"Then go!

"Let it go -!

"Yeah, I got it."

After a lively dinner, the four Tors were gathered in the living room.

An overview of the Ant's Nest Labyrinth has already been described during the meal.

What will now take place was an attempt to decurse that intrusion curse.

Standing directly in front of Tor sitting on the couch is a slightly nervous looking childhood tame girl.

Though Sola can < invert > the effect of the cursed traits, a girl alone cannot perceive even someone else's skill tree.

That's where it comes in: Moo, who can share his sight with others.

The child, sitting on Thor's lap, made him try his chest against his skill.

"Take it easy, Mr. Thor"

Euril, the only experienced person, is sitting next to her and gently holding Tor's hand.

Its gray eyes are faintly shaking, probably because of the reversal of memories that have been tormented by the curse for a long time.

Tor quietly shook his hand back at the woman smiling to reassure her.

Then he peeks into his skill tree.

In Moo's < sensory sharing >, Tor's skill tree details emerged in everyone's sight.

It was a black trunk from the beginning, but the area close to its roots protrudes ugly and distorted.

"Wow, that's amazing. Where do we go from here?

"Right, from the top guy, please"

I had no anxiety at all because it had been successful before, but Tor felt just a little embarrassed by the feeling of being seen with a large scab on his back.


Peeled without hesitation.

Occasionally the creepy puffiness disappears and turns into a white, smooth circle.

"You look beautiful, To"

"This is refreshing."

Moo pushing his head with pleasure, and Euril leaking a grumpy voice.

With a bitter smile at the look of it, Thor checks the contents of the fruit.

The curse of < Health Loss > had changed as follows:

- Increases the upper limit of the holder's health and speeds up recovery.

Active: Automatic/Effective: Small/Range: Himself.

"All right, go on with the bottom three, please"

"Let me go!

- Promotes the restoration of the magic power of the holder.

Active: Automatic/Effective: Small/Range: Himself.

- Increase the holder's resistance to physical abnormalities.

Active: Automatic/Effective: Small/Range: Himself.

- Increase the number of times the holder's magic moves can be used.

Active: Automatic/Effective: Small/Range: Himself.

Changes were made in Magic, Resistance Weakness, and Limit.

I can't look into health, magic, and resistance right now, but the number of times increased to eleven.

It was eight times before, so the 20% reduction seems to have increased by 10%.

It is quite unfortunate that < flip > can only return half.

"One more time, but stay like this?

"No, wait. The bottom one first, please."

Only < Growth Inhibition > and < Skill Ban > remain.

Six layers of < excessive loss > and seven layers were not eligible for permanent effects, so they were extinguished at the same time as they exited the dungeon.

And so far I've put it in bulk with the root curse, but apparently the perception was a little wrong.

Curses about the body, such as strength and magic, were somewhere quite close to the inside of the trunk, if any.

Now that it has become a competent property, it is almost identical to the other trunk fruit properties of Tor.

Conversely, curses that interfere with skill mechanisms such as < times limit > and < growth inhibition > are fairly close to the root.

It is a place similar to Moo's root properties.

The closer this is to the root, the stronger it will be seen as having a strong effect on the whole.

And the curse of stretching a thorn-ridden tool existed at the root of a skilled tree.

The abominable curse of crawling up the trunk puzzles the branches of < restore >, which have only one of the toils.

As everyone watched breathlessly, Sora, breathing heavily, squeezed the remaining magic.


Unexpectedly the white glow overflows from the inside of the cob, repainting its epidermis.

Without setting it apart, the black tsu also disappears to dissolve in the universe.

Instead, a tulle tipped with adorable white buds began to ascend the trunk of a sultry and skilled tree.

The white line that reaches slightly below the < restore > branch opens the petal fluttering when it stops there.

And like an illusion, the white glow disappears in an instant.

But painfully, Thor's eyes were quickly reading the name floating in the flower.

What was written there was the letter < SKILL LIFE >.

Apparently, it was a trait that disappeared once the role was over, rather than settled as a fruit.

Feeling an early heartbeat, Thor focuses his consciousness on the area where the flowers disappear.

Just a little fumble.

But it was certainly a bud of new skill.

As a matter of fact, I've been scattered and trying to see if any new branches would grow.

I have tried to bring < restore > back to level 1 many times, or meditate on what Moo has learned in the Temple of Court.

But Cobb, the next branch skill, didn't even find a sign shard.

Thor takes a serious look at the newborn cob and realizes.

I had previously assumed that a new branch would be created at the top of the < restore >, but I think that might have been wrong.

The position of the new cob is located under a long stretching < restore > branch.

In other words, < restore > was a clear indication that it was possible that it was an upper branch skill.

Thor realizes his mouth is loose, even as he scratches under his chin unexpectedly, reminiscing of his previous efforts.

The longer I struggle, the happier I am.

Although this time it was an achievement from a completely different direction than the effort invested.

I checked with the Adventurer's Bills and there are thirteen light points on my skill points.

The result of the hard work so far is roughly thirteen thousand.

Tilt the water bottle floating beside the tree and pour the useless training value into a small fudge.

A thousand points first.

Then the branches grow.

Apparently, what you need is the same as your lower branch skills.

Keep pouring in the rest at once.

Unfortunately, growth stopped at level 4.

Re-examine the skill you were born with.

The name of the new skill...

Retroactive - Returns the object involved in the battle to its past state.

Level: 4/Number of times available: Twice an hour/Activation: Instant/Effect: One second/Range: Contact.

"... well, let's see what it looks like"

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