Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 289 Deputy Captain Evolution Medal

Mercenary City~

This is a heavy metal-style tavern with bright lights, explosive music and drum beats, making the men and women on the dance floor swing their bodies to their heart's content. The booths are filled with mercenaries of different races, talking and laughing with each other.

At this moment, a high-pitched shout directly covered the sound of the stereo and resounded throughout the tavern.

"Damn it, the Holy Light Legion has another natural disaster!"

What! ! !

In an instant, everyone was shocked and stopped all movements, as if the entire tavern had pressed the pause button, and only the music was still playing.

The Holy Light Legion has a new natural disaster?

People on the dance floor returned to their booths and opened their smart phones to view forum information.

Although Zatanvi Star is a gathering of heroes and has gathered the best mercenaries from most of the star field, but even so, natural disaster experts are still extremely rare. It can be said that the appearance of every natural disaster mercenary will make Zatanvi Star appear. The pattern has changed to a certain extent, not to mention that the new natural disaster warriors are from the Holy Light Legion, the most legendary top legion on Zatanvi.

"The news is true. The Holy Light Legion really has another natural disaster, and he is a natural disaster-level magician."

"Mr. Andolfo, I met him in the Magic Guild and asked him for advice on a magic problem. I didn't expect that Mage Andolf could really break through natural disasters!"

"Let me tell you some terrible news. The three natural disasters of the Holy Light Legion, Hu Tao, Ming and Andolfo, are all slaves bought by the Holy Light."

"Damn it, it seems like that!"

"Oh my god, Holy Light's vision is so amazing, even better than Madam Theresa."

"Tsk, tsk, there are already five natural disasters in the Holy Light Legion, which is the same number as the number of natural disasters in the Burning Legion."

"I'll tell you another even more terrifying news. It's only been a year since the Legion of Light was founded."

"We all know this, you don't need to explain it!"

Customers talked a lot and spread the news to those around them as soon as possible.


Burning Legion

"The Legion of Holy Light is simply a monster~"

After hearing the news, Archimonde paused, and after a moment of silence, he let out a deep sigh.

The number of natural disasters in the Holy Light Legion is now equal to that of its own legion.

After working hard for hundreds of years, it feels really uncomfortable to be caught up in one year!

"Holy Light is really terrible."

The eyes of the think tank Maxi were full of complexity.

Hu Tao, Ming, and Andolfo were all slaves bought by the Holy Light, and a year later, all three of them were promoted to natural disasters.

This is a natural disaster, not some cabbage.

A huge galaxy-level civilization with countless citizens can only cultivate dozens of natural disasters. If you want to become a natural disaster, the requirements for talent and background are absolutely hellish.

The Holy Light was able to select three natural disaster-level seeds from the slave market and let them all fulfill their talents.

This kind of vision and ability to cultivate his subordinates can only be described as incredible.

"Maxi, do you think the current Holy Light Legion will pose a threat to us?" Archimonde suddenly asked.

After Maxi thought for a moment, he slowly said: "At present, we and the Holy Light Legion are still in the honeymoon period. The businesses and resources of both parties are complementary. Even if Andolfo breaks through the natural disaster, it will not have a big impact on our relationship. After all, the Holy Light Legion is different from other legions, and their way of making money is really a bit...simple and crude."

Speaking of this, Maxi couldn't help but shook his head, his face full of envy.

"Yeah, that's true."

Archimonde nodded slowly. The businesses of the Holy Light Legion and the Burning Legion did not overlap. At most, they competed in some mercenary tasks, but the Burning Legion had long since left the stage of purely doing mercenary tasks.

The income from completing missions accounts for less than 10% of the Burning Legion’s main revenue.

That bit of competition will not affect the cooperative relationship between the two legions.

But no matter what, the rapid development of the Holy Light Legion still made him feel a strong crisis. After all, no one wanted to be the one who was surpassed.

However, now that the Holy Light Legion has become a general trend, it is definitely too late to suppress it. He can only find ways to improve the strength of his own legion and work hard not to be surpassed.

"Maxi, please go to the Holy Light Legion in person to deliver gifts, and also find out how Andolfo was promoted to a natural disaster."

Archimonde paused and his tone became more serious: "If possible, try to recruit Andolf to come to us, and he can pay whatever he wants."

A natural disaster level magician is more valuable than three natural disaster martial artists during non-combat periods.

The five natural disasters of the Burning Legion are all psychics and martial artists. They lack the two intelligent natural disasters of mechanics and magicians.

"Okay, I'll try." Maxi nodded.

After being promoted to a natural disaster, Andolf's slave chip will automatically expire, which means that Andolf is now a free man and has the right to make his own choices.

Although poaching is a bit unorthodox, for the sake of a natural disaster level magician, it is not unorthodox.

There is a saying that goes well, you can't stop others from running towards a better life.


The remaining five legions, allies of the Holy Light Legion, and organizations such as the Magic Association immediately congratulated the Holy Light Legion and sent people to send gifts.

While giving gifts, there were also many people like Maxi who offered very high conditions to poach Andolfo.

However, Andolfo's attitude is very firm. No matter who it is, no matter how high the conditions are, he will never leave the Legion of Light.

When Su Mo learned about this, he was deeply moved and chose to reciprocate the favor by officially handing over the long-vacant position of deputy captain to Andolf.

The deputy commander is the second-in-command of the legion. If you want to secure this position, you must have convincing strength, qualifications and the ability to control the overall situation.

In terms of strength, only natural disasters are qualified to become deputy leader.

Before Andolf made a breakthrough, he had asked Ming and Qian Liuyu for their opinions and asked them if they were willing to serve as deputy captains, but both of them gave negative answers.

Ming has a cold and aloof personality and is not good at communicating with his subordinates. He knows very well that he is not suitable to be the deputy leader.

Qian Liuyu is a man who always puts his family first. He was worried that after taking over the position of deputy leader, he would be too busy to spend time with his wife and son, so he declined politely.

Of course, there is another natural disaster in the legion, and that is the little overlord Hu Tao. This girl will definitely not refuse the position of deputy commander, but if she is made the deputy commander, she will definitely make the legion go crazy. No peace.

So he didn't even ask and automatically ignored it.

The deputy commander has been vacant for a whole year. In fact, it has had a huge impact on the legion. Some members have wondered whether the legion commander has a private conflict with Master Ming and Master Qian Liuyu, or has a particularly strong desire for power and is unwilling to Decentralization.

However, all the rumors and doubts collapsed at this moment.

Andolf happily accepted the important task of deputy leader, while Ming and Qian Liuyu expressed strong support for the appointment, and the high-level disagreements were self-evident.

At the same time, almost all legion members have no objection to Mage Andolfo serving as deputy legion leader.

In terms of qualifications, Master Andolf is one of the first veterans of the legion and has helped the legion through many difficulties.

In terms of strength, Master Andolf is a natural disaster-level magician, proficient in multiple elements of magic, and has amazing combat power.

In terms of wisdom and skill, Master Andolf is even more convincing.

Within the legion, Master Andolfo and Chief Jarvis are known as the two most intelligent men.

Chief Jarvis is more like a scientific research madman. He stays in the factory all day without showing up, focusing all his wisdom on the technology tree.

Master Andolfo's wisdom is not only reflected in his magical attainments, but also in various aspects such as dealing with people, solving problems, balancing forces, etc. There are almost no flaws in the decisions he makes, and they are basically the optimal solutions.

Even the most thorny person in the legion will be impressed by Master Andolfo's wisdom and insight as vast and deep as the ocean.

After Andolf took office, Su Mo threw away all the management work of the legion, while he worked frantically in the production workshop to solve the long-standing backlog of orders.

Nowadays, the Holy Light Potion has made a name for itself in many civilizations in the Chaos Star Territory. Several civilizations that have good relations with the Holy Light Legion, such as the Colt Civilization, the Star Stone Civilization, the Yuling Civilization, etc., have all signed contracts. With stable and long-term large orders, major financial groups and chambers of commerce are also vying to cooperate with the Holy Light Legion, and the demand for Holy Light Potions is increasing day by day.

However, since he was away for nearly half a year, supply was interrupted and many orders were squeezed out.

Fortunately, his force power increased greatly after he was promoted to Natural Disaster, and he also had the skill of Light Clone, which increased his production efficiency by more than ten times.

In about ten days, I can almost finish all the previous orders.

In addition to the Holy Light Potion business, Holy Flame Spirit Seeds are also in short supply. Every day, a large number of mercenaries stand eagerly in front of the store, asking when the Spirit Seeds can be sold again.

The market for Holy Light Spirit Seed is extremely hot, with millions of copies sold before.

These millions of "wage earners" swarmed to the planets under the Skeleton Emperor's banner and massacred the undead. It was said that they had killed all the undead on two planets.

It is a pity that when the mercenaries were at their craziest stage, Su Mo's force power was stuck at the peak of leadership and could no longer go any further, so a large amount of force feedback was wasted.

Now, the behavior of the mercenaries has attracted the attention of the Skeleton King's Kingdom of Death. They sent out an army of undead elites to encircle, suppress and kill the mercenaries. The mercenaries suffered many casualties. Since then, the mercenaries have changed from joint operations to joint operations. Guerrilla warfare.

There are millions of mercenaries. It is impossible for everyone to fight with the undead every day. They also need to rest, travel, relax, live, etc.

Su Mo made statistics once, and now he probably receives tens of thousands of force feedbacks every day. The amount of feedback each time is very small, but once the amount is increased, the total number is quite considerable. Without moving every day, it can bear the suffering of others. Practice for a month.

Next, he will definitely continue to sell Holy Flame Spirit Seeds and increase the number of "leeks". When the leeks reach tens of millions, it is estimated that he will reach the peak of natural disasters in less than three years.

In addition to Holy Light Potion and Holy Flame Spirit Seed, he is also currently studying the empowerment of [Holy Baptism].

There are so many people in the legion. If everyone needs to be baptized by him after they have accumulated enough contribution points, he will be too exhausted to handle it.

Therefore, [Holy Baptism] should also become a resource that can be stored and accumulated, like the Holy Light Potion, with trading attributes.

The [Holy Baptism] carrier for low-level transcendental beings is easier to solve because it contains less energy and the requirements for the carrier are not high.

Now he has found a suitable carrier, called the light energy stone. The light energy stone can absorb and store the energy of [Holy Baptism], and the energy is stable and will not be easily lost.

Next, he planned to make the light energy stone into the form of a medal and divide it into several levels, targeting extraordinary people below the elite level.

The name is called "Evolution Medal".

The commander-level carrier requirements are relatively high, and it certainly cannot be solved by a small medal. The specific materials used still need a lot of experiments to explore.

As for the natural disaster-level [Holy Baptism], its energy is too huge, and currently it can only be released by him personally.

In the future, the Evolution Medal will definitely become the Legion's flagship product that sells several times more than the Holy Light Potion.

After all, there are many resources in the universe that have similar effects to the Holy Light Potion, but the output and cost cannot be compared with the Holy Light Potion. However, treasures like the Evolution Medal that can not only strengthen the strength, but also improve the potential and qualifications are too rare. As long as It will definitely be snapped up if you show up.

However, because the benefits behind the Evolution Medal are too great, he is also hesitating whether to sell it to others at this stage. What if it arouses the covetousness of a powerful god king like the Puppet Master, or a higher civilization?

In the face of such a giant force, the current Holy Light Legion is still too small.

Of course, he also thought of a solution, which was to find a backer so that other forces would not dare to touch him easily.

The best backer is naturally the Lion King.

Based on his relationship with Bobo and Isaac, and the fact that he once saved Angela, if he wanted to completely fall over to the Lion King and become a part of the Lion King's palace, the Lion King himself would definitely not refuse.

However, any decision has advantages and disadvantages.

Joining the Lion Palace with a clear stand will allow him to gain a god-king level backer and develop his power on a higher platform.

But at the same time, he is bound to be restrained by the Lion Palace. With a boss above his head, he no longer has the final say on many things.

"Well, let's be steady first."

After thinking about it for a long time, Su Mo felt that autonomy was the most important thing. Anyway, the Holy Light Legion was not short of money at the moment, so there was no need to rush to expand.

He decided that the Evolution Medal would only be for those within the legion for the time being. When the legion had developed to a certain height and he himself had reached the peak of natural disasters, he could safely develop this business.

As a man with a system, when he reaches the peak of natural disaster, he will definitely be invincible below the God King, and he can even defeat the God King in two moves.

At that time, instead of becoming a threat to him, the Evolution Medal will become his PY weapon, making many friends and fewer enemies.

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