Two days later, the Tors returned to the border district of Dadan.

The festival brought back is named an infinite mystery by the Director.

More security personnel on the exterior walls will be added, and warning orders will be issued to adventurers, woodcutters and staff traveling to and from the Little Ghost Forest and Bloodshed River.

But Dadan rushed me with anticipation that it would be tough for too long.

The next day, I visited Tor and two guests came to Euril's house.

The first is a man with a long wrap, a long look at the weapons workshop.

"Thank you for your patience. Please, give it to me."

When I opened the crate placed on the low table, a slurring sword appeared.

The sword body is a vajra iron that emits a seven-color glow.

The length of the blade is about one nail longer than before, and the construction of a single blade is the same as usual only at the tip of the spike.

The violin is slightly smaller and the pattern is firmly familiar to the hands.

I got permission from Euril and shook it a few times at the garden tip.

Not too light or too heavy.

The sound of lightly turning off the air is pleasant to the ear.

"That's a good sword."

"Yes, I put the whole spirit in it"


When Thor nodded as he loosened his mouth, the blacksmith also responded by lifting the edge of his lips small.

The second guest was a woman.

A chic black piece with thin red flowers and a wide range of hats.

Gracefully lower your back to the couch with a body look that doesn't remind you of old age.

Taking his hat, he overflowed with golden hair reminiscent of the lion's tenderness.

With red eyes and brown skin, it's Aniella, the mistress of the Book Pavilion at night.

With a quiet eye, the old lady told her errands lightly.

"Dadan told me you wanted me to deal with the sword."

He is the archaic opponent whose master said he would introduce me.

Thor, who had already heard the details, bowed his head deeply.

"Thank you for taking the time to come"

"You don't know how far you can go in this old age. Are you sure?

"Yes, please. And I think you heard from my master..."

"Yeah, if it's a suspicious ear story. But the rumors seem to be true. Surprised."

To Yuryl, who served me tea, the old lady flies a calm gaze backwards from words.

"You're out of time, Frozen White Hall"

"Yes, Master Aniella seems fine"

"Do you know him? Mr. Euril."

"Heh heh, no one in our generation doesn't know this one."

Aniella the Sword Dance.

It was even older than the Dadans, but it is the legendary Yingjie allegedly involved in the sealing of the three great holes.

The swordsmanship is awesome, and there are countless frowning anecdotes such as the single-ride slaughter of the labyrinth lord.

Straccia's use of sworddance streams can also be a genre spread by her disciples based in fact on her swordsmiths.

Why is Yingjie, given such a name, secretly running a liquor store in this city?

When I asked Dadan, it was a reply that I was not sure because my master had also become quite round.

"So may I borrow your hand for a moment?

He honestly held the hand he offered, so he rejuvenated his flesh once and for all to the early twenties of his request.

The next moment, Thor was unwittingly letting go.

Sitting in front of you is a woman of such beauty that her breath is stuck.

But what was releasing from its slurring body was a monster and an unmistakable sense of intimidation seen at the bottom of the labyrinth.


Moo napping on the couch jumps up surprised by the signs.

And I stunned. I stuck out the mirror that I held very dearly, with Aniella in mind.

Ex-Yingjie, peering into the mirror, nodded contentedly when she confirmed her rejuvenated face.

At the same time, signs of beasts disappeared.

"I'm sorry to surprise you. There's blood on my hands."

With a thin grin, Aniella moves her fingers smoothly to see how she feels.

He lifted his arm so that it would come from it and pointed to the garden visible from the living room.

"Let's get started"

Aniella is unarmed against Thor's Vajra Iron Sword.

Accidentally holding a sword, he can't help it.

Five and a half steps in time.

Less than a moment away, Mai Himei sits flat.

Most of all, the figure is perfect as a round of roses, and I don't see a minute's gap.

I'm weak, but I'm perfectly strong at my fingertips.

I've been planted by Dadan many times.

Then Aniella's right leg came forward.

Using that toenail as its starting point, Mai's body twirled around.

Both arms extend and a wide range of sleeves flutter and air.

Sora, the audience, embarks on a dance so elegant as to be mesmerized.

Keep going again.

Aniella steps around without hesitation in between Thor's swords.

Normally, turning your back on someone with a weapon is a huge gap.

However, in that brilliantly cushioned motion, Tor is constrained to the tip of the plane.

If you're aware, the exhaling distance.

A sword of Thor jumping from the bottom intercepts the hand that has been stretched.

Even if removed, its blade tip is a blade muscle that securely captures the torso.

As for the feathers stirred by the wind, Aniella's arms gently turn the track.

At the same time, the other arm plays Thor's sword from the side.

On the verge, the slaughter turned into an assault.

The seven-colored sword body, forcefully reoriented, is protruded towards the shoulder mouth.

At that moment, again, Aniella's body turned around, cutting the wind.

Both arms spread beautifully again as Thor's sword was played out like a planned harmony.

But Thor wasn't watching the dance in silence either.

While pulling his leg, he takes advantage of the breakdown in his posture and changes his blade muscle to a transverse giraffe.

The inevitable distance.

It was supposed to be, but Aniella had already inverted herself.

Having lightly missed the intermission, Mai Himei flicks herself so that she can play it.

And when I returned five and a half steps away, I lifted my eyebrow root slightly.

"It's been decades since he was slaughtered."

An incision enters the sleeve of Aniella's left arm and the fabric drips over.

In response, Thor nodded deeply as he breathed.

If Aniella had a sword in those hands, the present fit, no doubt Thor's body, would have been chopped and engraved.

And that was exactly who Thor wanted.

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