Glowing darkness.

The Lord, who turned that contradictory word into a frenzied minister, was brilliant.

Its body, which rises in the light of the slide, emits a light that is pitch-black but draws attention to its eyes.

A radiant outer shell on an obsidian shredded to sharp corners.

Tentacles and legs that combine needle-like sharpness with toughness above steel.

Black wings as thin as a blade that extends longer than the body.

The giant ants, wrapped in black diamond, emitted a spooky vibrating sound.

One after the other, it floats in the universe and jumps to the man who sharpened its body.

The opposing straccia does not attempt to move while standing on the bar.

No, I can't move.

He was caught up in Yuryl's unleashed < Lunar Calamity Ice Blade > and his body remained still, frozen in the middle while releasing a weak white flame.

Monsters relentlessly approaching defenseless swordsmen.

The maxilla, now opened exactly to chew it off, stays as if it had been inhibited by an invisible wall on the verge.

Seven people jumped in like that, one after the other, stationary in the air.

Ants positioned in the universe to draw spirals beat themselves with their wings like crazy, but their jaws are not even frightened.

The girl, who unleashed her magic moves in a row and let her create an impossible sight, exhaled deeply as if relieved.

If it had been Sola before, I might not have been able to handle it so perfectly.

The girl, who nodded contentedly, shifted her gaze from her head to the child next door, who would produce a blue needle.

It was actually Sola who had been snuggling around and watching the most in tune with Moo, who gained the properties of < Sensory acumen >.

When the girl reaches out, her little hand squeezes to respond.

With the warmth conveyed, Sora blew her mouth gladly.

Sewing the gap where the ants stopped moving, Tor heads back to Straccia.

As soon as the stretched hand touched the armor, the white flame burned up strong as it rolled backwards.

Plus Tor < restores > the other spot, slapping him hard on the shoulder and jumping away.

The risen red-haired swordsman looked up into the sky and smiled invincibly.

His knees fold, and his strength accumulates in him like an arrow about to release.

The starting point was the mechanism whereby when there was an upper branch martial arts, no other curse, no traits could be applied.

Struccia had Thor tease the skill tree and once, let it go back to a less state, but there he realizes new possibilities.

Unlike magic moves, in the case of martial arts, only the branch skills that are worthy of the martial arts that have been tamed by the hand for many years occur.

But rarely, there exists a genius who jumps over the law.

A talented owner who is forced to use his or her unskilled weapon branch skills.

Soaking water in the water bottle was poured into the roots of Straccia's flaming martial tree.

Rapidly stretched branches happen to grow to their limits, creating new branches.

The second branch is also stretched out to the end without stopping, and a third branch is born so that it is joined together.

Straccia, slashing her eyelids with the tip of her sword, opened her eyes slightly and shouted high.

"Burning fire in perpetuity, scorch everything in front of you -!"

At the same time as the words, Straccia, holding the double sword, kicked the ground.

Its body flickers and rises to wear the universe as it rotates into a cone rub.

At the same time, from those two blades, a scorching white flame erupted.

The red-haired swordsman's body rises high in the sky as he crosses the heads of the immobile ants.

Originally, this Uebi martial arts technique is a suitable skill for two-handed swords and machetes, and a one-handed sword with a short sword body loses its power.

It was Sora's arm that made it up to her to stop the labyrinth lords with exquisite placement.

Straccia reaches the apex, chopping the ants into full pieces.

And with the last force, wave down your two swords once and for all.

Ants with their faces amputated stopped moving after trembling heavily.

But so was Straccia, who landed magnificently.

Stick the two swords to the ground, and also stop the body as it was frozen.

A recoil using two superior martial arts techniques struck an exhausted body.

Usually if you use one upper branch martial arts, because of its recoil, it is impossible to unleash a different move.

But if it is before the end of the first move, you can release as much as you want.

This was also another idea that only a man of gift could do.

Thor grabbed the neck muscle of Straccia, whose body was struck by stiff and intense eyesight, disappointed.

Throw it behind your back so you can pull the turnip straight through.

The earthlings, who were waiting, received it and immediately carried it to the edge of the room.

Thor shrugged his gaze upwards as he dropped off his departing disciple chillily.

"Well, it's me later. I'll borrow this."

While stretching gently, he pulls out a single sword of a rotting dragon that remains stung to the ground.

As the time had come, < fixed > had been solved, and the black ants had regained their freedom.

Leaving one stranded in Straccia, how many flying ants.

Euril lifted his cane so that he could clearly aim there.

"Slippery freeze -"

The magic infused through the < Frozen Core Penetration > of the active properties results in absolute death.

One that moves out and at the same time heads to the ground.

Yet again, after the same process, a new one rolls lightly to the ground.

Even though he was wounded by Straccia's sword moves, it is a tremendous success rate.

Lambmerla and Kugase looked at Yuryl, who was flat after releasing his advanced demonic moves for four consecutive years, with fearful eyes.

"Was it also his fault that the Ethereal Ant was intact and dead? Oh, you're about to."

"And when I talk, he's such a sweet guy..."

The four remaining ants do not care about the death of their companions, but jump to their familiar prey as they fly around the universe at an unnoticed speed.

The black blade flashed as it produced remnants, and the sound of the hard noise rang out.

To Tor, who played the jaw blow, the second one looms unabated in the hair.

Before that, Thor was stepping in.

A high-speed sword strike strikes and the mistimed ant slashes the tentacles and flies in the direction.

Thor moves the two that continue to strike there, as he had expected.

Also, the ants lost sight of their goal and fled to the sky as they lost part of their body.

There are no advanced martial arts or magic moves left that could already be used.

Hand wounds are sustained, but the labyrinth lords who show the four frenzied phases are almost alive and well.

It's supposed to be a desperate situation, but probably no one will think about running away right now.

Straccia leaked a laugh of self-derision at the appearance of her brothers, who blasphemed lightly at the attacks of their powerful enemies without a carefree gesture.

If the eye captures movement, Straccia will probably be winning better.

I am confident that the reaction rate has also exceeded.

But that's all.

Good eyes and reactions are not enough to reach the current frontier of Tor.

Read the opponent's movements by the experience gained and move one step ahead.

Simple reason if I may say so, but how much time does it take until it can be used in action?

Moreover, the opponents are the true lords of the labyrinth, which protects the great cave.

That's not all.

Four suddenly strike the universe and strike.

Huge weights pressed to crush Tor.

No matter how far ahead you were reading, this attack cannot be dismissed.

But the man who is supposed to scatter the contents unbroken disappears on the brink, revealing himself from where he is not supposed to be.

The black blade rolled out harshly, and one wing was slashed and torn to pieces.

The genius, who admitted defeat, muttered invisibly as he watched the fourth man crawl to the ground.

"... it still didn't seem like I was the one to name the strongest seat. But now..."

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