Having been put on a Garoud carriage back after noon, the Tors decided to return to the border streets of Dadan.

It's because Bettina and the others contacted us that she was successfully promoted to the True Silver Class.

According to the letter received via Sackow, they have already made several expeditions to the demon shemale swamp.

Bettina's party originally exchanged promises to work together to attack the swamp.

We just need to discuss what to do now that we know that witches exist, too.

Border district of Bossaria, but the immediate crisis could be said to have left, as the problems in the canine ghost pits and bloody lakes were cleared up.

The rest is the work of Sisan et al., and Rolloff et al.

We are currently investigating the labyrinth of the ever-darkening valleys and fire-blowing mountains ahead of us, so we do not even know if Tor's turn will come yet.

The heroes, who tried to fulfill their request properly, left the city behind as many residents gave it a grand drop off.

Sora and Moo, who sat on your stand, waved until they could no longer see everyone.

The Tors, who took half a day to return to their nostalgic home, set aside their luggage and immediately headed to the Adventurers Bureau where they would meet.

As soon as I step into the lobby, my first voice in a long time greets me.

"Are you finally here yet? I wonder where he sold the oil, Mr. Plain Hero."

"A little neighborhood for the wild. Sorry to keep you waiting."

In return for Thor, the lady, who has spoken at her usual pace, immediately switches to a serious face.

"Thank you so much for listening to my father's selfishness"

"Things are going crazy, please do as you always do"

"Yes, I know... Okay, Mr. Mud Fishing Hero"

"Oh, dear Sola, dear Euril. That necklace and forehead crown look great on you."

"... how have you been? Young child."

"... you look adorable today"

Praised Moo let him go around twirling on the spot.

Sora seems happy too, let her go around together.

"I hear you've already been to the swamp."

"Yeah, I've had plenty of tours of that ridiculous meeting and the muddy camp."

"In the back?

In that casual inquiry, the red-haired beauty let her eyebrows whisk sharply.

"Of course I saw it. It's more serious than I thought."

"Oh, that's a troublesome problem"

"I'm still in that swamp right now, but given the impact of the Great Pit Hole, I don't know how many years to keep it too"

"Meaning we'll have to seal the bottom of the prison in the meantime"

"Yeah, I talked to the director, but I got a special promotion, so I asked him to focus on the prison."

So Bettina glanced into Tor's eyes as she rocked the hair that drew the wheel.

Then I say it out of the way for a little while.

"But you're willing to do something about it, aren't you?

Thor couldn't answer right away and scratched his jaw in silence.

Bettina gave a short order when she suddenly turned around to see if she felt anything about the condition.

"I'm going out a little bit. Later, please."

"Yes, ma'am. Dear Moo, Sola, the contact board is better available today. Master Yuryl, I have purchased a new tea leaf, so would you like to take one?

Tapa and Tari seem insignificant to children and girls who cheer and move out.

Godan cleverly glanced at Yuryl as he guided her to a table where the tea had already been moderated.

"Well, enjoy yourselves at home"

"Follow me"

Bettina, who whispers briefly, walks off with Stasta as she is.

Tor, who exhaled small, also followed the red-haired maiden.

Out of the Adventurer's Bureau, Bettina avoids the hustle and bustle of the Great Square and proceeds towards the outer wall.

I've spoken to Thor chasing that back with a soft voice as he turned forward.

"Speaking of which, do you remember the first time we met?

"That was the Adventurers Bureau lobby, too. I don't know if you're looking for a hidden hero."

"Hehe, did you?

"That was a farce. You knew about me beforehand, didn't you?

"What makes you think that again?

"Oh, because you knew my name for some reason when I first met you. If it was called mud fishing, I'd still know."

"If it's Godan already, it's an accident. I'll tell you later."

"That's on purpose, too. If it was just that exchange, we would have avoided dating the other way around."

Now he didn't answer, and Bettina let him just chill out and laugh.

The maiden, who was proceeding in a light foothold as it was, turned and also inquired when she stopped inadvertently.

"Did you know? Master Thor, there was a hidden hero in this city nine years ago."

Looks like this alley with no weird philosophy was her destination.

Bettina continues her conversation as she looks around in nostalgia.

"That day, he happened to follow his father to the outside world. But I got bored with all your work stories, took the liberty of going for a walk in the name of adventure, and unlucky, I was the feather of being caught up in a huge outbreak of hobgoblins... Running into this alley, I realized for the first time in my life that there was nothing I could do in this world."

With his fingers round and fists made, Bettina stands in a dim alley and spins her words pale.

"Whether you cry or call, beg for your life, it won't be anything. How light it will be to die...... My tongue-in-cheek little ghost grabbed my hair and turned me into a space fisherman, and I was shaking without tears. Give up everything that's over..."

You remember the time, the redness increases in Bettina's eyes.

With her eyes shining like those red balls, the ex-girl looked straight at Tor.

"But that's when someone reached out to me. He literally offered me that hand in front of a hobgoblin fang that was supposed to bite my throat off."

After a long silence, Bettina opened her mouth.

"I don't really remember what happened after that. I appear to have suffered a wound to my back and it is on record that the benefactor carried me to the Temple of Therapy. He said that person walked away without even giving his name. Without healing my worn out left hand...... That person is my only hidden hero. Hey, don't you think it's a story that looks like someone else somewhere?

Without answering anything, Thor tilted his neck to encourage him to continue.

Bettina, who was watching the reaction, changes the subject by lifting the edge of her lips slightly.

"I asked Sola. I hear you've been developing your skills on your own for twenty-five years to save her."

"He owed me something I couldn't repay."

"Is that all? If so, why did you let them protect the city from the major outbreaks in the meantime?

To Thor, who shut up, the red-haired maiden lay her words to fold up.

"You are someone who can offer that to someone without hesitation.... I also feel a strong yearning to dedicate myself to being a hero. But you're not. It moves before I think about history and results. That behavior is what we call a true hero. Not for me or anyone else, but you can do it. So..."

So Bettina shifted her gaze to the back of the alley again.

Keep your back on Thor and let him whine small.

"So don't get lost"

With his eyes closed, Thor slowly inquired into his heart.

Behind that brain, the faces of the various people we meet in this city cross.

The last time I remembered the sight of the living room where the two cats were friendly and in the sun, Tor nodded loudly.

"Well, we can't just keep going."

Tor walks out early on, and Bettina, who is outrun, calls with a bounced voice.

"Hey, where are you going? Plain hero."

"You start with what you can do. Let's just do some digging."

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