"Oh, this, I am. You're the one with the water."

Did you mistake it for your favorite rain crystal stone, Moo strokes his soul measuring instrument placed on his desk with a hand full of sweets.

From beside it, the temple chief's old man peered into the crystal balls, turning his back on his big body.

"Hmm, level two, level three. And then level 1? It doesn't grow much, but it's good to have three branches."

The skill point Moo has earned so far is a month spent in the woods of little ghosts, including caves, with two thousand six hundred and eighty-four points.

In a month of bloodshed rivers, six thousand three hundred and fifteen points.

In two weeks of torn wind wilderness, one thousand and thirty points.

Add to that the thousand points of birth, for a total of eleven thousand one hundred and twenty-nine.

Lower branch skills, which multiply the numerical value of a level by a thousand, are the necessary skill points to reach that stage.

In Moo's case, priority was given to commonly used skills, which were assigned to all three branches.

The reason for this is that we can no longer afford to use < restore > to re-develop our skills.

In the first place, Moo's three skills are all slow-growing, so stretching just one won't do him much good.

An appropriate type means that the number changes each time the level increases, but the rate of increase is slower.

In contrast, the three-stage type that varies at levels 3, 6, and 9, the binary type that varies at levels 5 and 9, and so on grow slowly, and when the corresponding level is reached, the numbers fluctuate greatly, and strong accompanying effects are obtained.

Although it was anomalous, Tor's < restore > also falls into the binary category.

Also, Sola's < inversion > and < fixation > were raised to level 3 and examined, but since there was no change in the numerical value, it also seems to be a binary type.

The large organic late-forming around here is also a form of growth commonly found in medium or upper branch skills.

"Is Moo amazing after all? Jiji."

"Mm-hmm. It's only a matter of time before we grow up with two more branches. Besides, it even takes a characteristic effect that I've never seen before, and it's definitely full of talent."

"Really? Ten? Are you overflowing?"

Apparently, the temple chief isn't as good as Thor's < temporal column perception >, but he can even spot the traits others possess.

I've heard that growing up to upper branch skills gives you superior properties of < thunder-eye nursing >, but you probably own it.

Zazam casually continues his words as he watches Moo mumble over the cookies looking praised and enjoyable.

"But to this extent, you haven't been very helpful. Will you take it from me and work it out for me?"


To the sudden proclamation, Sora opened her eyes in surprise.

Thor, who put the cup back on the table next to it, quietly returns no.

"No, this guy is an important force for us. I will refuse you."

"Well, listen to me. I'll introduce you to a good replacement warrior or lightning man. I think it's enough to fill the hole this kid missed."

"There's no substitute for Moo, and I'm not going!

Moo looks up surprised at the girl who makes her voice strong.

I had no idea the topic was about me.

The old man proceeds to talk pale against Sola, who exposes his emotions.

"This child's talent is difficult. You know that well, don't you? But this child is young. It is obviously a mistake to deliberately take a toddler to a dangerous place. Don't you think?

The best Zazam's point was if he hit Tor's beat hard, and it reminded him of one scene in the back of his brain.

In the river plains of the bloodshed, he looks like Moo blowing up with his chest pounded by the evil spirits of red water.

A weighty voice that has grown older echoes in Thor's ear, which has shut up.

"I'm not asking you to stop the adventure itself. Because defeating abominable monsters and cultivating skilled trees is the most important cultivation. But what does that have to be now? It's not too late to train your body and mind more."

"Well, maybe..."

Zazam narrowed his voice as he shook his neck slightly to the side, a glimpse of Sora retiring diligently.

"I'm afraid. Such a rare talent could be lost in reckless acts."

The words pierced Sora's heart sharply with a past in which Moo was shut out of the outer gate during the great outbreak that struck the city and was about to become Ayama.

It was Euril, who had ever been silent and eager for tea, who cut the tantrum instead of the girl who lost her words.

"I mean, we're just taking Mr. Mum around and using him, so you want me to just let go?

"I didn't say that. Isn't that too much evil pushing?

"You just look like you're craving a good handkerchief?

"No, no, no. I just want to help this kid grow up healthy."

Just as he returns his words, the old man gently lets him stroke Moo's head, who stopped moving.

"Even a big man can walk in the back of a tough land for such a small child. How about this girl keep up with the Lord? Wouldn't that leave you pretty much compelled?

It is true that torn wind wilderness with tight wind and sand is difficult to say that it is an environment suitable for children who are not even old enough.

That was an answer stuck question for Euril, who is equally deploring his lack of strength.

"There's no doubt that you can live here safely and unhindered.... Well, what do you say?

The reason why Moo joined his people was because Sora pitied the situation.

Thor took Moo around on an adventure because he was willing to take care of the child until he could work out and stand on his own.

There is nothing wrong with depositing Moo here in the Temple of the Thunder God, given its origin and process.

Thor, sealed of objection, turned his gaze to Moo without being able to say anything.

Purple eyes look straight back, without any emotions, just like they did when we met.

"Hey, Moo."

"What? Toe."

"Adventure, have fun?

"Um, maybe Hanbu"

"What's the other half?

"Er, nagging, hungry, nagging"

"... right"

"But Nemo and Toe will mumble, and Grandma Yu will cook dinner when she's hungry. Shizuku and Sola Nee will take a bath with you. So, Hanbu Nokomori is delighted!

To the child's words, Thor recalls again.

Seen with Moo, the sight of a morning burn stretching across a bright red river.

And from the end of the wilderness, a figure of the sun that tells the dawn that illuminates all things.

For Tor, who has always been alone, watching the view with someone was a deep joy that I had never known before.

"Right, Toe, I'm so glad to see you and all the scenery."

"Oh my God! I'd love to see you again, To."

Turning to the old man, Thor speaks clearly of his decision.

"I appreciate the offer, but I will still decline"

"Is that all right?

"Yeah, this guy's already irreplaceable to us. You can't leave."

But it's also dangerous.

"I'll try to protect you. Because it's an important family."

To that proclamation, Moo's eyes glittered again.

The child, who had just descended from the bench, jumped momentously around the table to Tor.

When I turn my hand around my neck and slip my cheeks, I start tinkling down my throat.

Thor, slowly hugging back, continued the conversation with a slightly troubled face.

"Besides, if you leave us, you probably won't get what you're hoping for."

Moo would probably close his mind more if he knew his family had dumped him twice.

In that case, the properties of the < sensory sharing > that you were born with will never work again.

Euril and Sora also exhale in relief as Thor and Moo hug each other.

The old man, who was great at the way he looked, let him shrug his shoulders with great admiration.

"Phew. Apparently, the bet is my loss."

You're right, Uncle.

Someone's voice sounded inadvertently, as it overlapped the words of the temple chief.

At the same time, from across the desk that was in the back, a figure shows his face.

It was Dadan, the head of this borderline city, who had a grin that included tea glare.

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