Bettina and the others will then be attacked by a herd of black skeleton eagles each time they proceed to a new valley.

But the line that allowed him to cut through the first battle without difficulty, with Tari's vigilance and Godan's calm instructions, allowed him to safely reach the valley before sundown.

It is so stable that I don't think it is the first day.

"Oh, is that really eating?

"Yes, it's a lot of delicious thighs."

"... if you don't want it, I'll take that share"

"... give it to me too, Tapa"

"Well, I'll have one too."

"Okay, I'll eat you! You just have to eat, right? Oh, that's surprisingly light and delicious."

While grabbing the fatty black skeleton eagle's feet elegantly, Bettina stares at the guide who is taking part in the meal.

"Is a guide something you don't bring your own meal to?

"No, I'm bringing it right. But if you're going to eat it, it's definitely this way, rather than sandy bread. Yeah, this is delicious."

"I'm glad you're happy, Dear Garoud"

"No, I didn't know we could have this kind of dinner here. They used to bring it here."

The guide, who has placed his reluctance somewhere in front of a set of authentic cooking tools spread beside the tent, speaks out in admiration.

"It's only because of Tali-sama's < wind speed formation >. Always helpful."

"... depend on as much as you want, Lord Godan"

"I see, can it be lighter to luggage when extreme? Besides, that's not all."

< Wind Speed Formation > is not just a magic trick that generates a chase wind; in fact, it can manipulate the direction of the wind in any direction.

Garoud was firmly discerning that the wind master had skilfully changed the direction of the wind to coincide with the onslaught of free-flowing monsters.

Let's just say a plain but great feat that the Blackwreck Eagles were slower than usual because of the momentum shredded across the street.

"Ugh, good afternoon. See you tomorrow."

"Good night"

The line after the meal was lifted up to the respective tents.

However, Bettina and Godan and Tapa take turns at night.

Tali was the only one who snored because fatigue could not be removed, which would hinder the restoration of magic.

The second day is also Bettina's choice, and the gorge to proceed will be determined appropriately.

But there was no particular problem, and I was able to go quite a distance in the morning.

And when the sun is directly above it, a line comes to the position where the rocky mountain floats at the end of sight.

"Sounds like a little later."

"... but the valley is divided into three parts."

"... it seems like it would be nice to go through any of them"

"Then it's settled. This place is straight!

To Bettina pointing to the valley at the front with a high laugh, the Godans restocked their luggage without saying anything.

When we kept going silently and eventually the end of the valley began to look far away -.

"Did you move the pawn to the unsavory spot at the end? You don't have it, that lady."

Garud shrugged his neck at the signs of the wind, which began to blow unexpectedly hard.

Gently loosen your footsteps and dive into the outpouring of the wall.

Almost at the same time, a loud noise echoed to the bottom of the valley.

"Something big is coming!

Tali's warning is immediately proven.

Because a shadow big enough to block the sun came through the ground at your feet.

Then the once again deaf, tall scream clings, and a strong gust winds.

And with the sound of a giant flag hanging, the great shadow descended to the bottom of the valley.

Huge objects flying in happen to push straight from the front.

He gently jumps Godan, who stands in the lead as he is, passing over the three men who lay low with fierce momentum.

Godan, who traveled a few steps while floating in the universe, hit the side wall violently and a roaring noise rose from its red armor.

"... have you seen it?

"... I saw it!

"Are you okay?! Godan. What was it, now?

"I'm fine, ma'am"

Seems like the moment of the clash, he kicked the ground and killed the momentum.

The plainly risen butler observes the sky with his shield in place.

"Do you know what it is? Dear Tapa, Dear Tari"

"... oh, definitely. That's the beast of the wind."

Normally, a monster of the beast type is something that some animal has changed with indifference.

But rarely can a beast strongly influenced by the Spirit turn into a monster with an appearance out of reason.

That is the special beasts with the name of wind and thunder.

Earlier monsters, known as windbeasts, also had a peculiar appearance.

The head is a raptor and also has two large wings.

But the carcass part was clearly of a four-legged beast.

Further around the neck, spinous feathers grew like tendons.

The sound of the birdy beast echoed again.

The air trembles without clearing between them, and a windy giant comes down.

Its height would be more than twice that of Godan and its length would be more than four times that of Godan.

Due to the overwhelming difference in weight, Wind Beast also made it easy to blow the shield running forward.


"Come on!"

Besides, that's not all.

He flew through the thorn blades of his neck as he passed over the twins.

One of the sharp wings, as far as the elbow, pierces Tapa's thigh, dyeing his underwear red as he sees it.

Likewise, Tari, feathered at the shoulder mouth, is distorted in pain and distorted in the face.

Bettina, whose thorn wings were the only intact sliding with white scaled armor, let her anger burn into her bright red eyes at the condition of her companions.

"How dare you!

"... Forgive me"

"... I'm gonna finish this."

"The retreat from here seems harsh."

A risen Godan makes a sober decision as he looks forward and the way he came.

I can't possibly afford to run through the valley against that monster.

"I can handle the assault, but not even the flying wings."

"... I can't get an arrow"

"Likewise, it looks like the sword cut the air."

"... probably keeping the wind together"

"Can you handle it?

"... Coming"

The twins, who tied the wound quickly, split on both walls and stick together.

Godan with his shield advanced as he raised his roar without setting time.

Behind it follows Bettina, who gave herself up to slip down the ground.

The clash of shields and beaks raised armaments to the beast of the wind.

Again, Godan, dancing in the air, falls to the ground light.

And Bettina, who held the white blade against the wall of air, was flown under wind pressure to hit the wall hard and make a short scream.

The twins seemed to be doing their best just to accommodate the flying thorn wings.

Although I tried shooting it off with arrows and a dagger, the monster itself is completely intact.

Garoud watched silently from the gap in his shield as the struggling party unfolded.

To stop that giant movement that keeps flying through the sky is impossible, if not a major obstacle.

It would be possible, but Godan's skills are not yet at a level where he can produce large rocks.

Even assuming you stop or blunt the movement on it, a half-breed attack will not work on the wind armor covering your body.

A bowman's system would work, but whether a wind can be used to cover it.

The Spirit is more advantageous to be more dominant.

In every case, you can see that it doesn't work at all.

At least Bettina, the swordsman, could have worked it out if he had more powerful martial arts.

While observing them flirting with the power of a giant beast, the conductor predicts when to jump out.

I'm still at the playing stage, but if the Windy Beast is serious, I'm in a vicious mode of releasing thorn wings.

A conversation between the lady and the butler accidentally jumped into Garud's ear, who lifted his shield with disappointment.

"Apparently, that's it, ma'am. Too bad."

"... well, I can't help it."

The conductor stopped moving as he was fascinated by the appearance of a beautiful woman lifting the edge of her lips wide as she said so.

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