A view of dark mud that fills the cloudy horizons everywhere.

supposed to be, but there were different colors there.

Inside the black monochrome, the silver dots glow as pale as scattered.

It was the flowers that blossomed pitifully that were making an itchy face out of the mud.

The stems and leaves are invisible hidden in mud, and only silver petals gracefully open to the surface of the swamp enough to be on the palm of your hand.

To that strange sight, the women raised their bounced voices.

"Phew...... This is…, what a wonderful view…"

"Wow! Looks like it's just floating flowers. It blooms in here, too."

The Tors arrived at a point where the mud stretched south from the "Burning Bearer" camp.

It's a big way off the aisle to jail.

There is also no shadow of a giant around the swamp full of silver flowers, giving it a calm and unusual atmosphere.

Euril and Sola, who were shown an unexpected side, stared out and broke their mouths.

"Are you surprised? Yeah, because of this slightly unusual look, these are called silver floats. It seems to be a form of aquatic grass, but I'm not sure about the detailed ecology, and it's still interesting to see how it survives in this harsh marsh environment -"

"I really didn't know the flowers were blooming. So, what are you picking these flowers for?

Tor, who was not very interested in flowers, asked Balucconia, who had just explained it, to go straight in.

The black-clothed flame keeps a grin on his face, nodding loudly and now starting to explain how flowers work.

"It's not exactly picking, it's collecting the water accumulated in the petals. Its water has a special potency, which relieves mental fatigue when consumed. However, because it is ineffective as it is, it needs to be collected and boiled in large quantities, and yes, it cannot be produced in mass -"

"I mean, what would happen if I drank it?

"Yes, it will be specifically called magic restorative medicine. Shall I show you how to collect it? Well, Russell, I'll take care of it."

To the words of Balucconia, a swordsman with a long stick moved forward silently.

The tip of the stick is as wide as a hole digger, and is built somewhat similar to a rowing boat.

Russell quietly shook the mud as he plunged the clay into the swamp.

Wrinkly waves emerge, and silver flowers flutter closer to shore.

Another swordsman waiting gently inserts a fine roll of shellfish in the back of the petal to collect the honey-mixed water.

Looking at it, it looks like it can be filled with three rounds of flowers and a single finely rolled shell.

One by one, the handles of the flowers, and the other men quickly retrieve the water.

Seeing in its vibrant collaboration, Baluconia has offered the Tors the finely rolled shells it has received.

"It's before boiling, so it's ineffective, how about a try? Surprisingly, it's a contract. Come on, come on, come on."

She also risked breaking her belly if she drank too much, so Tor containing only one bite, but she lifted her eyebrows unexpectedly to its taste.

The palate is gentle everywhere, so much so that it enters the back of the throat with sulli.

A refreshing scent then passes through the nostrils, leaving only a hint of sweetness on the tongue.

When I realize it, it's disappearing from my mouth.

All I can say is that I feel comfortable drinking.

"What, now?

"Oh, that's delicious."

"Not really! More!

"I'm going to have a stomach attack, so bear with me."

"Mmm-hmm! If you keep hanging in there, Moo, one day you're gonna lose your temper."

"I'm fine. Then To will heal you properly."

They say silver pumice has long roots, and if you make a few waves, they easily stop by the shore.

But it's only near the shore, and there's nothing you can do about the distance you can't reach.

Is that why you need to collect it while walking along the shore?

"So I guess that means the one in the swamp is untouched. All right, Moo, it's your turn!

"What's all of a sudden, Sola Nee?

"Let's get back to you. Look, Moo's Soli can get to those flowers without sinking."

The child, often a contemplating face, looked up at Tor with a pound and a slap of his hand.

"Nah, To. Moo, I noticed that if you're a hazy circle, you might be able to get to that hazy hazy"

"Oh, you've noticed, Moo"

"Well, can I get you a lot of ambiguity?

"Yeah, make sure it's safe before you do."


"Er... eh"

Having been in a good mood to make sure there were no monsters, Moo braved himself into the swamp with his finely curled shellfish.

If we omit the long story of Baluconia, apparently the silver floating floral herd is less prone to monsters.

Children cleverly wind with storm crystal stones to adjust their orientation, while recovering the water of the flowers.

It seemed to accumulate well and the finely curled shellfish happened to be filled.

Moo, who had it transferred to a leather bag, goes back and forth many times with a good face.

I rolled over about twice, but that's what I did when Tor watched wasn't < retroactive >.

It was raised before sundown, but it was a great harvest with five leather bags.

Balucconia praises with her eyes round.

"Excellent! I've never seen you get here in half a day. No, really, Mr. Thor and the others are versatile. I sure hope you will join us in the future!

Dinner was also a sumptuous grilled meat.

Moo, who pinched and drank too much sweet water, was performing a meat festival dance with Sola as a cherry.

Afterwards, only Tor and Euril are invited to the Barucconian tent for a detailed explanation.

Basically what we do in this camp is monster exorcism in the aisle connecting the marsh entrance to the prison dungeon.

Otherwise, put it away for a few days and collect honey water from silver pumice.

Ten people are capped to stay, and they're switching in triplets every four days.

If the Tors are going to join us, they're going to want to take turns for the four of us.

Scattered and feverishly solicited, Thor et al. passed a hold with regard to the reply.

Due to the narrowness of the camp, the allocation of a tent for bedtime was still one for four here.

That night, Tor is woken up by Moo, who drank too much water.

"To, pee..."

"Oh, okay"

Thor, who left the tent with Moo by his side, went down the stairs next to the stone wall to the toilet in a further layer.

A little mist appeared, and there was a white mist standing around.

Thor notices a figure standing behind that fog as he pushes the child into the toilet.

The shadow was waving a long stretched sword.

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