"Nice to meet you."

Tor nodded back small to the words of the purple-eyed giant Sollugum.

Two hours into the swamp.

It was a journey immersed in mud to the ankles, but the Tors had arrived at their first camp, especially without getting lost or being attacked by monsters.

Exactly. After more than a decade of marsh attacks as well, a safe passage through which no monsters occur seems to be well secured.

That and the other factor that was safe.

"Welcome, you're all set!

A purple-eyed young man stretched his spine with a pin and a grip on his chest raised his voice.

Behind that serious-looking adventurer is a line of muddy, toilet-escorted youths.

They came all the way to the fort early in the morning to guide the Tors this far.

When Sollgham briefly pulled his jaw and indicated his willingness to accept, he went on to give the order.

"Good luck. Now ask for guidance from the Guest"

"Got it!

The young man, also a deputy captain who replied well, turns around and gives his fellow men an order early.

"I'll show you the Tors, so keep your stuff!

"Copy that!

Sora and Moo stare round their eyes at the undisturbed movement of the young adventurers who respond with their cobbles against their chests.

As it was, the five young men began to build up a bunch of wooden planks that had been able to take charge so far.

This wood is for use in the swamp and has been deliberately packed in the carriage carriage on request.

Thor and Moo spent nearly half a day at your table because of it.

"Then come this way!

Thor imagined the dry ground when he heard it was a camp, but those places were still covered in mud. They're as futile as you'd expect here.

But it is the adventurer who keeps fighting adversity.

The struggling forefathers had created a stunning resting place in a muddy barren land.

"Hmmm. Toe, is this a tree?

"Right. Sounds a lot old, but it feels weird."

Moo, who jumped energetically from above Tor's shoulder, had just asked questions as he stepped on the floor with his little foot.

In recent times, I was quickly starting to question whether I had become interested in anything.

"Hmm, soft, but it feels different to being rotten again."

"Well............ right. Ordinary...... ha... what is a tree..."

Euril, who had Sola supporting her, groans back in pain.

The lack of health is the same and breathing seems pretty hard.

Although there were other major reasons for breathing the most.

Assembled on black mud was a splendid wooden scaffold.

Will the size be enough for a house with a garden to fit loosely?

The base part feels like a raft that connects the marutai together, and there is no shaking at all when more than ten people ride it.

Moreover, to my surprise, the back part was high and even existed a splendid staircase.

"This is a material called buried wood. You don't seem to corrode because you've been buried in mud since the old days."

While going up that staircase, the deputy captain who leaned on the guide explains it.

The buried tree has a unique shade of blue, and the surface feels as tulip as the membrane has strained.

Waiting for the Tors on stage was an unexpected sight.

The first thing that pops into my eyes is the blue triangle that stands in a shifty line.

The tents stretched narrowly on the high ground.

And beyond the triangle.

Between the tents, you can see the wetlands.

Thor breathed quietly in the appearance of an endlessly spreading sea of black mud.

The deputy captain, who nodded small at the way it was going, has been good at asking.

"What do you think? The outlook for the Demon Swamp."

"Hmm, this, what is it?

Asked the question with a voice that played instead of a response was Moo, who was touching the tent with a pet.

Because he was too short, he didn't seem to have a clear view of the distance.

The deputy captain tried to answer in a hurry, but the child gets to the answer first.

"Oh, this is just as good as To-chan!

Moo, who also came back on the run, had Thor's tall blue striped cloak slapped with a petite.

The deputy captain, who laughed nicely at the look of it, also gives a polite answer match.

"Yes, you're right. It is made from blue striped serpent leather. Well, you've noticed."

"Moo-mei, I'm going to soak up Shinjitsu."

"Master Moo has many wonderful wisdom eyes."

You find yourself praised, the child proudly lifts his nose and stretches his arms to invite the young man.

And to the cheek of the deputy captain who bowed his back, he turned his face and let his lips stick together.


"This is terrifying, Master Moo"

Moo used to beat a woman's butt and thighs around regardless, but he was finally blamed for the evil behavior and was slapped on his own butt.

The young girl who learned from the bitter experience now goes around kissing the person he likes, no matter who he is.

He realized that this would not make him angry, and that everyone would be in a better mood.

The deputy captain, who was pruning his hair short, let the child have his first soft grin like a B woman there.

"Your tent will be here. Feel free to use it."

The Tors were guided by a larger tent on the edge.

The vice captain, who turned around, hurriedly adds that he noticed that he had forgotten.

"Oh, you can take that cloth off now."

As relieved by the words, Sola and Euril removed the cloth that had covered their noses and mouths.

It feels similar to the sandblanket cloth I used in the wilderness, but this time it is a dark anti-fouling and anti-fouling measure.

"Ha ha, I can finally breathe."

"Phew. At this height, the smell is a little better."

The odour-mixed temper is likely to accumulate on the mud, so it is probably a high ground as a countermeasure.

The deputy captain, who had been flat until then, stopped moving in surprise at Yuryl and Sola, who also took off their hood and revealed their faces.

White skin with even more clarity these days for hair like spinning silver thread.

Calm grey eyes with neat high nose beams and beautifully shaped ears extending left and right.

As always, it is a beauty that attracts the attention of the crowd.

Neither is the girl standing next door, losing that way.

Large blue ribbon for beautifully braided dark hair.

Tight eyes, a tung and a raised nose.

A man would unexpectedly look at the beauty that reminds him of blooming flowers.

In front of the two women, the deputy dyed their cheeks red and caged their mouths.

"Hey, I'll call you when lunch is ready, so take your time until then!

The purple-eyed maiden, who ran down the stairs with momentum as it was, disappeared.

The remaining Tors silently go to unload after one more look at the swamp.

Exploration in the marshes has just begun.

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