despair!How can you not despair?

  Think about what Xinghai Technology's products have.

  Not to mention lithium-sulfur batteries!

  Fresh water converters, which are now used by almost all heavy polluting enterprises.

  Not only the heavily polluting enterprises, but in fact almost all the communities, restaurants, hotels, and even the municipal pipe network, which one does not use this kind of equipment?

  Not to mention the hardest hit areas of environmental pollution, this product is their last straw.

  Can they ban this product?Totally impossible!

  The head of state of the United States can guarantee that if he announces a ban on this product now, there will be a demonstration in front of the Capitol tomorrow.

  As for other products of Xinghai Technology, many of them are not problems that they can't help but 09, but problems that Xinghai Technology does not sell to them at all.

  Just like Goryeo, all Xinghai Technology products are not sold to them.

  Look at what is Goryeo like now?That's a horrible sight!

  Electronic products such as mobile phones, which were once a pillar industry, cannot be sold at all except in the home country.

  There is also the automobile manufacturing industry. Koryo automobiles, which were once sold all over the world, are now also unable to get out of Koryo.

  As for the issue of fresh water, as an island country with high water costs, Goryeo has expressed his desire to buy Xinghai Technology's freshwater converter many times.

  However, Xinghai Technology did not give any chance at all.

  Therefore, even the daily water prices in Singapo, an island country with extremely limited resources, have fallen wildly, but the water cost of Korea, a country that is only a strip of water from China, is still high.

  What is all this for?

  Isn't it because of the ban on sales of Xinghai Technology!

  So these congressmen got one thing completely wrong.

  In fact, in the relationship with Xinghai Technology, it is not the US that dominates, but Xinghai Technology.

  Xinghai Technology can have no market in the United States, because their products do not have to worry about selling.

  But the United States cannot do without Xinghai Technology's products, because without Xinghai Technology's products, the quality of life of the American people will be regressed for many years, and the American people will definitely not agree.

  After an explanation by the US head of state, a member of the House of Representatives suddenly fell into a collective silence.

  After a long time, a congressman asked inexplicably: "Is this Xinghai Technology a monster? Why are their products so powerful?"

  Hearing this question, many people present couldn't help nodding their heads.

  In response, the head of the United States gave a wry smile: "I don't know if Xinghai Technology is a monster, but the founder of Xinghai Technology is a real monster!"

  Yes, who can believe that all the products of Xinghai Technology are actually developed by Zhang Wei alone. How terrifying is this?

  With a sigh, the head of state of the United States skipped the topic and said, "This is not the time to discuss this. Now let's discuss how to deal with this auction of Xinghai Technology."

  Hearing this, a member of the House of Representatives looked at each other immediately, and then a member of the House of Representatives asked, "Is this Rainbow Bridge really as amazing as it is advertised?"

  As soon as this question came out, everyone couldn't help looking at the Minister of Intelligence.

  The intelligence minister raised his head and said, "On this point, I can tell you with certainty that these are all true."

  "Although we didn't really see the picture of the rainbow bridge carrying hundreds of fighter jets, not long ago, our people did find out that Huaguo took off hundreds of fighter jets in a short period of time. In addition, this rainbow can indeed take off the C919. Such a business jet."

  After listening to the intelligence minister's words, a member of the House of Representatives couldn't help but ponder again.

  After a while, a congressman suddenly raised his head: "If this is the case, then we cannot let this kind of thing fall into the hands of our competitors."

  "That's right, although it doesn't make much sense for us to get it, once it is acquired by our competitors, our maritime advantage will be greatly weakened."

  "One more thing, if we buy it, can't we disassemble and imitate this technology?"

  Listening to the discussion of a member of the House of Representatives, the head of state of the United States asked calmly: "So what is the bid limit for us to participate in the auction this time?"

  Hearing this question, a congressman could not help but fall into contemplation again.

  For a long time, Congress has strictly limited the 303 budget of the US government.

  However, this time things are not simple, they must study it carefully.

  In this way, a member of the House of Representatives discussed for a long time, and finally one of them raised his head and said: "This auction is very important to us, but we don't know what the auction will look like. So we can't do it now. Give a clear number limit, but our opinion is that this thing must never fall into the hands of our competitors. Especially those countries in Europe, absolutely not.”

  "For that, we can give the government the highest level of autonomy, with one goal, to bring this kind of stuff back to the United States."

  Hearing this, the eyes of the US head of state could not help but light up.

  With this tone, then this auction will be much easier for them to handle.

  As for the issue of money, the fact is that the head of state of the United States doesn't care.

  To be fair, as long as the United States is still the most powerful country in the world, the money in the United States will never be exhausted.

  After all, they can still sell government bonds! .

Chapter 531, the sprayer is dumbfounded

  As governments of various countries meet and discuss, the outside world has learned more and more about the auction.

  Many media have obtained a lot of inside information, and many media have exposed that the products auctioned by Xinghai Technology can be used for military use.

  With more and more such news, the attention of the outside world to this auction will naturally increase.

  Finally, when a media broke out that this product, which is called a strong magnetic buoyancy pile by Xinghai Technology, can actually transform an ordinary warship into an aircraft carrier, the auction was completely popular!

  Numerous netizens have discussed the matter online.

  For the power of the aircraft carrier, not only military fans, but anyone with a little military knowledge understands it.

  Now that such news broke out, how can netizens not be excited.

  And with such news spreading all over the Internet, it finally made its way back to China.

  And when the people in the country first heard the news, many people didn't believe it.

  "What nonsense? Isn't the Rainbow Bridge a rescue artifact? Why is it related to the aircraft carrier?"

  "It's just nonsense, not to mention that a civilian technology cannot be related to the military. Even if it is really related, will Xinghai Technology sell it? Even if Xinghai Technology will be sold, can the country agree?"

  "That's right, the rumors stop at the wise, this kind of groundless remarks are completely unbelievable!"

  However, just when countless netizens defended Xinghai Technology, a foreign media did not know where to get the video that Xinghai Technology had sent to everyone who signed up.Immediately, the entire external network was retweeted like crazy.

  And the video soon spread across the country.

  This time, netizens couldn't sit still. Immediately, countless netizens went to Xinghai Technology's official website to leave messages and ask questions. At the same time, more netizens went to Zhang Wei's Weibo to ask whether the matter was true or not.

  In this regard, Xinghai Technology did not respond at first, but as more and more people inquired, finally, rigorously responded to the news with Zhang Wei's Weibo.

  "Emmm, the video on the Internet is indeed true! But to say that having this thing is equivalent to owning an aircraft carrier, which is bullshit. The strength of an aircraft carrier is not just a base for fighter jets. In fact, aircraft carriers have many uses. Its significance goes far beyond the fact that it can carry aircraft. It can only be said that the strong magnetic buoyancy piles can indeed play a certain supplementary significance to the aircraft carrier¨¨."

  With this official response, the online debate about the authenticity of the video finally came to an end.

  However, the discussion on the Internet instantly increased.

  For a time, countless people poured into Zhang Wei's Weibo and began to ask crazy questions.

  "In that case, why sell such important weapons abroad?"

  "Is Xinghai Technology really so short of money? Even this kind of thing is sold out? Is this still a Chinese?"

  "Originally I thought Xinghai Technology was a patriotic company, but now it seems I was wrong."

  "Is this out of money?"

  "Won't it hurt to earn money like this?"

  For a time, countless people began to criticize Xinghai Technology. Even Zhang Wei's fans were trying to persuade Zhang Wei to change his mind.

  For these disputes, Zhang Wei did not give any response.

  This makes netizens even more angry!

  For a time, more and more abuses and more and more rumors were circulated on the Internet.

  Even the sales of some products of Xinghai Technology have been affected to some extent.

  Looking at this overwhelming amount of abuse, many people even thought that Xinghai Technology might be over this time.

  At this moment, however, the country stood up.

  What the country deals with the most are those bad elements on the Internet who can't wait to jump out and want to take the opportunity to make trouble.

  Overnight, several major official media outlets took action at the same time, and in one fell swoop, nearly [-] rumor-mongering Vs were posted.

  At the same time, the police also disclosed the news of arresting these rumormongers.

  Immediately, before many netizens reacted, the procuratorates in various places broke the news and prosecuted these rumor makers.

  And the charges are even more astonishing. Many of them are not only rumors, but also suspected of treason, enemy special and other serious crimes.

  Faced with this quick and ruthless blow, many netizens were stunned.

  However, this is only the beginning.

  Just when all the netizens were at a loss for a while, the major official media of the government disclosed several pieces of news at the same time.

  "''The Chinese government has reached a purchase agreement with Xinghai Technology, and Xinghai Technology will sell a number of strong magnetic buoyancy piles to the Chinese government."

  "Xinghai Technology will set up a shipbuilding base in Weihai, and the Chinese government has ordered a number of new ships from Xinghai Technology."

  "Xinghai Technology has signed an order worth tens of billions of dollars with the Chinese military. The Ministry of National Defense of China solemnly commends Xinghai Technology for its outstanding contribution to the national defense of China."

  With the disclosure of this series of news, the netizens who were squirting around before were suddenly dumbfounded. .

Chapter 532, the bowels of regret are green

  This reversal came too suddenly.

  Before Zhang Wei and Xinghai Technology did not mean to refute at all, but now it has completely reversed.

  After reading the several pieces of information released by the state, no matter how stupid people are, they will understand that the relationship between the official state of China and Xinghai Technology is quite good.

  And to obtain official recognition, Xinghai Technology naturally cannot be a traitor, otherwise the government would not be able to rectify the name of Xinghai Technology with such great fanfare at such a time.

  Only in this way, many netizens can be miserable.

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