"Boss Yang, did you know that there used to be a Dragon King's Temple nearby?" I will not beat around the bush and go straight to the point.

Yang Tuo was about to lower his head to eat his meal when he saw me enter. He placed his chopsticks to the side and said, "Of course I know about this Dragon King's Temple."

He used the word "of course," implying that he was very familiar with the Dragon King's Temple. It seemed that the leopard cat had not lied to me when she told me to look for him. The Dragon King's Temple, as its name implied, was a temple dedicated to the Dragon King. In the past, there had been temples like this everywhere. The people worshipped the Dragon King for a very simple reason, which was to pray for smooth weather and a good harvest. Due to the difference in customs, Qiyu could be slightly different from other places. For example, the Roaming Dragon King and the Sunny Dragon King were both more common in different places. Of course, now that society has entered the stage of high civilization, these feudal superstitions have gradually faded and left history.

We did have a Dragon King Temple here a long time ago, located on the northern side of the mountain. Although I haven't seen this Dragon King Temple before, but according to Yang Tuo's description, I can accurately pinpoint this location. Because there was a dragon eye next to the Dragon King's Temple, I used to pass by there when I was young. But now, I don't have a dragon eye. It was said that in the past, there was an expert who had seen the terrain of the mountain range here. He said that this piece of land was like a dragon that had entered the earth, and this mountain was the dragon head, and this spring was the dragon head. However, I found it hard to rely on this theory. The terrain of this place didn't have the structure of an earth dragon. At most, it was only a bald tailed snake.

This Dragon Eye wasn't big. It was around five meters long and three meters wide at most. It was only one meter wide at the sides and looked quite similar to a human eye. There was water in the Dragon Eye all year round. In my memory, it never seemed to dry up. On the eve of rain, the Dragon Eye would gurgle and water would flow out. The flow of water in the Dragon Eye was much greater than usual. This phenomenon was hard to explain, because if it was a river flowing after rain, then it was possible that the rainwater from the mountain had seeped into the ground, and this part of the ground was caved in, causing the water to spring up again. But before the rain, the flow of the water was really hard to explain.

Now that the location of the Dragon King's Temple had been found, what did the death of three generations of the Wu family have to do with the Dragon King's Temple? If I were to ask them about their relationship, it would be really hard to ask. Just when I was thinking about how I should ask about that, Camel Yang spoke up.

"Sigh, I was the one who destroyed this Dragon King's Temple. Now, I feel a little regretful. Previously, the weather here was so smooth, but now, look at me. Every year, it gets so dry. I'm really regretting it." Yang Tuo sighed as he spoke.

When I heard this, my spirits were lifted. "Are you saying that the Dragon King's Temple was very efficient before? Why did you destroy it?"

"Aiya, you young people don't know, at that time, the country was calling for us to 'wipe out all the ghosts and gods' and 'break four old rules'. Do you dare to not do the task given to us by us, because if you don't become a production team, we will punish you with a penalty of 1/3, and if you don't get a ration ticket, you won't get anything to eat. Jiro, do you think so? "

"The Four Old Days" was proposed in the early years of the Cultural Revolution in order to eradicate all the old ideas, old cultures, old customs, and habits that had poisoned the people for thousands of years as a result of the exploitation of the classes. Looking at the time, my father was just born at that time, how would I know? No wonder the elderly keep saying that the Dragon King Temple's Dragon King Temple couldn't be seen. It turns out that it was destroyed six years ago, how could I see it? However, he might not be able to get his hands on such a huge temple by himself.

"How could I have that ability myself? I was just one of the helpers at that time. Of the four of us, Boss Li was the leader."

"Which Boss Li?"

"Boss Li Ping Liang, oh, he has already been dead for more than 10 years, you definitely wouldn't know. "Let me think. Right, it is the traitor Wu Rilan's father-in-law."

Hearing this, I couldn't help but tremble and immediately sat up straight. I secretly rejoiced in my heart that there was no way out, that there was no way out, that there was no way out, that there was no way out. I knew that they were related, but just when I was worrying about where I could get the information out, Hunchback Yang actually blurted it out, it seems like the truth is about to be revealed. However, he said that Wu Rilan was a traitor. I think it was because Wu Rilan left the Black Yellow School. But even if he did, it would still be a matter of freedom of belief. Why did he have to call her a traitor? Could it be that there was still more to the matter? Forget it, let's just settle the matter one by one. If not, I will become a mess. I will first ask about the matter of the Dragon King's Temple and put this matter aside.

"Can you tell me what happened during the destruction of the Dragon King's Temple? Is there anything strange that happened?"

Hunchback Yang scratched his head and stuffed the bench under his butt. It looked like he was prepared to say something big. He thought for a moment. After all, nearly fifty years had passed, and I might not be able to say anything for a while. I just sat by the side and didn't rush him, afraid that I wouldn't be able to remember anything if I tightened his grip on me.

"Aiya, so many years have passed and I really don't know how to explain it to you. Let me think carefully, I was only in my twenties at that time, not even thirty years old …"

I hurriedly offered him a cigarette and said, "Don't worry, just say whatever you want to say." Actually, this sentence was unnecessary, he had originally wanted to say whatever he wanted to.

Only after thinking for a long time did Hunchback Yang begin to speak. The story went like this. In '66, when the whole country went through the fourth generation of activities, this trend had unwittingly spread to our little mountain village. In order to respond to the call, the production team mobilized the entire village to remove all the tumors in the old society. Therefore, everyone started to make a fuss and in the end, no one knew what was going on as they all focused their attention on the Dragon King's Temple in the middle of the mountain.

Although everyone was eager to give it a try, the Dragon King's Temple had been established for far too long, so no one dared to step forward. As for the older people, they were even more unwilling to tear it down. They believed that the Dragon King's Temple was the village's guardian, and tearing it down would ruin their own future. Aiming at the question of whether or not the Dragon King's Temple would be demolished, the top leaders of the production team also held a meeting to discuss it deeply. The result of the discussion was that the Dragon King's Temple must be demolished, the feudal superstition must be completely broken down from its roots, and the idea of making a new one should be broken down.

The operation started. The task was given to a leader of a security team. He was Li Ping Liang, also Wu Ruilan's father-in-law. Li Pingliang picked three more people from the team, one of whom was a camel. Of course, he wasn't a camel back then, so he didn't have this nickname. As for the other two people, because they did not contribute much to the destruction of the Dragon King's Temple, and because they had nothing to do with what happened today, they did not make any important introductions.

The four of them had received orders the night before. Due to their fear, they decided to tear down the Dragon King's Temple at noon the next day. Li Tuo Tuo said that he had not slept at all that night because as soon as he closed his eyes, he heard someone scolding him again. The next day, when he told Li Pingliang about it, Li Pingliang said that he also had a strange dream. In the dream, a man in a golden robe kept pointing at Li Pingliang's head and scolding him, saying that if you tear down a house, I'll break three generations of your roots. Once the two made up their minds, they couldn't help but feel scared. So, they asked their superiors if they could not tear down the Dragon King's Temple. The result was obvious. If you took a mission, you would have to do it, if you didn't do it, you wouldn't obey the orders, and if you wanted to hold a meeting, you would have to review it.

The two of them were also dumbfounded. They never thought that their crime would be this heinous. However, they couldn't think of any other way, so they could only bite the bullet and bite the bullet. The four of them prepared shovels, axes, and ropes to ascend the mountain.

According to Yang Tuo, the sun was high on the horizon, but when the four of them arrived at the temple's entrance, the sky darkened, and the dragon eyes beside them began to pour water. The four of them looked at each other, not daring to enter. As Li Pingliang was the boss, others had to listen to him, so in the end everyone just looked at him and let him make his decision. Li Pingliang was also forced to come here, what could he do? In the end, he gritted his teeth and stomped his feet as he said.

The four of them entered the temple at the same time. It was already windy outside, and the sky was overcast, as if it was about to rain. Li Pingliang told the three of them to use an axe to cut all four pillars supporting the roof into the thickness of a wrist, then tied the rope to the pillar. He took the shovel and walked to the statue of the Dragon King. He found the Dragon King sitting there motionlessly, looking at him with fear in his heart. Finally, he spat on his palm, held the shovel, and was about to smash the Dragon King's head when he heard the other two men wail out loud, crying out, "Blood …" Blood... "Blood …" Saying that, he ran out one after the other. As the two of them ran out of the temple, they heard the sound of thunder outside, and it turned into night.

Li Pingliang cursed at the useless fellow and told Yang Tuo to continue cutting down the pillars. As soon as Li Pingliang shut his eyes, he threw a shovel at Prince Long, causing him to tumble to the ground. Then the thunder grew louder, and one by one it began to ring overhead.

Yang Tuo cut all the pillars, tied the ropes with Li Ping Liang, and then led the ropes outside. The two of them pulled with all their might, and with a loud bang, all four pillars broke, causing the entire temple to collapse. Almost at the same time, heavy rain began to fall from the sky. The two saw that they had completed their mission. They didn't even bother to pick up their spade axes, instead, they turned around and ran down the mountain.

According to Yang, it had rained for a whole week, and the village was filled with water. He and Li Pingliang had been in bed for a whole week with a fever, and Li Pingliang had had a headache. But when the rain stopped, they healed.

I mean the other two.

"Everyone was stunned, as if they were scared silly. Their mouths kept saying, 'There's blood …'" "There's blood, but it's long dead."

"How did he die?"

"I don't know about that, unlike the time when the horn was sent down, when the people were poor and the dead were buried, some people were buried for a long time without anyone knowing."

"How did Li Pingliang die?" This was the most important question. Yang Tuo said that the night before Li Pingliang destroyed the temple, he had had a dream in which someone would curse, "You tear down my house, I'll break your roots for three generations." If Li Pingliang was included, it would be exactly three generations, but if it wasn't for that, no one would have broken it.

"He was smashed to death more than ten years ago by a flying stone."

"Shattered to death by flying stones?" I was suspicious here. He had destroyed the Dragon King's Temple and offended the Dragon King. The Dragon King was in charge of the waters, so he should have died in the water like the other two generations. I fell into deep thought and muttered to myself, "Why didn't he die in the water?"

"What died in the water?" Yang Tuo was puzzled by my sudden question.

"Oh," I snapped out of my daze. "It's nothing. How could he have been killed by a flying stone?"

"Who knows. I heard that he was sitting right in front of the door enjoying the cool air. He was setting up a cannon on the mountain, probably because of the large amount of gunpowder left in there." Who knows, I heard that he was sitting right in front of the door. Erlang, tell me, isn't this the calamity that comes from the sky? I remember that one time I broke the hand of a workman, who was called something from your room. "

From our room? Broken hand? I think that there is indeed such a person. In terms of seniority, I should call him uncle. When I thought about it, I suddenly realized that Li Pingliang was unable to escape his fate, and died in the hands of the Dragon King.

This is because my uncle was involved in that battle. And the location of that battle was at the waist of the mountain, or to be more precise, it was that dragon eye. At that time, my mom had the ability to predict. She reminded my uncle not to touch the longan, but he wouldn't listen, so he took Li Pingliang with him. Unexpectedly, fifty years had passed, but this grudge did not fade due to the passage of time. Instead, it had been a clear revenge for his hatred. Li Pingliang's son, Wu Ruilan's husband, and Li Pingliang's grandson, Li Huaguang, both died at the well, and the bottom of the well is said to be connected to the East China Sea, which is related to the legendary Dragon King.

A seemingly accidental death. Who would have thought that there would actually be such an inevitability? It sounded like a story, but in reality, it was real. Thus, there are many things that are not as accidental as we think, but that you do not see the underlying cause and effect.

I knew that Wu Rilan's husband had died, and the next step was to go to the well pond and help the glass to wake the soul, but how could I do that? Because I have to help the glass call the soul, but also to control the water ghost, I have no way to do it.

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