The nest of treasure ants changed once again in four layers.

The aisles will be even wider and the ceilings higher.

And the inhabitants also began to show a size worthy of its breadth.

From this layer disappears the appearance of small ants such as amber ants and dairy stone ants, and instead two large species of ants appear.

The first one is a green ball ant.

The beautiful dark green torso is about three times the length of an amber ant.

Furthermore, this monster was characterized by its spherically swollen abdomen.

An unusually large amount of sweet honey is stored in this area, which has the habit of restoring state anomalies and fatigue by giving it to other ants.

Furthermore, the saliva of the green ball ants even helped to repair the damage to the outer shell.

So to speak, it plays a role equivalent to the use of water by the ants.

The other one is a yellow jade ant.

This one looks just like the Green Ball Ant, like a pair of different colors.

The clear difference, however, is that it is the nasty liquid stored in the belly sac that is clear in its golden color.

This ant had the habit of blowing and attacking accumulated antacid from the abdominal edge.

This acid, created in the body by ants, is a substitute for causing severe burn-like symptoms if adhered to the skin.

With new large ants joining the battle, the formation of the monsters is closer to completion.

A jade ant takes the attack with a shield on his head, and a quartz ant shivers a thorn to thwart the attack.

And if the hard outer shell breaks, the green balls ants repair it immediately, and the yellow balls ants lurking in the rear spray dangerous acids.

The movements of the ants, who instinctively understood each other's roles, were so much better than those of the veteran adventurers.

In contrast, Stracchia's sword sword increased by a step.

The blade of the dragon's fangs, with white spots, easily cleaves the outer shell of the beautiful colored ant.

Kugase, moreover, came forward from this layer.

"O supporter of the great earth tree, I can give it to you. It's heavy on the sky, on what you can wander -"

A rock that takes on all the attacks that fly through the air on its own sucks acid bullets all the time.

The girl's body, which was applied multiple times to the gap, approached the monster at an unlikely speed.

A fist blow covered in a vajra iron cage hand is sucked into the belly of a yellow jade ant with a bright step.

A clear sound rang and a lightning crack ran inside it.

And at the next moment, my stomach, which was swollen round, shatters and falls.

The outer shell of a treasure ball ant that boasts tremendous hardness, but some ants get internal cracks when they hit the abdominal edge with such a strong impact.

The most important thing to do is to be prepared to take terrible acid up close.

"Ah, Achichi!

A lightly bouncing quail, but seemingly inevitable of all the bitterly scattered acids.

The defense of the < Defense Bubble > seems to have prevented some of it, but it seems to have bathed only a little.

But that doesn't stop the girl from moving.

Try destroying two additional green and yellow balls.

In the meantime Straccia slapped off the emerald shield and the quartz thorns to clean up the rest lightly.

Coming back with a face full of skill, Kugase gives Tor what he has in his hand.

Glowing over the girl's palm were the beautiful green and yellow jewels.

"Look, I'll see. Three silver coins for one."

"Ho, that's expensive"

When Thor offers his hand to receive it, the girl smiles nicely and puts the loot in her belt bag.

Apparently, he's just here to show off.

The neighborhood also resembles the children of the Purple Eye clan.

"What are you talking about? Look, I'm gonna recover. Lord of the Tree of Life. Please moisten the thirst of the wanderers -"

Rammella's magic moves spread a warm sensation into your body, causing your lost health to return instantly.

It had been about six hours since we had already entered the dungeon.

But there was no place to rest properly, so healing this health was an essential part of the line.

Of course, you can regain health with Tor's < restore >, but now that you've reduced the number of times you can use it to eight, it's only time to regain magic.

Besides, there were other reasons why it was easy to lose strength.

Thor accidentally scratches under his chin for a glimpse of the roots of his skilled tree.

Decrease the body's resistance to slow magic recovery.

In these four layers, the upper limit of health and healing were lowered to reduce the number of times magic moves are available.

Well done. Once again, I admire you for not being able to keep fighting properly.

After all, there seems to be only one thing that has been carefully selected from a large number of people.

"Oh, you burned a little earlier, Coo. I'll fix it. Let me out."

"Yes, yes, Ram is sweet. It's always free."

"I won't tell you not to be impotent anymore, but if you get hurt, just say so -"

Like the girl's pulled skin, Tor recalls the faces of the children who lived hidden in the alley.

The identity of that terrible burn was the work of the ants who entered the city.

It is said that only one ant caused the tragedy that struck the Border District of Bossaria.

Hill areas close to the city have long had a common occurrence of dungeons called nesting holes in stone shell ants.

In the border district of Dadan, it is a level of difficulty equivalent to a cave of little ghosts.

Typically, dungeons are formed by temper, but once they can be done, there is no significant change in structure.

Rarely, however, do there exist exceptional monsters that apply their hands to it.

So were the ants with brittle stone outer shells.

When the labyrinth lord is defeated and the hole is closed, the dungeon destroys itself and the inner monster takes the road.

But one leaked from the crusade happens to survive deep digging holes.

Thus the labyrinth lord continued to be defeated, and the dungeons vanished one after the other, but some ants continued to remain without vanishing.

Eventually the ants digging into the ground reach the bottom of the city.

Hidden there was a great cave once sealed by Yingjie's men.

Massive monsters overflowing from the ground to the "Big Coma Hole" make a difference to the dreaded Treasure Ant.

And stretched a dangerous nest directly beneath the Border District of Bossaria.

The tragedy that followed does not have to be discussed in detail.

All that remains is the word that the walls will also be broken through the pits of the ants.

But the threat has not yet come to an end.

If it's just the movement of the upper and lower layers, the ants can use narrow vertical holes.

Besides, there is a territory in the first place, so there is no need to move the layers together.

There is only one reason why large numbers of ants have wide walkable passages and slopes.

To promptly send the large ants created deep underground to the ground.

In other words, the ants are looking for their next destination.

Waiting for the Tolls to safely pass through the four layers was a large room of curses and ends.

All that exists in the five layers are black, pocky holes of temper and two giant ants that protect it.

The spacious space was filled with roaring, deafening sounds.

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