The triple neck takes more than three days to recur once defeated, during which time a wide cavity path becomes a safety zone.

Sometimes when moving from cavity to cavity due to the large number of people, they were attacked by fire heads that brought in lava dogs and burning corpses, but even more so by the Tors who defeated the labyrinth lords of this hierarchy.

That is why there were no particularly dangerous occasions for the return journey, and the line was able to return to the door of the blue bamboo key near the evening.

The first thing I noticed was Nemi, who was taking on the scouts.

Kikiriri, who was then sharing her senses, also turns to her face as surprised.

"What's this!

With that voice, Sora and Kugase, who noticed the change, also turn their eyes in surprise.

"That!? There was no such thing."

"What the hell..."

There were two doors lined up.

I'm so well acquainted with the rock walls that I'm likely to be under the illusion that it's been there for a long time.

One would definitely be at the door leading to the upper hierarchy through which the Tors came.

But the other thing is, it's totally unrecognizable.

A twin sister noticed Thor's gaze and quickly activated < electric detective > to explore her surroundings.

After checking for signs often, he shakes his neck to the side to tell me that there is no danger of monsters.

"Sora, hey, please"

"Yeah, it's getting a little heavy, Moo"

Handing the girl the child who was sleeping on her back, Tor activated the < prediction > as she approached the suspicious door.

As it happens, a series of footage into the future in thirteen seconds pushes the rain grain into view.

Having identified them in an instant, Thor sees that there is no trap-like situation.

When I pressed and twisted the key of the retrieved red jaw against the indentation, the mysterious door moved without sound.

What emerged from its interior was a narrow staircase stretching downward.

Though it was covered in dark darkness even a few steps down.

"It's absolutely crazy, this!

Kugase, who was looking intrigued from behind, raised his voice like he was angry as he grabbed Thor's armored sleeve.

"If there was a cavity here, you wouldn't miss my horn. Why is this happening!

The horn of the forehead of the Tea Horn clan can detect differences in the hardness of the substance.

In particular, Kugase seems to be excellent, making it possible to grasp even the thickness of the walls.

"Hmm, that's too unnatural. I didn't expect the door to show up as if we'd anticipated that we'd got the keys. And before that, there was nothing at all like it."

Tor and Euril glanced over at Baluconia's pointing out as he rubbed his moustache.

I didn't know you would bother to prepare a staircase to the lower level, but this labyrinth still seems too weird.

I exhale like a chill in the reaction of the Tors, who have been silent.

"Hey, why don't we have dinner first? Whether you're here or not, you can't help thinking about it."

"Yeah, I'm hungry."

"Right, can you rest your body first"

To the most plausible word, the line finally turns its foot across the safe door.

Kugase, who had just thrown his luggage at the wall, jumped into the bedding given to both walls to stretch his hands and feet full of strength.

The twins, who do not hide the expression of relief, fall asleep in the same way.

Thor spread the folding chair and hurried Euril to sit down.

Even if the magic power is inexhaustible, it still seems to have less health.

The silver-haired beauty smiled relieved as she held the offered hand.

In contrast, when Sola threw Moo into the hanging bedding, she began to support dinner vigorously.

Back at the usual chatter shop, Balucconia rushes to help.

I heard Hisohiso discussing tonight's dedication.

"Lord Sola, the example I promised..."

"Hey today -"

"Then this one -"

He was preparing a celebratory treat, but he seemed concerned about the depressed state of the three Ethereal Scales.

Those lamb merlas, but they've barely opened their mouths since they got back.

It is a joy to have been able to destroy the whole of the Labyrinth Lord, but I guess it was a result that did not meet my expectations any more than that.

Russell, alone, was carefully running a grinding wheel on his sword, even against the wall.

After a while, the cute scent spread all over the aisle.

I can also hear you simmering a crease and something.

When I wondered if Moo, who was asleep, had swept up, he fell to the ground lightly from his hanging bedding.

The child, who lands safely at the hands of the received Tor, rolls corny to the foot of Sola, who is still cooking.

And the child, still blindfolded, opened his mouth like a chick when he stopped at the girl's feet.

Sora, who soaked up the contents of the pan with a wooden spoon, breathed cold and then inserted it into Moo's mouth.

The child, sipping a sip of soup as he lay, accidentally opened his purple eyes, though moving his mouth with Munyu for a while.


"Hehe, you seem to like it, Lord Moo. This is a special salted meat made from only the foot in the middle of the armored pig's herd phase, which has been sun-dried for a year."

"Please replace me!

"It doesn't look delicious. Give us a taste, too."

The twins who heard the noise surrounded the pan at some point.

To Sora, who laughed and tried to hand her a wooden key, the two shook their necks sideways like they were breathing together.

"I can't help it. Sorry, but it tickles me."

"Hurry up, I can't stand it"

"Yes, go ahead -"

Moo, slightly up, steps on the estate and gets angry at the spoon offered to both of them.

"That's Moo's! Eat it. Damn."

"Then I'll chill for you. Please, this way."

"Slippery old man, slippery but good place"

Rammella suddenly blows up at the terrible thing.

To a sudden change of expression, Licori and Mordamo looked at each other as surprised, then looked at each other and finally loosened their mouths.

The dinner ended with a soothing atmosphere.

The next day, as a result of the conversation, I settled on the story of only scouting the next level.

Built in the hands of men, Tor and his men carefully descend the stairs, relying on the lights of the demonic stone lamp.

When I opened the door that was deep, what was spreading there was a cylindrical space.

A square black stone is laid on the floor, something like a chair in the back - with a throne.

Sitting there was the remains of someone with a black sword.

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