"No way......................................."

"Duh, what's going on!?

For unexpected developments, Lambmerla shivers her lips in a flash.

Kugase, who was breathing next to it, raised his voice like he had eaten a bubble.

In front of you you can see the body of an exhausted black queen ant and the figure of Straccia leading to a sword deeply stabbed in its head.

Behind that sight, supposedly completely settled.

With the huge black roots buried in the back wall, an unbelievable situation was unfolding.

A rapidly swollen epidermis can be bounced and a shadowy mass emerges from beneath it.

Slowly a crease is created in its chunk, which turns into a familiar shape.

Six legs extend from the center of the body divided into three sections, giving rise to jaws and tentacles while the head is pointed.

Moving faintly, four black wings spread from its back.

What was newly created from the Great Pit was a queen ant in a black frenzied phase state that looked just like a rolling carcass.

It just seemed like this nightmarish situation was an unacceptable fact for the girls, just so far convinced of the victory.

With his eyes wide open, he abandons his thoughts and loses his words.

It was Ninessa who brought those two back to sanity, breathing like a dawn.

"... calm down. The Lord of the Labyrinth has decided not to be alone..."

"Mr. Nine!

"Sister Ninessa!

The high temperatures produced by the magic moves unleashed by itself thanks to the fur of the flaming beast are fine, but there is nothing we can do until we lack oxygen.

The deputy captain strives to quickly grasp the situation as he rushes air into his lungs.

In my last exploration I pulled it up merely by confirming the Lord of the True Labyrinth, but I was told that a reflux phenomenon of exasperation occurred afterwards.

Though it was thought that it was due to the defeat of the five-tier labyrinth lord, it is also possible that he released surpluses that were no longer needed.

In other words, he said he was ready to summon more than one labyrinth lord to the intruder.

Cases where labyrinth lords are summoned many times in the first place are not so rare.

Sakkou, my uncle, once told me that he had become the feather of four hundred feet.

Ninessa, who flew with her fingers to keep putting up the container's wooden plugs as she clenched her teeth small, pulled together three magic restorative pills at once.

Ninessa's magic power as it stands now leaves only a few because of her earlier Upper Edge demonic moves.

He is desperate for a headache and nausea that seems to crack.

Plus because of the curse the usable times were shredded and today I can't shoot no matter how much I scratch anymore.

From his terrible complexion, Lambmerla seems to be in a similar state of deficiency.

Kugase still seems to have his magic left, but his strength seems closer to the limit to see his trembling feet.

And did Straccia at heart use up her power completely, or just exhale rough breaths while clinging to the sword?

"... there's only one way to retreat. But we don't have enough time."

The body of an already second queen ant is almost forming.

Having reached a conclusion between breaths or so, Ninessa spoke to a man who was the only decent state on this occasion.

"Mr. Thor,... could you buy me about thirty seconds?

"Is that enough?

"Okay, one minute."

"Three minutes. So do something about it."

"Okay. Please."

The girls, who were listening beside each other to the exchange, laid down one breath and raised their voices in heaven.

".................. Huh!?

"What are you talking about? Hey, old man!

Tor, who pushed his back bag into Kugase's hand as he tried to grab it, walks straight out into the back of the room.

The Tea Horn girl hurried to its back, letting down to the zooming weight.

"Granny, at least give it a shot!

"I don't want it. Help him quicker than that."

Thor pulled out his lower back sword while still pointing his thumb at Straccia, where white smoke rose from his armor.

There, now the scream of Lambmerla stuffed with cut wings chases me.

"What are you doing, idiot! I don't have enough magic to cure it anymore. Come back here, quick!

To the girl's desperate command, Thor turns around just a little and looks sideways.

On its lips, there was a gentle grin.

And when I turn back forward, I pack the distance from the queen ant all at once.

Impossible to withstand the hopeless consequences of understanding, Rammella turned a blind eye with a sad groan.

"I missed you, sister!

"Restore the Prince's health."

Lambmerla glanced hard at Ninessa, who was so cold that she could see her face dyed by Zhu.

The girl was well aware that if she didn't escape here, it would be total annihilation.

That is why it is absolutely wrong to impose disposables in this way.

Even if it's a retirement adventurer.

And the most frustrating part was my weakness, which seemed to accept such a situation somewhere in my mind.

Only the same mistakes as before should not be repeated.

That's what I thought back, Lambmerla, wiped her uplifting tears of remorse and redefined her gaze.

What we need to do now is not blame, but look for the best hand in this place.

The red-haired beauty returned words to the girl, who hurried to open her mouth.

"So calm down, Ram. Why are you here?


"To help everyone, right? Then do as much as you do. Don't let me down."

Ninessa lay more words on Rammella, who held her breath to unexpected words.

"You're the one who's missing it."


"Look, look"

To the tip of Ninessa's lifted jaw, the girl regained her fearful gaze.

And to the unbelievable sight that just spreads, I open both my eyes to the fullest.

The man, who was supposed to be a tired middle-aged man, was snubbing the onslaught of a black queen ant.

Black masses flying at high speeds push toward Tor.

But when I thought I was going to collide, that body was already moving into a safe position, and at the same time, the tip of the monster's tentacle bounces off.


Surely Thor's sword should have been white and hard copper cheap.

Wrong, there's no way you can slash the body of a queen ant that boasts the same hardness as a diamond.

Right in front of Lambmerla, who had assumed so, now the tip of the queen ant's front leg is slashed off.

"Duh, why...?

"I didn't tell you, but that guy, he's the prince's brother. But I didn't think it would be this far... it's amazing..."

There was a clear difference between the swords of the two disciples, even though they both spoke of Dadan as a mentor.

Straccia uses a judging sword while curving gracefully.

In contrast, what Thor uses is a linear sword of attack that has shredded waste to the extreme.

Having identified the approaching giant body at high speeds to the critical point, Tor moves the shortest distance at a speed that is impossible while avoiding with a single piece of paper.

Exhale softly as you step in and hit the blade in the identified position.

At the moment of the hit, he tightened his hand and concentrated his maximum power to a single point.

It produces a tall sound and cracks can run and smash into the body of a black shining monster.

The diamond from which the name of the Vajra Ant comes is insanely hard but unexpectedly brittle for impact.

But black diamonds had overcome even their weaknesses.

Outer shell with the strongest hardness and toughness.

However, it was still not perfect.

The shells of the ants are more than crystalline, and their knots are bound to exist.

Thor was precisely aiming and striking out in the midst of a fierce struggle, a point that was just hard to capture in the eyes of the ordinary man.

I've been waving my sword for twenty-five years with little rest.

The opponents are weak opponents such as moles, birds and little ghosts worthy of the Green Oak class.

But the subject doesn't mean a lot.

What matters is just the fact that we have even repeatedly swung through our swords.

Even sharp, and precise.

The battle against the mighty enemies we have met in the last three months blossoms in the basement created by that immense training.

Previously lacking in Tor was enough opponents to wave their swords from the bottom of their hearts.

Mutual, no, Tor was already overtaking even the true Lord of the Labyrinth.

A fiercely flying queen ant, but the attack does not even scuff, on the contrary, the tip of the wings and legs is lost one by one.

They thought I was going to be able to keep winning, but unfortunately it's not that long before people can move at full capacity.

No matter how much more hitting out at high speeds, limits also come to the sword.

Together with a light response, the tip of Tor's sword finally smashes and scatters.

Almost without setting aside time, the feeling that the power in your body can disappear strikes you.

Taking the limit, Thor exhaled deeply on his knees.

There, relentlessly, the Queen Ant struck to punish her devastated prey.

But the expected time seems to have earned enough.

At that time, what jumped into Thor's ear was a good word of prayer.

"O leaves of the flaming tree, scatter and confuse -"

At the next moment, Tor's body braces multiple times.

All of a sudden the phantoms just like him appeared, and when they stood up, they moved.

Kick the ground and walls from next to next and hit the queen ant.

This magic trick is the hidden ball of Ninessa that has dramatically increased the survival rate of Platinum.

The upper branches of the < slide > and < Yangtze Formation > can create a large number of phantoms for only one minute.

The shadow of Thor, mutilated by the wings of the queen ant, moves as a new phantom in each of the two parts.

The ever-increasing number of shadows keeps flirting masterfully with monsters.

Most Phantoms don't have any power to fight, so they don't get one more scratch, but they're enough allies to buy time.

Fluffy and warm sensations wind up from the inside of the toil that was bending.

Raising his face, he had a wet face in tears, and Lambmerla was nodding small.

Tor, who had his strength back, ran out to the exit of the room when he nodded back.

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