The wind pressure in front of the eye can disappear, as well as the space that was flat open is immediately narrowed.

On the verge of being swallowed by the raging wind, Thor's hand quickly picked up a rolling stone on the ground.

It's a stormy crystal stone, a triumphant crystal.

I put it back in working order later, and now it goes into a bag in my hips.

Again with a sandy cloth, covering your mouth, while the dust just happens to block your sight.

Tor hurriedly confirmed his appearance at the tip of the rope as he was swayed forward, backward, left, and right by the wind and sand blowing.

"Don't stay there. Are you hurt?

"... no"

He sounded a little upside down, but he doesn't mind continuing the conversation.

"You said this storm would be over soon."

"Yes, if you wait a little while..."

Peaks seemed to have passed during the battle, and the sand is still annoying but the wind momentum seems to be subsiding somewhat.

But still, the storm has covered everything so painfully that only the speaker in front of me can confirm it.

Thor, looking around and breathing small, made a light decision.

"Let's keep going to the planned camp."

"Aren't you going to look?

Salarisa's eyes bring a dangerous light, as she asks Tor.

"If it falls off, he says to move on. And there's only a few hours left."

"I get it......"

The sand rising high in the sky is even difficult to ascertain the direction in which it hides even the sun about to set.

Saralisa took a little overflowing size appliance from the map and palm from the bag she was carrying.

It is a magic stone tool called the astronomical board that allows you to measure the position of the stars, the sun, and magnetism to know the current position.

Touching Thor's shoulder, the conductor points in the direction to be taken.

The two silently began to move through the sandstorm.

As Salaritha said, after about five minutes, the wind weakens.

As the sand settled, the low rocky mountains began to show themselves one after the other.

The rock skin had been smoothly shredded as if it had been stroked with someone's hand.

You noticed Thor's gaze, and Sarah, who was walking behind him, tells me to squeal.

"Where this rocky mountain gathers, torn winds often fall..."


"I hear that and the evil spirits of the rough wind are born when the wind runs quickly through this gap of rock..."

"I see, so what"

Convinced, Thor once again felt the horror of this wilderness.

Windy flats travel at night because of rolling rock beetles.

I just have to run in the daytime, but the time to cross over due to distance is really easy before sundown.

You can see a dependable rocky mountain as you continue to walk and start to get dark.

I'd be really relieved.

When a sandstorm suddenly strikes there.

It is very likely that they will be surprised and the party will be split up.

Besides, if you're unlucky, you may encounter the evil spirits of the rough wind.

Even if I didn't encounter it, sometimes if I accidentally used a strong magic technique, it could react to its magic and strike me.

"Totally. That's too bad of a place for them."

"Even here, many evil spirits can only gush, and there are worse places"

"That's terrifying."


I suddenly said something hazy, Sarah, but after I replied, I silenced myself without saying anything.

After a while, the wind gradually returns to its usual appearance.

And quite far from the low rocky mountains, a large rocky mountain appeared.

Seeing multiple figures lowering their hips in front of him, Tor finally let go of his hand from the pattern of his sword.

A young voice pops into my ear as I untie the rope that was connected to the conductor.


Running over the ground to slip was a purple-eyed child shaking his golden hair.

Moo, kicking the ground a few steps ahead of Thor, comes straight in.

When he received the hit of his body with his abs, the child with the bounce and buttocks gave him a loud laugh.

"Toe, where have you been? I'm all moody now!

I'm sorry about that.

"You always say you shouldn't go off because it's a strawberry!

"No, I'm the one who's talking."

"You can't do more to keep people from saying it!

"Is that true, too? Thanks for your concern, Moo."

The child, with a full grin at the apology, pulled Thor's hand and walked out.

Sora and Yuryl both seem to have just been brewing tea.

A gray-eared woman with a howling face hands the hot cups to the Tors.

"Good. You were safe, Tor."

"Is something wrong?

"Yeah, I got a little tangled up in a spiritual monster"

When he showed a broken storm crystal stone in half, Euril looked at him as if surprised.

Sarah Lisa, who received the cup, looks at Sola and the others with equally incredible eyes.

It seemed quite surprising that we were getting through that sandstorm easily and reaching the safety zone first.

"Why... Oh, that's..."

"Oh, I forgot to hide it! Shouldn't I show it to you?"

What Salaritha sought to find was an old map and astronomical board spread over Sola's lap.

Thor sees the seed as he alternates between a guide who leans in a speculative gaze and a girl who shrugs her shoulders sorry.

"That's not what I stole. I got paid officially."


At a slime hunt in the bloody river the other day, this set of demonic stone gear and maps was prepared by the director, Dadan.

Typically, expensive astronomical boards are only paid to C-ranks that qualify as guides.

It is a necessity for accurately describing the location of the Rock House Fort in Oak, which irregularly changes location, and goes out to the public quite infrequently due to the small number.

Large caravans, at best, can hardly possess it.

Given those circumstances, it may be said that Dadan's expectations of the Tors are considerable.

The last time the four of us hunted for rock beetles, we have carefully practiced how to use them.

It was also a measure for Garudo and Salarisa to be a little untrustworthy, but this time it seemed to work well.

Thor exhaled deeply, making sure the three of them were not injured.

"Well, we need to get ready for camp."

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