped? Who escaped? I quickened my pace.

"Kid, who are you?"

"You don't need to know. I came today to get rid of you."

"Young man, arrogant and despotic."

As soon as he finished speaking, the other side started to move. I thought to myself, "Why don't you listen to me?" I rushed to the scene and saw that two people were fighting passionately while the other person looked like Huang Xuanlong. There were many colorful banners stuck into the ground, along with a few pinch of sandalwood and dozens of yellow paper.

He actually moved the altar here. It seems that if we didn't discover him earlier, we would have all died here after he cast his spell. As expected, Huang Xuan Long had some skill. From the looks of it, his boxing style was Xing Yi Martial Arts, and his body was extremely nimble. He was playing around with his thoughts. And a single thought could not even touch his body. It seemed that this thought really met an opponent. I immediately joined the battle. Because I was flanking from the back, Huang Profound Dragon's mobility had decreased by a lot, and at the same time, he had to watch out for me. As a result, his attacks became more and more unfavorable. On the contrary, with just a thought, he had changed from the weaker party to the stronger one, and kicked Huang Profound Dragon a few times. I clearly understood the power of these few kicks, and even I was definitely kicked down by him. But in the end, Huang Profound Dragon wasn't me, and under the forceful attack of this single thought, even though he suffered a few kicks, he still remained in his previous state. Looks like I made the mistake of underestimating my opponent when I said that I was confident in being able to deal with Huang Xuanlong.

At this time, a thought flashed through his mind, and he threw a punch towards Huang Xuan's head. Huang Xuan Long naturally did not dare to face this attack head on, and immediately rolled onto the ground, to the side of the altar, at the same time holding onto a handful of incense in his hand, and said to us, "Do you want Wu Ruilan to die?" He took out his lighter and was about to light it, but he didn't. He just stared at us.

"Wu Ruilan?" What's wrong with Wu Rilan? "

"There are three evil spirits next to Wu Rilan's bed. As long as this incense stick sticks out, these three evil spirits will attack Wu Rilan. Song Yunfan, you must be very happy to have chased away the evil spirits that she invited, right? But have you thought about it, this action of yours not only helped her, but also me?

Wu Rilan didn't invite a God. I've thought of it, so what did she invite? I think this can only be seen through with a lot of effort, and in our village, only Huang Xuan Long has the highest level of skill. Looks like only Huang Profound Dragon possessed a lot of information, so this matter had to start from Huang Profound Dragon and be based on his words. I asked, pretending to cough.

"You said that she invited an evil spirit, and your spirit is not correct either! Otherwise, after doing so much, it won't follow you. Besides, didn't your spirit also get driven away by fifth brother Cao? "

When Huang Xuanlong heard me belittle his divine spirit, a trace of anger appeared on his face. "She has invited two serpent demons while mine is the Black Demon God. Furthermore, even if I don't have any spirit now, but I can control ghosts with the Ghost Controlling Curses, she won't be able to beat me with that. "

I don't know which path the Black Demon God is on, but it seems that the idol he placed is just a pretense, and the Old Mother Li Shan is just a decoration to deceive everyone. Huang Xuanlong could control ghosts and curses, so this should be true. There were people who could see through things, people who could retrieve objects through the air, and people who could call upon spirits for help. I didn't expect that there would actually be people who could control ghosts and make them do things according to their wishes. Wu Ruilan was now just an ordinary farmer, and without her spirit protection, she was simply not a match for Huang Xuanlong.

I chuckled. "Don't forget, your opponent is not only Wu Rilan. He also has us." As the judge, in order to maintain the relationship between Yin and Yang, I must fight you to the bitter end. "

Huang Xuanlong became silent. During the period of his silence, gurgling sounds came from the well pond from time to time, as if something was accumulating its energy and was trying to break out of the water surface.

"I know that you are the judge of the book, and that you can interrogate ghosts and maintain the law of Yin and Yang, so you and I are rivals. I previously said that if one day I fall, I hope you can let me go, but from today on, you will definitely have me."

"You have committed many evils, and this is something that the heavens cannot tolerate. Even if I let you go, you will not be able to escape the punishment of the heavens." I was so calm in my heart when I said this that I thought it might give him an invisible pressure to break his defenses. But I despised him again and realized that I couldn't see through him at all.

Just then, Huang Xuanlong raised the stick of incense in his hand and was about to light it up. My heart sank, no, we can't joke about Wu Rilan's life. It seems that he had come prepared today. He had already thought about what he had been discovered, so he was prepared to make sure that everything was under his control.

"Alright, alright, alright. I'll give you a way out today, but you have to let Wu Rilan go." I said quickly. As soon as I said that, I heard a loud noise coming from the well, and then my forehead started to itch. Evil is approaching us, I thought, was it Huang Xuanlong that called for reinforcements? So it turns out that he spent so much time with us just to win time, that's too despicable. I couldn't help but clench my fist and give a wink to Yinshen, indicating that he wanted to make his move at the right time.

"What do you mean?" He looked at me, puzzled.

I thought to myself, Think, think, why the hell don't you go to hell.

A gust of wind blew out from the well, and because we were standing at the northwest corner of the well and facing the well, which surrounded Huang Xuanlong, the wind blew on us with steam. There must be something wrong with this wind, because it was autumn and the wind should be blowing from the west, but it was blowing from the southeast well, so it was definitely not a natural wind. This is bad, they're really here for us. My heart leaped to my throat.

At this moment, Huang Xuanlong turned around and snapped at the people behind him, "Do you two want to rebel? Scram!"

Listening to what Huang Profound Dragon said, that thing was not heading towards us just now, but towards him. I immediately understood that this was probably because Li Caizhong and Li Huaguang had heard that Huang Xuanlong was going to kill Wu Rui Lan, and so in a moment of anger, they went ashore.

At this moment, he heard another "plop" sound from the well and the surroundings became quiet again. Huang Xuanlong slowly turned around and ruffled the few strands of hair on his forehead as he yelled exasperatedly, "Go far away if you don't want Wu Rilan to die!"

"It's fine, he still needs time to burn the incense. Let's attack together and kill him." He shouted.

Incense isn't something that can be lit with a single stroke. I know that, but my leg is injured, and I can't use my full strength, so I have to scare him, and a single thought won't be enough to cure him. If he fights with that thought for a few seconds, it will be easy to set it alight." No, it looks like he's very lucky today. We can't bet Wu Rilan, we have to let him go. I indicated that I would retreat a few steps at a thought. At this time, Huang Xuanlong left the encirclement in a flash, threw away the things he held in his hand and ran off.

"What should we do?" He looked at me and asked, "Do you still want to chase him?"

"Nonsense, can you catch up?" I sighed, feeling particularly useless this time. Thus, he fished out a cigarette, picked up the lighter that Huang Xuanlong had thrown away, and lit it.

Beat it, no. Two hits, yet! Weird, I shook the lighter a few times and hit it again, but it didn't work! I immediately came to my senses, "Fuck, I was tricked by that bastard."

As soon as he thought about the fact that he heard someone not even hit the ignition a few times, he heard a sigh. So the person he was talking about was Huang Profound Dragon. It was as if the heavens were telling the truth. He had been very good at calculating, but in the end, he hadn't expected that the lighter wouldn't hit. To be exact, after he finished smoking a few cigarettes here, he was no longer in it. Presumably, the lighter just happened to be devoid of steam. It seems that we were lucky this time. Otherwise, if he were to burn incense and cast spells on us, not only would I be unable to save the glass, even my own life would be lost here.

After that, it was time to cry out for the glass. After Yixin and I circled around the well twice, we stood on the east shore and shouted towards the water, "Liu Siniang, come back here."

At this moment, I saw the water in the center of the well constantly churning, making "hua hua hua" sounds. A thought scared me so much that I hurriedly hid behind my back, grabbed my shoulder and peeped out. As soon as I turned to face the back of his head, I gave him a slam, and the guy wobbled and fell to the ground.

Not long after, two figures slowly emerged from the water, but they were very blurry and could not really be seen. One of them looked like he was not wearing a shirt, and there was only a pair of shorts on his lower body. In his hand was a person. I directly drilled my way into the Eternal Light that I held in my hands, and the flames of the Eternal Light suddenly leapt high into the air, becoming green and extremely dazzling. At this moment, the glass on the ground stirred restlessly, letting out a "wuwu" sound. I quickly put the lamp on the top of the glass and was about to tap his Baihui point when I realized I was surrounded by people and the floor was full of feet.

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