The battle is over.

First, Euril shoots in from outside the room, freezing the subject from the inside.

Where the movement has stopped completely, Thor sets up a sword and enters the room.

All you have to do is chop and chop your whole body before the ice melts.

Upper Edge Demonic moves, which can only be used once a day and drain enormously on magic, are strongly perceived as being the hands of the wife.

However, in the case of Euril, it can be used up to twice, and since it has a lot of magic power, it can also be used as a wheel in tightening fights.

It is important to use magic moves and get used to them.

It's just that from time to time, I seem to loosen up a little bit of my icy beauty to what I've brought.

"Ten Vajra pieces is a delicious match."

There were also two methyl-shaped steel dolls stuck to the back, so it is quite a harvest when the body portion is also combined.

After finishing the retrieval, Thor spoke to the two men who were examining the iron lattice.

"How about that. Looking to move on?

Unfortunately, just defeating the Lord of the room doesn't seem to pave the way.

Euril, who was exploring the lattice as she remained firmly down, turned around and shaken her neck to the side, unfortunately.

Hasn't Sola given up yet or managed to weigh herself and try to move an iron stick?

"Mmm, no. I'm not even scared."

"Right. Then how does it work to move an iron lattice somewhere..., whoa."

Thor hurried and put his hand on it as Moo, who was clinging to his back, was about to fall.

The child, who laughed nicely, moves his body as it is.

Thor, who also thought it was an imitation of a rash, grabs the neck root and carries it all the way to his shoulder.

And then I looked around to explore the room, and that's when an innocent whine popped into my ear.

"Something's bluffing a lot, To."


Tor, who looked ahead to the child's gaze, realizes that there was a small window there.

It's only wide enough for Moo to get through hard, plus the iron lattice is stuck in here disappointingly.

Apparently I wanted to see the back of that window and the kid was about to climb Tor.

Noteworthy was the sight of the next room seen through that window.

The size doesn't seem the same as here, but there's one difference.

From the ceiling of that room, multiple chains hung.

Thor approaching the window with Moo and peeking inside.

There's one entrance and exit, and it looks like a dead end room.

It's not just empty, more than ten chains stretch from its ceiling to a height close to Tor's head.

What an easy trick, Thor exhaled quietly.

You noticed how you two were doing, and the Solas come by and look out the window.

"Oh, you had a neighbor. This again..."

"Ho, you're full of chains. Um, what room is it?... in a room that lets you climb and compete?

"Sola, don't be rude!

"Heh heh, so adventurers don't live long either."

In fact, it's only six months choy.

"Look, let me see the map"

The room itself is adjacent but doesn't recognize the entrance or exit.

I checked on the map, but it looks like there's no passage we can reach.

I then checked the perimeter carefully for about two hours, but it turned out that it was not connected to this area.

"Then do we need to go back upstairs?"

"All that's left is the northeast section of the sixth floor."

"Oh, could it be over there!?

Where he could think of it, Sola raised her voice like she was in trouble.

"Where is that? Sola Nee."

"Look, it's your way, Moo."

"Uh, there."

Hand Way is the first impression of its appearance, and Moo is the name that ran his mouth.

Setting a new course, Tor and the others defeated the steel doll that was recurring, while first pulling it up to the sixth floor.

That day he stays overnight on the spiral staircase, and the next day he takes to the area where the prisoners' necromancers roam via the central passage on the sixth floor.

We arrived in less than an hour at the destination.

"Wow, you're full today"

"You're all over it!

Is the depth of the passage about thirty steps?

Enough for two adults to walk side by side, with cold, closed iron gratings lined up sloppily on both sides.

It is the inhabitants of the prison who are troubled.

They haven't died yet, and they haven't been freed from the blame for the sins they committed.

With a body that slips through most of the restraints, it seems like the door can't come out of a closed chamber for some reason.

Are there about ten prisoners pushed into one cell?

All of them are clinging to the iron lattice and reaching out desperately from that gap.

Because of this, the passage had an odd view with clear arms protruding from left to right.

Even more troublesome is the fact that its hands extend more than double.

Of course, I just plundered, and my anger is taken in a secluded manner.

The motion can be temporarily stopped with an electric thorn, but the absorption of the vibe itself cannot be completely stopped.

I can stand it a little bit, but it's hard to figure out how many.

If touched, there is a chance that < restore > will faintly die in time.

It seemed like a hard place to go through, so it was a place I was behind in looking into.

"Oh, look at that, Tor"

What Sola found for her purpose was a chain of iron hanging from the ceiling at the corner of the poke.

I overlooked it at first glance, but it looks exactly like the chain I saw from yesterday's small window.


"Oh, don't be too suspicious"

"That's suspicious"

"Moo is so sweet. You're so sweet!

The question is how do we get to that chain?

"At least get out of the barn and we'll all go ahead."

"What a sarcastic story it is to protect those people instead."

"< Fixed > is also uneven, and even if you < Flip > your health is sucked, you can't make it."

"Then I'll stop Moo! Toe."

"If you stop till I do, you're a living hell.... No, can you do that?"

Thor, who came up with it, just touched Moo's head to mess with the skill tree and undo his branch skills.

"This is it first. Yeah, that's good. All right, call me."


"Next, the usual one."


"All right, keep it up, Moo!

"It's annoying!

Along with the ringing, the child unleashes the purple current created by magic into the space ahead.

Tor jumped in, putting his sword there and getting lighter.

It immediately restrains its body.

But at a rate no different from that of plain vegetation, Tor walks quietly down the narrow passage.

The Necromancers reach out desperately to reach for that body, but sink from body to body so that it can be sucked to the floor.

At first glance, it seemed like nothing was going on Tor, but he was actually trying hard to kick the ground and move on.

Like walking in water, its body doesn't move as heavily as it thinks.

But it was still possible to move forward thanks to the whirlpool of blue and white thunder covering its feet.


It is a magic move that temporarily increases leg strength and increases movement speed.

The duration and speed have risen one step at a time thanks to the skill points earned enough for Level 3 at the Ridge.

Thor safely broke through 70% of the aisle without being touched by the prisoners.

From there, it's out of range.

Tor's body, accelerated at once, rushes through the rest of the section like a whirlwind.

Several arms have been stretched out, but they are bounced by < electrospine > to gain nothing.

Reaching the point safely, Thor reached out without waving his eyes.

Weigh and pull down the chain captured by the fingertips that arrived at the critical.

So, just thirteen seconds.

Perform the actions that have come this far without delay.

As soon as Thor appeared before the Solas, the iron lattice began to rise, along with the ragged and deafening noises.

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