"If you take it, Moo's bush will sweep him. It's pokali!

Dropping off the child's hindsight leaving behind a cute throwaway dialogue, Chill lowers her hips without sound on her leather sleeping table.

And with a small breath, he turned his eagle glance toward the twins.

"So, how'd it go? You must have been watching."

In that inquiry, the Purple Eye sisters turned away to dissatisfaction after only a moment of eye contact.

Even if you're used to trespassing, it seems uncomfortable to be done by others.

To the two reluctant to answer, Chill slowly overlapped words.

"I repeat, the Mud Breakers are broken beings. You'll never get past us more than we do. So I think we should share the perception properly, but am I wrong?

"I'm not wrong, but I don't like the way you say it."


To the words of the childish twins, Chill turned his neck without saying anything back.

In response to that gaze, his sister Chita, who was standing behind him, takes over the response.

"Eh, I want to hear it too. Can you tell me? Kiki, Nene."

To the entry of the troublesome person, the twins looked one another in the eye again.

At present, within the Heavenly Storm Alliance, like the Tors, it is the woman in front of her who combines bowmen with wind.

Nemi opened her mouth without trying to hide expressions such as disapproval, as the beast's instincts could not resist the presence that was becoming the center of the herd.

"A brunette has a strong vision, and friendship. Silver hair is curiosity, a little sympathy. The man..."

"It's disgusting. If I catch that eye. Men are usually with us."

"No, it was one way or another, I loved it"

"Ha, I love it!? You're a really rude man."

Kikiriri, who was arm-wrapped, raised her voice as surprised by the result of the emotion she read in the properties of Nemi.

The shaped breasts are extra protruded due to the fact that they are not worn on the breasts.

Apparently, you're mistaken and angry that you've been treated like a child.

"More than that, how was your move?

How dare the twins keep their mouths shut on the chill question they've been interrupting.

The speed of reaction and physical abilities of the two people, who have shared lightning magic moves since they were young, have been pushed to the extreme, not to mention far removed from the ordinary people.

Even Dadan's most powerful and praised Stracchia can afford to squeak if only quickly.

Even with its proud beast eye, Thor's movements were clearly abnormal.

It would be more right not to see, but not to have.

The man suddenly appeared next door and let him return to his original position without any first moves.

That was an area the twins had never experienced before either.

Chill nods joyfully at how the silent kirilis look.

"Looks like you've got a lot more unusual magic tricks again. Not at all bottomless, Lord Mudbreaker."

"Speaking of which, what about Moo-chan's?"

"That's him... That's too awesome. It's a monster."

"Uh, yeah. But Moo is cute, isn't she?

I have no objection to that.

Born with < sensory sharing >, Nemi has shared a variety of emotions and sensations with her twin sister since childhood.

Thanks to this, even if I don't speak up now, I'm able to have a conversation.

However, even with such sophistication, the range of the effects of the properties is at best within the body, to the extent that it is finally unilaterally available to people who know each other well.

Yet that toddler hasn't just pushed his emotions as well as interrupting them between two other people who are easily red.

This was also an unlikely matter.

Chill, who was able to reaffirm the strength of the Tors, continued the conversation as he shook his head vertically with joy.

"Lord Sola and Lord Euril are not the ones to be insulted, either. Lord Euril, in particular, will do a remarkable job even after the sixteenth floor, as your lords have told you."

"I see how obsessed you are with those people. I've seen enough of a competent opponent. But..."

Once he had separated the words, Kikirili made him unequivocally affirm to the Cuiyu brothers and sisters after breathing a little.

"Isn't it crazy to bring such a little girl to such a dangerous place?

Chill and Chita smiled bitterly after looking at the commonsense words emanating from Kikirili, who at last behaved at will.

Mordamo, a man with water sitting on the upper sleeping table, remained silent until the end.

After returning to the sixth floor to finally get dressed, Tor and the others decided to stay there for the night before returning to the city.

After two days of fine-tuned errands, he returns to an underground prison.

Run in less than three hours on the road to the ten floors you are completely accustomed to and reach the room with the stairs.

There was no sign of the watchman, and the iron lattice remained up.

The sleeping area of the stairs remained intact, but the number had been reduced to three.

There was a letter left by Chita, so I read it and they took the two back to repair it.

Items brought into the labyrinth (dungeon) are eroded and collapsed over time, and eventually disappear.

They are replacing parts to prevent it.

And at the end of the letter, it was stated that the next exploration would be in three days, so you would be free to use it until then.

"I appreciate that."

"Moo, I like it here!

"Wow, something calms me down. Look, why don't you join Tor?

"There are only three, and how do you allocate them?"

After much discussion, it came together that he and Moo would take turns for a day.

"Fine, Moo."

"You two adults just can't do it."

"I wish I could spread it out."

Because of the limited number of steps, there is no way to arrange multiple beds.

If we get further down or too close to the upper floors, I guess we also risk calling monsters in.

"Well, I can use it as much as I want for three days. Don't talk to me like that."


Having gained an unexpected base, the Tors first explore the south side, the guard's area.

The steel doll that fires the ice-column doesn't have as much of a struggle as it did because he knew it was in his hand.

The second day is an exploration on the north side, a zone of prisoners.

This place also buries the map in one day while defeating the evil spirits of dark movers without difficulty.

Returning to a staircase with a sleeping area, Tor looks at the finished map and scratches it under his chin.

"............... no stairs?

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