"Get down!"

Screaming, Thor's body fulfils the pulled heel and half-spins.

At the same time, with a lifted blade, I scowl where I was until I was close.

A bitchy blunt sound arose and the response ran like a slap on an iron pillar.

Not long between, a loud crushing noise rings in the aisle.

Tor, who turned his gaze backwards for only a moment, exhaled with relief in his heart.

Sora gave herself up properly and Euril leaned against the wall, seemingly avoiding the current attack safely.

Moo also fell asleep with Cologne on his back to round his eyes, but I don't see anything injurious.

And on the wall behind the aisle, two ice columns filled in like piles.

One is stabbed diagonally, probably because Thor played it with his sword.

Because of the intensity of the shock, I could see a large spread of fine cracks on the stone walls.

Re-facing forward, Thor also stares at the conical ice column stretching out in the palm of the steel giant.

Quietly give instructions to the girl behind you as the blade drops a broken sword on the floor and replaces it with a sword.

"Sola, both of you."


"I'll step forward as he falls to the floor. If the ice grows again, turn it off or stop it."

"Let it be!

Even during the conversation, the ice-column forms as soon as possible.

The moment I thought I had grown to the same length as earlier, the ice pieces bounced and flew with great momentum.

Ice columns that are < fixed > and unable to move are the result of rebellion with the force that pushes them out.

As the granular ice pours down, Thor lowers himself and runs through the aisle.

At the same time, the mass of ice that was formed by magic also melts out of shape.

While falling to the ground, the steel doll put his hands together again.

But because of the decent recoil, it has already disappeared before the wrist.

Not missing that opportunity, Thor packed his distance in a breath.

A shaken black sword slaps off his head-on, methylated head.

The blade, which contains no sound, splits vividly in half up to the chest of the monster.

The steel doll, shaking her body slightly into small pieces, quickly quieted down.

Thor, who looked around and confirmed that there was no reinforcement, finally exhales deeply.

And even though the exhalation was whitening cold, I realized I was sweating tightly on my back.

"Tor, this"

"Oh, I'm sorry"

Sora rushes over and offers me the true silver sword she picks up.

The girl, who watched as Thor straightened his sword body back, murmured with a smudged look.

"That's because you hit the ice column."


"Thank you, Tor. When I scratched my hair, it was heartbeat."

Apparently it was really critical.

If the orbit was just a little further down, it would have seemed like they were going to take the heavenly side of their heads.

"Phew. I could barely see."

"Me, too."

It was so fast.

The lightning strike that the steel doll upstairs flies through, is certainly fast, too.

However, the timing itself is easy to grasp because only slightly ahead of the wrist emits light before releasing.

But the earlier attack to fly the ice-column was untouched.

When I realized it, all I could say was that I was already passing by.

"Did you possibly see it? Thor."

In that inquiry, Thor nodded silently, remembering the sight floating behind his brain.

Video of the ice-cold choosing his chest.

It was brought about by Thor's new magic trick, < prediction >.

- Know beforehand the actions of the target audience involved in the battle.

Level: 1/Number of times available: Twice an hour/Activation: Instant/Effect: One second/Range: Himself.

It's a terribly convenient skill to know your own future a second ahead of time.

This is also why the use of < acceleration > has stabilized.

"I tried to use it with caution, but you were right."

It's just a seemingly invincible skill, but it's not without flaws.

One is the low usability.

I can only use it twice an hour, so I'm only allowed on the occasion that it's really here.

As a result, < acceleration > will also be adapted to it, causing its use to be restricted.

And the second is the short effect time.

Because it is only a second away, there is only a future where nothing happens if the timing of use is off.

Let's just say I was able to circumvent the current ice-column, which also contained a fair amount of good luck.

And last.

This is very troublesome, and there is not one visual.

Instead of reflecting a definitive future a second away, is there such a thing as technically seeing a future with that potential?

In other words, in the earlier case, there was a deadly tall with an ice column stabbed in the chest, but it felt like there was another tall tall lying on the floor.

They come down full of sight, like countless rain grains.

Without the < restore > or < retroactive > feeling of working out, it would not have been possible to choose a future in which to play the ice-column.

"Well, looks like you can handle this from now on. I asked you, Sola."

"Let me tell you something, why don't you come back for a second?

"What's wrong?

"Um, well, I was wondering if you'd like to change your clothes a little bit."

"Oh, torn?

Thor, who carelessly touched Sola in an attempt to < restore >, twists his neck because there is nothing like it in his history.

"Yeah? I'm not doing anything."

"Uh, not to fix it or anything, because if I stay wet, I catch a cold. That's it!

So to Thor, who finally guessed the meaning, the girl swelled her cheeks red and turned sideways.

"Damn it, Tor! That's the place!

"Yes, Mr. Thor, in that place, I need you to remember a little more."

"That's what I'm talking about, To"

For some reason, they even imitate Moo, who wore an arm.

From now on, Tor thought seriously about whether he should use < prediction > before the conversation, scratching under his chin.

"Okay. Then we'll cut it up here today."

That's why we were to first collect the baggage we left on the way back to the sixth floor.

Thors turned back to the stairs to the ninth floor, but notice something unsavory happening.

The iron lattice was falling.

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