Its decaying building was made of dark stones like stained darkness.

By the way, the walls are missing, and it seems that only one of the rusty iron lattice gates remains.

But the disastrous presence unleashed by the abandoned house was heterogeneous even in this whimsical swamp.

Beyond the entrance, which opens black, you can even see the staircase stretching to the bottom of the earth.

The building is the labyrinth that continues to take in and create countless monsters.

It's the only ground part of an abandoned underground prison.

There was a friendly voice on the back of Balucconia, who was silently staring at the darkness lying behind the ruins.

"Huh, are you already thinking about getting inside that? You're fast, chatterhouse."

"……… yes, just imagine it and you'll feel and dance"

Chill of the Storm Peak Alliance is an opponent previously neglected from each other.

But it also went through the last two weeks of combined work, to the point of being able to tap a light mouth.

But it also seemed to be a burning blade.

What Baluconia had in mind was the opposite of that.

He came to the land eight years ago.

Straccia and others, the Vajra class, were requested by their own Zuma to transfer their help.

From that day on, Baluconia has even been thorough in the shadows, supporting the "platinum".

It was also his task to create a structure of confrontation by the three factions and to limit the number of crusades of the mud-poisoned giants.

If it hadn't, the hereditary witch would have gotten over the prison and come all the way to the swamp by now.

If there is a vacancy in Platinum, we will direct and replenish talented and unscrupulous people to be chosen.

All you have to do is look at the gloomy muddy landscape and clean the road for Straccia and the others to get through and entertain them in the camp.

His own option of joining the "platinum" was also real.

For the first time in a row, Balucconia is known in the country as the "Flame of Rap".

It would also have been possible to show the same fiery Ninessa no less active.

But Baluconia was very passive about joining the quest for dungeons.

The reason is simple, because I don't like dark and narrow places.

I had consulted various treatment temples and visited famous medical doctors, but all of them ended up in prison.

A man who gave up on going for Yingjie with a trivial stumbling block.

That was Baluconia.

But I have a lot to think about because I'm such a man.

Especially these days, they used valuable sacred relics (relics) in Bossaria that should have sealed underground prisons, and besides, it was every day that my stomach ached over the country's unscrupulous gestures of buying even time with that butt wipe.

In such a place, now comes the rumored hero who saved the bossaria.

But the man, who was supposed to be a new spark, gathered them all together and said,

"Why don't we crusade the witch together"


Words to smile at.

It would be too dangerous an inherited witch's crusade if it were even more natural, and from the standpoint of Baluconia, we cannot help.

Rather, it was a case that should be thoroughly obstructed.

But before the myriad miracles Tor and the others performed, the heart of a man who slept like a dead man swings violently.

No way, but... no, maybe.

And in the heart of Baluconia, one thought arises.

It was a small bubble at first, but eventually swells up into an inner cup of skull.

- Though it is impossible to carve a name on the map as a brilliant man, he said that he may be able to carve a name on books and songs as a hero.

Perhaps winning or losing this battle, Baluconia will leave this swamp more than ignoring its own instructions.

As far as that is concerned, I rather have only a clean feeling.

Unfortunately, this time, the creation of a large number of Vajra classes is such that we cannot see the chaos that rolls in.

Again, with the meaning of parting, Baluconia looked at the entrance to the underground prison, where not a single step could have been achieved.

Then take a big breath and put your gaze back in front.

Full of vision, the connected red round-tails are laid without gaps.

Ahead, a human shaped anomaly that lifts the body out of the mud.

Yet another side of it.

A giant shadow that soars like a mountain.

Baluconia, shaking her neck slightly to the left and right, raised her voice loudly.

"Shall we begin, gentlemen? This fight to be told permanently!

The battle lid was cut.

Someone's flying arrow continues to pierce the head of the mud poison giant.

The giant, whose body shivered burly, turned gently.

And slowly he placed his feet made of mud over the whole thickness.

"All shieldmen, pack them at your feet. Because that would considerably reduce the power of the stick. Warriors and swordsmen, calm down and turn around. Come and gather from the tree of liberation. Um, that's a bad place. Do you want to pull a little forward? Taste with it, and taste one scale of great flame power -"

At the same time as we finish talking, a fireball arises from the tip of the Balucconian wand.

It flew through the universe arguing and hit to be sucked into the head of a giant.

Occasionally a new fireball pops out of it, hitting the shoulder and back of the monster, evaporating the mud and wearing it big.

If a regular flame user releases from this position, there is no doubt that irregularly splashed fireballs will cause a lot of damage to the allies.

But the flames of Baluconia descend upon the body of the giant without a single thing remaining.

Exclamation rose from the faces of other factions to the impossibly precise control.

Baluconia narrowed her eyes to the way the giant's head, which had been greatly lacking, did not immediately return to its original appearance.

And continue the chat.

"Okay, that's a good feeling. Again, thanks to the mangroves, mud replenishment seems to drop significantly. Let's fold this place up at once. Defeating the first one should make it easier. Oh, please stand by the water users because it's supposed to be time to come. See, now."

Looks like the red-haired swordsman packed the distance while Baluconia kept talking.

Slap a long sword with that weight from behind the giant to the back of his knee.

Its body drew a circle with kurli -.

Another blade that shines in the Red Lotus spins and vividly slashes the monster's leg off.

A mud-poisoned giant who tilted his body unbearably, but his mouth opened wide.

At the same time, something like black mist erupts and is scattered around.

As its name suggests, it is a poisonous exhalation that erodes the body.

"O Lord of the Tree of Life. Give the children a drop of Shizukuishi -"

The water users, who were waiting, purified the aberrations in the human condition for which they were responsible.

Receive the shaken buried stick with the shield the shields lifted.

There the silver blades swing again.

A few more red flame lines burn that body out one by one.

The mud-poisoned giant who was deprived of the means of recovery returned to the mud in less than thirty minutes when someone's attack destroyed the Spirit Nucleus.

There were other beings who reacted to the death while everyone was winning so badly.

When I wondered if the mountain over the muddy sea was slightly swamped, the facial part was directed towards a small crowd of people.

A large hole occurs around the underside of the nose that protrudes to bend at the same time.

From there a bright white fog erupted with tremendous momentum.

Erosing cold air pushes at me as I cover up all the black mud.

And the vagaries of the air enveloped the Baluconians in an instant shortly after they fled.

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