The underground passage, illuminated by the light of the demonic stone lamp, is hard enough for the two of them to pass side by side.

But the ceiling is surprisingly high and you don't have to worry about grabbing your head.

The left and right dirt walls are mixed with larger stones, and traces of large choices or digs can be seen by the way.

Probably because of the dogs and ghosts (cobolts) who are the lords of the pit.

A subhuman with a dog's head, Cobolt has the habit of collecting and storing ore.

That's why I carry hole-digging tools, which were now used for a completely different purpose.

A fiercely swung down stroke turns the destination as the shield plays it and scatters a spark.

Cisan's stick, which gained momentum, hits the other side of the empty monster.

Cobolt, who was hit hard in the temples, screamed briefly.

Next to it, the hollow moat with which Rickal protrudes is stopped with a crossed double sword.

The red-haired boy, deflected from the attack in the upward direction, quickly put a kick in the abdomen of the cobolt to distance himself.

On the right eye of the monster, who shook up his weapon again in an attempt to pursue him, an arrow pierced him flying from behind Riccal.

"Wow, that was so bad right now!

Surprised by the arrow that plucked his cheek, the boy protrudes a red-hot double blade.

Cobolt, whose chest was burned brightly through each rib, dropped a hole digger from his hand with a bitter expression.

"But you were okay."

Hink, who returned the words without looking bad, let go of the bow strings that were squeezing as they were.

The arrow that wore the universe was now deeply stabbed in the shoulder of Cobolt, which was opposite Sisan.

Don't miss a moment when the monster flickers, and a straight flame burns its face down.

With the two leading bodies falling, the last cobolt I was packing behind him lowered himself and stripped his fangs.

Lost to keep his people standing, the monster inadvertently releases a white mass of fire into the universe.

"Here they come!

"Let me go!

I drew a parabola. It goes over the shield's head, aiming for the hinks and Alessias that were holding back -

Suddenly he turns in the air and returns to where he originally came from faster than ever.

The two avant-gardes lay down on the spot at once as he opened his eyes to a white object that showed an unlikely movement.

At the next moment, the white mass burst into fierce flames and bounced.

The sound of pressing the tympanic membrane echoes through a narrow pit.

What Sisan and the others who raised their faces saw was the figure of Cobolt falling on his back, losing half his head.

"Well, let's get some rest."

"He said it was a little too ooh. It's too wacky."

"For that matter, this is where the potential for fate increases, okay?"

"Look, you burned it. Let me see it."

Two hours down from the hole.

The line that retrieved the bug basket continued the dungeon's offense in good order as it was.

Already a single layer of cobolt has been wiped out and the two layers have gone quite far back.

Along the way so far, there were unfavourable conditions, such as a shield smaller than usual and a small, unfavourable narrow space, but on the contrary Sisan and the others switch to formations that the avant-gardes pack firmly in front of them.

Even if Zhongwei earns his hostility early by doing so, he won't have to worry about being approached because he's blocked off the aisle.

For the difficulty of physical movement, there will also be more injuries to the two wall actors, but you can treat them there with traits and water-based magic tricks.

Thanks to the bowman's hink and flaming ecklear, he was showing more work than usual.

Most of all in this formation, there is a brittleness that collapses when assaulted from behind.

Dog ghost pits, in particular, are packed with thin passages, and there are many terrain that can be rounded in or accidentally struck.

Moreover, the nature of the cobolts, who were easily able to detect intruders because of their good noses, played a part in it.

However, none of the worries were present in this line.

"Wow, Mm."

Moo, praised by Ecklea, shut up and let him lift his nose.

It's a sign to stroke your head.

When the red-tailed girl with a gentle grin gently touched the curly hair, the child sounded her throat comfortably.

In his hand, a string connected to the calluses is gripped.

Rickal taught me how to play.

Moo looks up at that ambition that occasionally flies around the air with a grumpy face.

At first glance, he's just a toddler who plays with insects, but it's no exaggeration to say that Moo's branch skills helped him get here safely.

All the children had found all the monsters lurking in the bend or approaching from unexpected directions in advance and light.

When the level 9 is fully branched, the range and duration as well as the number of uses are not found to increase.

In addition, it is also level 9, and this one is a safety precaution because it stops the opponent from moving, even if it is accidentally involved in an attack.

Because of this, there are not enough points to turn to the < thunder needle >, and it is not currently unavailable.

"Sola's amazing, too, isn't she? Again, < flip > is an abnormal performance..."

"I can't do this anymore. That's too much praise."

The girl, who received a nasty word of praise from her best friend (Alessia), honestly makes her happy.

Likewise, the < inversion > that became fully branched became optionally alterable.

Now that it was possible to pay back up to twice as much for it, it was producing terrible effects.

Demonstrate unparalleled strength, especially for flying tools like earlier.

Its a flying tool, but the Kobolts in this dungeon were also becoming variously armed.

This cobolt minor boasts a strong grip on a quick cobolt scout that wields a hole digger.

And there were no guards like Goblin Sherman who used dark moves, but there were also cobolts with equally troublesome means of attack.

His name is Koboltbot, and the weapon he uses...

"Wow, what is this!

Riccal, who was scouting a little further down the aisle, suddenly raised his voice out loud.

At the end of that gaze, there seems to be a big room.

The Solas, who stopped chatting, also hurry up and peek in.

And I lost my voice the same way.

The room was quite large, with a light width and depth of more than twenty steps.

There are many columns standing covered in pale, glowing moss that allow you to take a good look around the room.

But for the size of it, Kobolt is nowhere to be found.

Instead were white mushrooms that filled the floors, walls, and columns.

The mushroom umbrella is swollen into a beautiful spherical shape, what a lovely look.

Its contents, however, exposed the danger of requiring careful handling.

What builds up inside an inflated umbrella is actually a flammable gas.

Also, parts of the pattern that protrude only slightly also reside in a very combustible nature.

For this reason, when the pattern is lit and thrown, it is easily turned into an explosive.

Therefore, this mushroom was called a bursting mushroom.

And this is what the cobolt bombers do now.


"This guy is too dangerous. Moo, can I help you?


The toddler, who replied small, offers the hand of the one who is available.

Sisan grinned bitterly, placing a piece of rewarding baked confectionery in his hand.

"Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. There's only one thing you can do."

"Oh, there's one. So it's Bommer?

"Something's tiny, but you're talking"

"What, that. Where are you going?


Moo pointing to a pile of white mushrooms, but no shadow like that.

Riccal, with his sword, approaches quietly to lure him out.

But even if I go by my side, I don't see anything suspicious.

"Hey, where are you?

At the moment of the inquiry, suddenly, part of the white mountain moves with a fierce roar.

Stuffed the distance in an instant, it bit across Riccal's tibia and twisted itself wide.

The boy, who was taken meat by himself, kneels with a scream that does not speak.

Without a moment's hair, Cisan stepped out in front of Riccal and lifted her shield to the presence she had raided.

So the line finally captures the monster's appearance with clarity.

It is difficult to discern when it is mixed with bursting mushrooms because it is covered in bright white hair with luster.

Will it be about the same size as Moo?

Although a small body, however, was overflowing with unusual killings from its entire body.

The beast, having finished chewing the boy's meat, peels long fangs lined up in a sloppy line.

From its mouth dripped bright red blood and dyed the white mushrooms at its feet red.

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