"The power of a mudfish hero, let me show you!

As I echoed the words, the columns of soaring black mud trembled greatly.

Some of the columns split from the main body without putting them between them, and they loom to slip over the swamp.

Suzu Tor stepped forward and aligned the blade with the movement.

Slippery feet are not used as objects, and black columns are slashed up from the diagonal bottom.

Little response was left, and the mud columns were lightly doubled.

The slashed part falls into the mud, scattering black splashes.

When the flying mud hit his body, a thin white smoke rose from all over his armor.

It contains poison that dissolves most things.

Move your undone body forward in an instant, and Tor packs the distance from the monster.

Again the pillars tremble, and many of their identities are produced.

The black columns gliding through the swamps struck Tor one after the other.

Because of the increase in numbers, as we did earlier, there's no way we can slip past the sides.

But some of them suddenly bend or break from the ground up in the opposite direction.

An even colder voice echoed.

"Ice (Hard), Slippery -"

The surrounding mud, including the columns of the body, freezes and solidifies as it rapidly loses its softness.

Thor through a gap in the split mud column runs over and wields his sword.

It's the usual must-win pattern.

"Well, it's not that sweet."

Something rapidly interrupts between Tor and the mud column at the same time as the voice sounds again.

It was a spherical, blue-white, pale light emitting existence.

Until now, it was a sphere of light floating slightly away from the pillar.

The sword changes course and strikes out the blue and white balls.

As soon as the blade cut through the gathering of light, a blinking glow arose.

The flash pierces the eyes of the Tors.


"Meh, meh!

Couldn't stand the glare, Sola and Euril covered their eyes with their hands.

Moo also makes an odd noise, falling from the solids and rinsing into the mud.

Thor's vision also turned white, but it was restored to a state ten seconds ago.

He followed the history that remained in space and only erased the results of the light emitted.

Having tried to restore the party's status quo in less than a second, Tor packs a distance to a column whose fundamentals are still frozen and unable to move.

Shake the blade endlessly while its body creates remnants.

The sword, which released a dozen slaughters in an instant, fell into its sheath to be sucked in.

a beat away, the sound of cutting off a cock and something hard sounds

Thor's body had already retreated to the rear as the slashed and carved mud pillars collapsed.

A few steps away, exhale deeply.

The man serving as the ally of the Storm Peak Alliance shrugged as he felt at the way he had let the monster slaughtered vividly.

"... I didn't know it would be easy to end the evil spirits of demonic mud at first sight. Besides, even the glare of the confusing fire is not light."

"Uh, it was eye-catching"

Moo with a cherry face, but still muddy all over his body.

What can be fixed with < retrospective > is the part where vision is lost due to strong light, and the only way to eliminate the result of falling because of it is to do it again < retrospective >.

User-friendliness has increased dramatically these days.

To keep the usable times warm, Thor silently took his gaze off Moo, who stared.

"No more eyelids, you have to go ahead!

You figured out you couldn't get it cleaned up, and Moo turned the spearhead of anger on Chill, who was watching next door.

"No, if you say that first, it won't be a test."


The child, whose cheeks swelled in the reply of the Cuiyu man, shook like a dog wet in the rain as he busted his whole body.

Occasionally the mud Shizuku splashes in all directions.

"Here, Moo!

"Huh, to this extent!

Of course, I'm bathed in black mud, and Sora, who could stain my favorite robe, raises her voice of anger.

Chill flipped over lightly and cleverly avoided all the mud.

"Do it, old man"

"Come, little girl! Let me show you the difference in character."

Moo, who shrugged the mud at his feet and unleashed it on the universe, a quick spinning chill steps in a ton.

Shizuku, the mud that arose from his toes, struck the child's face relentlessly.

But at some point Moo, who had grown a blue thunder needle from all over his body, dodges that attack without difficulty.

The extruded mud splashed flashly around the perimeter.

"Come on!

While retreating tremendously, Chill continues to step and release the mud.

Moo letting them scratch as he rolls them all.

"I didn't know you'd let Moo get this far."

"Well, I haven't spent much time in this swamp with Dada."

Mouth like a battle between each other, but no matter what Moo looks like, his whole body is dyeing a black color, he is in complete defeat.

With a ragged face, Thor pinched his mouth in a barren battle.

"So, what do you say?

"Oh, that was brilliant. No complaints."

Chill, who clearly ran out, let him snort satisfactorily.

And at the next moment, Moo's flying mud balls, which did not miss the moment his attention moved to Tor, stuck perfectly on its chest.

I left the shoreline fort trail for four and a half hours.

It was a word unleashed by its leader, Chill, the permanent family, who welcomed the Tolls, who reached the third, the Arashima Alliance camp.

"I've been waiting for you, heroes! So let me just measure that power."

It is the flow that we were forcibly brought to this place only partially unloaded the package as it was.

Apparently, if you're going to welcome me as a companion, the idea is that it's prerequisite to know the power.

What I defeated earlier was the evil spirits of demonic mud.

A spiritual monster, belonging to the earth.

It creates a number of columns of mud where the dissolved poison intersects, and when it is hunted down, the body is also dispersed in the mud, so it is a troublesome opponent to stab a stop.

Further along the way, we've been in battle...

"You said confusing fire or something. Is that a spiritual system, too?

"No, it's a cadaver system. If we find someone with a fever, they're gonna come after us."

Chill answers his questions so well as he snaps down the mud on his chest.

If you look closely, there was a blue and white glow all over the swamps where the shallow waters continued.

"Fighting evil spirits almost certainly involves you. So, when you touch him with a sword or arrow, he's a troublesome guy who glares and disappears."

"You sure were a hassle."

Thor's eyes, eaten up close, were close to blindness.

"What happens when you ignore it?

"When you touch your body, you are deprived of your health. It's a hassle anyway."

Apparently, there is no evidence of crusade left because they disappear even after being forced to defeat them.

"Oh, speaking of which, you didn't pick up a sign that you defeated the evil spirit,"

"Unfortunately, the crystalline stones are in the mud, so the collection is tough."


"To, is this it?

Also at some point a child who was fishing for mud sticks out a beautifully cracked, gothic black chunk in the middle.

"Oh, you found it well. That's great, Moo."

"Eh. I got a tingle."

"... Hmm, I wondered why you're bringing children around, etc., but I see you're raising a successor to mud fishing"

Chill, shrugging like he was impressed, proclaims in high spirits with his hands on his hips.

"So next time you want to see our fight!

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