Eventually, the exploration of the thirteenth floor was carried over to the following week.

Down on the stone floor with increased cooling, Tor looks at the passage that once again leads to the back of darkness.

At the end of the road stretching straight north should be a large prison separated by an iron lattice.

When I fell out of prison, it was a place I could reach in a day, but it took me more than ten days on the road through the sarcophagus.

Thor shook his neck to the side, wondering which would be better.

No matter how much effort and time you spend, if it is safe, it is the right way to go.

"All right, let's go over it carefully."

Tor, who turns around, just breaks up a little with the way the three of them look behind him.

Was it colder than I thought, Sola and Moo were cuddling each other perfectly.

Conversely, Ulil, who grew up in the North, has a lively look, smiling flatly as he watches the two of them.

"Look, let's go"

"Ugh, just a little bit more. Moo-chan, it's soggy."

The praised child rang his throat only slightly instead of responding.

Moo, softly wrapped in white fur, is like a natural heating appliance with higher body temperatures.

However, they have a habit of leaning in unconditionally when they are asked to keep warm because they have lived with cats for a long time.

It was a distracted departure, but the exploration itself went smoothly.

"Um, nothing in particular. I'm starting to get the opposite feeling."

The size had increased by about 10%, but the thirteenth floor was also basically the same as the upper floor.

The south side, with slightly more corridors and a guard steel doll positioned at the stronghold.

The north side of a simple structure that just pushed prisoner evil spirits and such into a large room.

Furthermore, this floor was made easier to understand by the long direct passage from the large room to the stairs in the center.

The stairs to the fourteenth floor are also well located.

"What do you want to do? Mr. Thor."

"How much longer is the map? Sola."

"Uh, all that's left is the back of the southeast. Oh, but I'm a little concerned about this."

The girl pointed to a line along the south wall.

There is only one spot where I deliberately went out, and it stands out because the others are clean and tidy.

"Something not flattering?

"Oh, that's obvious from the map"

I didn't realize it when I went down the road along the wall, but this is how I looked over and I could tell it was suspicious at first sight.

"This is a trick. Let's find out."


"Sola, let Moo see it, let me see it"

The child, who handed him a map of each drawing board, often flipped it over or turned it over, and then added it to the drawing.

"Ah! What are you doing, Moo?

Sora rushes to take the drawing board from the child.

But it was already too late, and the map cleverly depicted a rash piercing a corner into the outcrop.

"Ho, you're pretty good"

"Oh, that's adorable"


"No, no, because you shouldn't draw this down. Neither of you should praise me. Okay, no more."

"You did. No, Moo."

"No, Mr. M."

"I don't think it's a good idea. Then let's go to the toes!

With such a crushed atmosphere, the line headed towards the south wall.

Monsters on the road have already been swept, so they arrive sakuri.

The place you put out is actually pretty big when you look at it, and there seems to be one room for you.

After careful examination of the surrounding walls, it was found that only one stone in the corner part moves.

With his hands on the stone, Thor breathes deeply.


Once in a while, in front of Thor's eyes, a large amount of footage emerges.

They are all views of what Thor would do next, from his point of view.

One of them was footage pointing a gaze at the part of the sidewall.

In sight, there is a reflection of a stone wall sinking beneath the floor.

Apparently, the entrance and exit have appeared.

Then the sudden departure of sight from the wall was probably a jump away.

I can also see the girl looking left and right even more anxiously, and Yulil lifting her wand.

Thor sorts the footage coming at him like a rain grain in an instant.

The one in front is from now on, and the farther back it goes, the more it will be of the future.

And what would happen three seconds later was a bunch of steel dolls approaching to fill the aisle.

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