"It's not over yet..."

Dadan, who put the jock back on the counter with Gotri, grumbled bitterly.

There's too much force caged in that arm for the blood vessels to come up.

The old man, slowly pulling his strength out of his strong fingers, turned his gaze around to the face in his presence.

As always, there are only five seats in a narrow store lined with the faces you see.

With a floating look, Tor stares at this one.

He said he had just accomplished his feat, but was ready to be quiet in the face of his beloved disciple.

Its neighbor Sora is delightfully rubbing the chilled noodles as she leans against Tor's arms subtly.

From the girl who had let her climb to the height of her adventurer in less than a year, she had already begun to have a special atmosphere that made her feel strange.

On the seat beside the girl sits Cocorara, Dadan's wife, and on her lap sits a purple-eyed child.

Freed from thirty years of heavy duty and claustrophobia, the old woman continues to love and stroke Moo's hair scratching her obsessed, shrunken noodles.

To the soft light that dwelt in his eyes, Dadan exhaled several times an unknown breath of relief.

Finally, Euril occupies the seat by the entrance.

Bringing pale, chilled, ancient cask liquor to your mouth is impressive, but there are overflowing signs of enclosed unusual magic, and this one will keep the rest of you from wandering off.

Dadan nodded loudly after sipping another sip of barley in the standings of three seemingly mighty men, except Moo.

Overnight with the big hole in the abandoned underground prison sealed.

The rumor was already running around the city.

Three days later a festival was scheduled to honor the Tors, and it was in that seat that these four and Lambmerla should be awarded the title of Yingjie.

Before that I rented out a choi shop in an attempt to have a small celebration just inside me, so Tor told me an unexpected story there.

"There were some things I wasn't sure about, so I'm going to sort them out again. You said you saw first."

"You didn't exactly see (...), Master"

Tor's < prediction > is seen as the point where future scenes have been cut.

By looking at them through an infinite mystery, the dots increase and connect the lines.

And the numerous lines that come together lead to huge oceans where time changes are reflected.

Before fighting the last Lord of the Labyrinth, the Black Skeleton, Thor and Moo had reached that "great sea of time" once.

"I see, the rain grains gather and flow, and that doesn't mean it eventually leads to the sea. So, all that flow is on the way..."

"Yeah, it was interrupted"

"Hmm, that doesn't mean I didn't see the future. Reason?"

"This city, no, this country itself will perish. Not so far into the future."

The earth where everything withered away.

A bunch of monsters filling the sky as well as the horizon.

Many people who chase their dwellings and flee.

That was Thor's glimpse of a severed future.

"It's speculation, but I think it's been designed to be that way for a long time."

"Fixed dungeons are a trap for that?

It would be more efficient to produce a large number of monsters and send them out uninterrupted if we were to drop Boundary Street.

It doesn't have to be a complex structure, like it takes time to get in and out on purpose.

Perhaps the role of the fixed dungeon is to attract and retain the excellent adventurers to the land for a long time.

And it was Thor's conclusion that when he earned it, he used it to push even through the ground and through the hole to the six surrounding powers.

"Looking at the current situation everywhere, I just think so"

The native Zuma of Straccia and Ninessa is in a situation where many of the water lowlands (oasis) connected from the underground labyrinth are contaminated and dangerous.

Gran, the birthplace of Kugase, said the wind blowing down from the hole in the mountain belly had made much of the agricultural land barren.

The Federation of the Triala Islands, the home country of Lambmerla, Licori and Moldamo, seems to have the islands swallowed up and disappeared one after the other by waves containing exasperations arising from the seabed.

The meadow country of Reginalia in the south is not noticeable because of its vastness, but Chill said the pasture is just decreasing.

And Hakuri, the homeland of Dadan and Kikiriri, is also beginning to wither in many of the woods because of the holes worn on the perimeter.

The only thing that seems to be the icing covered Euril fabric stra is not that damaging.

The reason for this was the securing of human resources.

At first, the accumulation progresses, even where the temper is faint, and eventually also arises from the encroached land itself.

Before that happens, we need to seal the hole, but in order to do so, we need to crusade the monster who raised the skilled tree to protect the hole.

But there are few people left to deal with in the surrounding countries, which have sent many humans to the frontier streets of central countries to gain new lands.

Even if there are massive holes in undeveloped places where people don't live, they don't have enough people or organizations to do something about it.

In the first place, it was founded because it was a safe place away from the "great hole of coma", and there was no choice but to be less conscious of the crisis.

but as a result, the five surrounding countries were facing a crisis of annihilation, with the exception of Stra, which was not active in recapturing the land.

Those who pollute the peripheral lands and lose their place of return will gather further to the Border Street.

But the further back we go, the harder domination becomes due to the "coma hole", and humanity loses its place of destination in a way that is sandwiched from within and from outside.

And at the end of the day, it will be ravaged by a large group of monsters without the art of exchange.

"Can't you do anything about it? Is that what the future is all about?

Tor shook his neck sideways heavily at Dadan, who frowned.

"No, there were streams that didn't. It's just one thing."

"Right! That's more than anything."

"But I can't say for sure..."

"Hmm. Then if you look until you're sure -"

"No! Tor and Moo are gone."

You were listening to me, and Sora suddenly pinches my mouth.

Thor unfortunately shook his neck sideways again as he snuggled at the girl clinging to his arm.

"I've tried several times, but I couldn't really see how it would go in the fine hours of the distant future"

It is impossible to recognize the sea when it is immense, in the body of a tiny man.

When we approach the force, our very existence is swallowed and swayed.

It was because of the blurred appearance of Tor and his near disappearance in the underground prison.

"There is no one certainty. But we're definitely done here. There's really only a few possibilities left, but please help me, Master. I want to go further with these guys."

To Thor, who showed the fervent emotions that burn at the bottom of his determination, Dadan looks sideways at the child and his laughing wife again in silence.

And I said it out loud.

"All right, I'll take care of the meals!

What was floating there was not the tired look of an old man who had worn out for a long time, but the face of a man who made him proud to be a warrior.

Two days later, the city was surrounded by great hustle and bustle.

Starting in the morning, constant heartbeat music is played, and a lot of people come and go around the city.

The streets are adorned with children walking flashly with petals and possibly stall calls.

Most shops were closed except for food and beverage, and a large crowd packed the square in the middle of the inner city.

The surrounding land still has its temper, but it disappears quickly over time, and monsters eventually cease to occur.

When the inhabitants finally know that a day has come when they don't need to be frightened, they cheek up a dish of behavior that chooses to drink with joy.

The adventurers were also mostly out of work and waiting for the Synod ceremony to take place at noon, now or now.

It is well known that the Great Hole has been sealed.

but because the person who will be the head of the newly built border district is still down, the topic was monochromatic.

Do we move on to the next city? Or go to a different city?

Treatment and the like can vary depending on the mayor, and a new city in particular is a great opportunity to become one.

But some of the other city officials who had already come to this city had just solicited me here, and the adventurers were extremely confused.

A bell at noon and a large number of people dressed in courtesies enter from the city hall.

The moment one of them, especially the remarkable lady in blue, appeared, a big twist ran.

Headquartered in the Federation of the Triala Islands, it is the outfit of the Great Witch of the Water Crown, the top of the Temple of Therapy.

Her appearance in this place of Yingjie's reign was telling one fact.

The next mayor said he was likely to be an associate of the Therapeutic Temple.

A soaring trumpet is blown, and a beautiful blonde-haired dancer accidentally jumps onto the stage.

The vibrant dance was the beginning of the festival.

Each temple performs a variety of songs and performances along with their mouths and is greatly exhilarated.

The crowd heats up further as the player, Licori, sings emotionally about the battle until it seals the Great Hole.

And finally, a rigorous ritual was begun in which the name was called and left to Yingjie.

It is still the Witch of the Crown of the Ethereal Scale tribe who gives the Word of Blessing.

Euril, Sola, Moo, and Thor.

To what was not the last, a discouraged sigh leaked from everywhere.

Seemed like a lot of people expected from Thor, a central citizen.

A lamb merla is called on the fifth, and a round of applause is given to rock the square.

It was allowed to bear that name of the next city, and the inauguration of a new border district was announced.

I thought it was over there. At that time, Dadan, the mayor of the city, was proceeding in a loose foothold.

After a close look at the inhabitants looking up on the stage in doubt, the old man turns around and calls the Tors next door.

Then I said a few words lightly.

A few seconds of silence.

And that day, the greatest cheer and enthusiasm emanated from the crowd.

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