The next day, the carriage carrying the Tors headed south through the outer gate.

Take a detour through the highly undulating hills for the next hunting ground in the northeast.

The road between the gnats and the low hills remains rough by the way, due to haste to take care of it, which had not been used for nearly a year.

The red-haired boy, whose wheels rocked rattled over and over, but who sat on your podium without a bare gesture that ever bothered him, kept talking in an excited manner.

"So come on, you're Zuba from such a hiccup cousin, and when you realize it, your blood is buhar. It's gone."

"He had a good experience."

Rickal, who explains in detail the scene of being hit by a white weasel, replies with a snort of Tor next to him.

For a moment, the boy with his eyes round, but continues the conversation with a happy wave of a red tail.

"Yes, I was itchy and annoyed then, but if I thought of it, Cho, I was strong, he was!

"Watch your troublesome opponent's movements carefully and remember them repeatedly in your head."

Now Riccal raised his voice to Garud's words holding the reins next to his right.

"Oh, next time, you can't fuck me anymore!... I don't know if that's possible."

"Even if we don't see each other, it won't help."

"Is that it?

"What I don't like about being hit is that it works for a lot of people."

To the words of Thor, who took over, the red-haired boy, often conceived, groans with his eyes sparkling.

"Oh well... from that hiccup, if you stick with spar..."

So the door behind your table suddenly opened from the inside, thinking that you had been knocked about twice.

It was the brunette boy with the face out of it.

"Hey, Riccal, are you there yet? Isn't it time for you to replace me?"

"Uh, you haven't been that much yet."

Surrounded by two veteran adventurers, we rarely have a chance to talk slowly.

However, unfortunately, your table will be full if three men sit down.

So I took turns every hour, but I couldn't wait for Cisan to rush me.

To the urging of the leader's boy, it was Garoud, who manipulated the carriage, who laughed and answered.

"Oh, you see the woods. We'll be there in a little while."

"What, already?

"Tell them inside to get ready to go down"

"... Yes, I understand"

I've already left for nearly three hours, but it seemed like a short time for the youngsters.

Sisan with a slightly dissatisfied look, but quickly replies honestly and closes the door.

As Thor and the others talked about a little knowledge of the battle and so on at your stand, there was naturally a course for Euril's rear guard in the car.

These girls shine their eyes and listen to the story.

Of course, that's not all...

"I see! Positioning is really important."

"I just thought it was important not to be distracted by the other person, but on the other hand, can you use it for positive motion by showing movement..."

"Yeah, I almost lost my scales off my neck."

It was mixed not only with Alessia and Ecklia, but also, for some reason, even the bowman's hink properly.

"The rest is important to look at the whole thing, but you can't be too obsessed with it. There are limits to what humans can do alone."

"That's why we share it with each other."

"Yes, because sometimes you can move more by concentrating on one thing at a time"

Alessia, who nodded over and over to the words, speaks as she came up with it.

"Speaking of which, Sola's concentration the other day was amazing. Sola was the only one who could keep up with that white weasel."

"Wow, me, what's going on was sappy."

"I didn't know what I was capable of. After all, I was saddened by the huge difference in experience."

"Uh, no, it just so happens."

Alessia and the others speak willingly to the girl who hastily humbles herself.

"Yeah, if it weren't for Sola, we might have ended up there!

"That's right! I was really scared."

"Instead, if you don't get your chest up, our confidence will go away."

"Ugh, yeah."

Sora with a confused face, but now I let her snort back firmly.

Sisan returns there, calling out.

"They say it's time to get there. Mr. Garud wants you to get ready to come down."

"What, already?

"Look, Moo, wake up."

Alessia slams her sleeping child's cheek on Yuryl's lap.

And to the feeling of fingers sinking in, the Ethereal Scale girl broke her mouth.

"Wow, that's so soft"


"Really? Oh, you're really punning."


"You look so cute, you've done such a mess all the time."

"But that helped us. Thank you, Moo."

"If you say that, you'll be in good shape again."

The girls peek into that young face, gently touching the child's cheeks.

Moo, who had opened his mouth cutely, wandered just a little bit, leaking his bedtime words to Munya.

"Mmmm... Moo no more..., I won't blur... Bullshit... no makomu..."



"Bullshit... Kurosuka... Ugh..."

"Hey, that way!

To the penetration of the hink, the child opened his patchy, purple eyes.

Then he touches the bug basket that was lowering to his hips and leaks a cheerful breath.

Then I looked up at the two girls poking themselves in the cheek wondering.

"What is it, Yume?"

To that innocent tale, Alessia and the others smiled unknowingly.

The buzz inside, the carriage goes into the square.

It's open, but it looks like I just forced it to flatten, and it's almost no different than just empty space.

Little popularity, just a few tents standing in the corner.

Alongside it was a small wooden hut.

Seems like a rush, I have a blurry impression somewhere.

Apparently, that's the outpost at the Adventurers Bureau.

Approaching just behind its outpost were rows of trees that grew steadily.

They, called mangroves, had dark reddish brown trunks and appeared very noticeable even from a distance.

The colour of this trunk, but the mangrove has an odd ecology and stands with a large number of roots stretched directly into the water.

The problem is that the end of the roots is a lake with bright red water.

The most powerful theory so far is that sucking up red water is affecting the color of the trunk.

A lake covered in mangroves with soft muddy land around the shore without gaps.

This place, also said to be a source of water for the river of bloodshed, was called the lake of bloodshed because of its appearance.

This is the hunting ground for the Red Scale Adventurers.

The Tors, who get off the carriage, first go on a tour from the lake to the shores of the river stretching out.

As things stood, the shores of the lake were hampered by mangrove forests and could not be easily approached, making the circumference of the river flowing out of it the only hunting ground.

Because of the narrow river plains, not many people, but they look pretty cramped.

Thor, remembering what a bloodshed river once looked like, scratched silently under his chin.

"I wanted to be there! Hey, Tor's brother!

Thor, who was inadvertently called from downstream, turned to you.

It was Gugtuff, the youngest son of three familiar brothers, who was waving aloud.

"You thought it was time to come. Oh, Yuryl, you're beautiful, anyway."

"What happened to the other faces?

"This way, this way. This place is small, so it's hard to do a lot of things."

That's what I say. I follow Gugtuff all the way out.

A few minutes down the river, a tight river plain spread.

Tor feels nostalgic and visionary about three tents lined up.

And on the banks of the river were the remaining two figures of the three brothers waving axes.

This is a familiar landscape.

You noticed Thor, his eldest son Rolloff looks up and waves happily.

Then, besides, I've introduced what's behind it.

"Look, Tor's brother! What do you say, this raft?

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