"Blushing crimson leaves. Go ahead and have a dazzling glow -"

At the same time as the flaming prayer phrase that gave rise to the little mustache, Tor's body is more than braced.

Blurring the outline with a phantom is the effect of the magic trick of the Flaming Tree that makes it easier to attack.

"The long roots of the great earth tree, you will release them from their midst -"

This is the magic trick of a goblin tree that lightens its own weight to allow it to move with agility.

The ready Tors look at the pockingly open spaces from the narrow passages.

There was a monster (monster) on the rock wall about fifteen steps away who kept making a deafening laugh.

This is a two-party joint operation to rid the Lord of this cavity.

Even so, out of half a dozen, Balucconia only came forward a short while ago to say < Yangtze Formation > and the rest are waiting in the rear.

Because if the twelve get solidified in one place, they could get stuck in the three necks they notice and block the passage.

Then the free-moving monster side becomes overwhelmingly advantageous.

The point of this operation depended on how to seal those three neck movements.

"So it's time to get started"

"Nah, why is Lili's sister partitioning?"

"You can't because you pinch your mouth there. I don't care who says you can hang up."

There is a complete loss of wasted power from Kikirili's body with axes hanging in his hands, even allowing room to drift.

The same seems to be true of my sister Nemi, who snorts behind her back.

Let the opposite Kugase also make a great cage hand made of Vajra iron sit quietly in a bowl in front of his chest.

This one is full of motivation.

Russell, standing behind it, also let him pull his jaw vigorously as he ascertained the grip of the long sword pattern he carried.

Tor, who looked around at the four faces, speaks to the woman standing next to him.

"Okay, please. Mr. Euril."

"Yes, I've been entrusted"

A silver-haired beauty with a soft grin raises her magic with a short cane.

At that moment, the movement of the monster, which was muddling the stones of the wall, suddenly stopped.

Immediately, the tentacles beneath the body groan with nudity, and the grunge and creepy faces reposition.

It's a tremendous speed of reaction, but I've already experienced that coming.

Euril's prayer echoes inside the cavity without even showing shards of hesitant bare gestures.

"Retain to the Underworld -"

At its feet was not the body of the devil, which waited with its mouth wide open, but the end of a long stream of magic.

Occasionally the blue and white glow spreads to the ground around the monster.

The ice pressed as it was will freeze all three neck tentacles involved.

The demon, forced to stop his physical movements, emitted the sound of biting his teeth hard.

At first glance, it has the same effect as the lower branches, but there was a clear difference in its power.

Normally, the ice created by magic moves disappears in a matter of seconds to minutes.

But this new Euril mastery of the third Upper Edge Demonic moves boasts thirty minutes of effect time at level one.

And now that I had turned the point of the other two upper branch magic moves and stretched them to level 5, the ice was going to last until an hour.

Most importantly, one condition was necessary.

One of the tentacles frozen demon faces opens his jaw to its limit, and momentum often spits a vortex of flames out of the back of his throat distorted by his anger.

It's a burning exhalation that becomes ash in an instant to the bone.

But the frozen ground, where thousands of degrees of heat were supposed to have struck directly, has no bare shake that produces one steam instead of the ice melting out.

An angry face sprays a red flame over and over again, but remains solidified in the kachikachi.

Before the icy surface, which continued to shine blue and white, the edge of Yuryl's lips lifted, shaping an unusual grin.

An unusual amount of magic is still released from the cane.

The ice produced by this will not melt out as long as Euril keeps sending magic.

On top of that, ice summoned from the underworld comes with even the effect of snatching strength while twitching and eroding with the chilling air emitted.

It's only a little plain compared to previous Uebi magic moves, but it was also a horrible move that could easily be beaten if fitted.

Besides, I'm pretty sure it's a good idea for this operation.

"All right! We'll do the rest."

"Yes, I'm on it"

Euril steps back as he pours his magic into the ice.

The armored Tors jump out of the aisle one after the other and pack it into the devil.

Kugase and Russell on the face about the big meal in the front.

The face that keeps laughing is in charge of the twins.

And Thor confronts his angry face.

But before the sword arrived, an unpleasant laugh echoed in the ears of the five avant-gardes.

If you listen properly, it's a ferocious noise that even makes you impatient to move.

But I don't see any shade in the Thor's movements.

Rather, it accelerates more.

Of course, it has the effect of giving more power than that.

"By the way, ♪ by the way, whoa, whoa ♪"

"Already. Why are you singing with me!

Flowing in the ears of the five was the sound of a brave whistle.

And the singing of young children.

The identity of the music is < martial arts >.

It is a magic song that increases your motivation to fight and increases your physical abilities to the bottom.

The player is a liquorice standing behind the aisle.

Naturally, there's too much distance and you shouldn't want enough volume to hit your ear.

But to the five ears, the tone echoes as if they were hearing it right up close.

The mechanism is simple, and Moo, who waited right next to the liquor, is synchronizing the sensation in his ears with the Tors.

Using earplugs can block a nasty laugh, but that doesn't get the effect of a magic song.

So it's a greedy attempt to shut up a troublesome voice and even hear a song.

Even though the singing of children who are just concerned can follow without leaks.

A twin axe wields a purple electricity wrapped around her face sealed with laughter.

At the same time, a great sword and a fist of Vajra iron, off the sheath, were struck into the face of about a great meal.

A cut or fall running diagonally occurs on two faces.

But the only thing I peered under my skin was a cross section.

There's no bodily fluids to blow out, and the wound just happens to get blocked in between.

"Come on, I'll slap you till I make the noise."

Across the diagonal from the dynamically soiled girl, a bursting exhalation had erupted from the mouth of her angry face.

A few steps away, Tor calmly scolds it.

It is protected by dragon scales and black diamonds, but it is just dangerous to bathe at close range.

Sometimes boots, leather gloves, sword bands, etc. burn normally.

As soon as the monster finishes exhaling his scorching breath, Tor's body disappears and appears right next to its face.

< acceleration > from < prediction >.

Tor, who instantly unleashed dozens of slaughters, then again took a distance.

The devil, with his face cut wide open, makes him so angry.

But the flame radiation again was lightly avoided.

There were many occasions when my feet were sometimes taken with ice or my breath was painful because of the flames, but there were also phantoms and the help of Sola while Rammella and others healed my strength, and after about thirty minutes the monster finally stops moving.

Stick your arms up high like twins and kugase breathed together in the form of a demon whose body collapses from the inside.

Russell, who had re-carried the Great Sword, also proudly let him lift the edge of his lips.

At first glance, the combination just seemed to work, but it actually required a five-day prep period leading up to here.

Because it's safe to escape into the narrow corridor, we repeatedly made sure of the trial and error.

For example, try shooting in Euril's other upper branch magic moves, or try to stop him with Kugase's < magnetic precepts >.

But all the magic moves aimed directly at monsters were absorbed or ended up being resisted with high magic power.

I tried it only, but the recovery rate seemed to be reciprocal to the damage caused by the cold air, and the time had just passed with nothing.

Based on this background, it became a direct attack and sharpening operation in parallel with Euril's stepping stone, while enhancing his physical abilities with the magic moves of the reinforced system.

Thor scratched his jaw, looking at the three faces losing shape.

"Did you finally take him down? Well, it wasn't too soon."

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