Read Vo Hiep: I Dai Long Head, Identity Revealed – Chapter 391

At Van Chau Hoang Thanh, the top 10 battle for many days, Van Chau West Region also had a big event.
Duong Gia was destroyed by Van Chau Royal Clan, moreoverVan Chau Chu Kiem The Gia, Bai Kiem Son Trang in Cuu Chau martial arts,
Widely spreading Heroic Cards, saying that Bai Kiem Son Trang has a Great The Great Sword, which is about to be released.
Just a psychic sword that will choose its own owner.
Cuu Chau martial arts personnel, except for the Thanh Long Hoi outside, popularized the aspiration of gods and soldiers but could not.
This time, Bai Kiem Son Trang openly announced the news of this divine army’s emergence, and for a while, followers gathered.
Thanh Long Association of Kinh Van, and Duan Lang, also at the request of Tieu Dao Tu below, participated in this festival.
At first, the Ministry of Kinh Van still did not solve it, there are countless Thanh Long Hoi divine soldiers, why must you come to this Bai Kiem Son Trang by yourself?
It is possible that Xiao Yaozi said that this is the message of the Great Dragon Hand.
This tree is Great The Great Sword, with him is predestined.
Hearing that Dai Long Thu once said, Bo Kinh Van did not hesitate anymore, and together with Yen Thap Tam, went to Bai Kiem Son Trang.
Reached Bai Kiem Son Trang incumbent owner, Ngo Quyet tends to treat.
After two days, there was not much difference in waiting for the arrival of martial artists.
Ao Quyet led everyone to Bai Kiem Son Trang deep inside.
This place is a place of Uncle Sword Lo, the ground is filled with all kinds of divine weapons.
“Wow! Bai Kiem Son Trang is indeed brazen, this one is located at the edge of the 563 posts, and is also a God of Earth!”
“Isn’t that right! The human family is the Yunzhou Royal Clan who wields the Sword Master’s spell, can it not have a base point?”
“It’s just that this is a lot of divine soldiers, and that one is the Arrogant homepage talking about the Great Sword of the Great Sword?”
Walking into Uncle Kiem Lo, all martial artists and martial artists were gawking, unable to hold back their squabbling arguments.
Ao Quyet has a cold face, a high-ranking faction, staring at the central position of the Sword Lo, without saying a word.
When Bu Kinh Van saw him like this, he didn’t say anythinghi.
Duan Lang spoke even more quietly to Bu Kinh Van,
“Brother Bu, this is compared to the Divine Army Palace, hehe …”
At the time of the world, Hung Ba intentionally suppressed Duan Lang, so he hated Bu Kinh Van and didn’t get along with him.
Maybe after joining the Azure Dragon Society, the cultivation resources are large, but they are meaninglessly contested.
Normally, there are some tasks that need cooperation sometimes, depending on the two of them from the Van Chau Thien Ha Hoi, so they cooperate from time to time.
So, not long after that, the relationship between the two people changed a lot.
“Uhh! But that one is the Absolute Perfect Sword?”
The set of Kinh Van is actually not very interested in the so-called Excellent The Hao Sword.
It’s just that this is what the Great Dragon Hand said after all, there must be no mistake.
Uncle Sword Lu has an old man in his heart, seeing this rushing, shrewd, shrewd, said,
“Comrades of martial arts, this Chu Kiem Lu inside the divine army, has been created by me for more than a hundred years.”
“Each stick, all are divine soldiers.”
“And each one, could also be our passionate work, The Greatest Sword!”
“That’s why we have to find the Perfect Sword, just go inside the Sword Lot for a visit!”
The so-called Uncle Sword Lot, is what everyone sees in front of everyone’s eyes, filled with local treasures of swords and gods.
This one on the ground, one side is red, obviously the temperature is extremely high.
If the strength has not come, don’t say that you are looking for the Absolute Perfect Sword, I am afraid that when you enter the Sword Lot, you will be injured.
“This is so hot, how to find it?”
“That’s right! Old man, you definitely pointed out, that one is the Perfect Sword, isn’t it?”
A group of martial artists saw the situation clearly and couldn’t help but spit and say.
“The Central Plains people are cowards, look at me.”
This timeAt the congress, Ao Quyet popularized Heroic Cards, even if they were from Dong Doanh, there were people present.
Seeing that the people of the Jiuzhou martial arts had not moved, he immediately saw a martial artist Dong Doanh mockingly, directly leaping at the Sword Lot.
He casually picked up a Heavenly Grade Divine Weapon, waved it twice,
“There’s no such thing as a so-called Absolute Perfection Sword that doesn’t have this one?”
As soon as he finished speaking, under his feet, he offered a group of flames.
In the blink of an eye, this martial artist Dong Ying burned to ashes.
This hilt of the Divine Weapon is plugged into the Sword Lot inside.
“Idiot, what do you mean by this?”
A group of martial artists all stirred.
Although it is true that the dead are Dong Doanh people, they are dead people anyway.
Everyone thought, if it was just you who didn’t notice everything and jumped down, wouldn’t that death be yourself?
“Inside the Sword Furnace, the temperature is extremely high, without the Continent of Fairyland, you can’t enter the furnace.”
Ao Jue was cold and did not explain, on the contrary, the old man inside the furnace spoke,
“Besides, this is in the furnace of the gods, as long as you can pull it out, it will lead to the Sword Lure.”
“Even if it’s a heavenly army, Bai Sword Mountain can give it to everyone.”
At first, I thought that there could only be one Absolute Great Sword, but now I hear the old man say that.
A group of martial artists were excited in their hearts.
The most important martial artist is the secret book of martial arts, and the god of weapons.
The Heavenly Troops were probably at the Thanh Long Hoi, or even the three great emperors there, the calculation was nothing.
Maybe in the eyes of an ordinary martial artist, it can be considered as a heirloom of a god.
Heard that he could get the Heavenly Grade Divine Weapon, whose cultivation reached the Martial Artist of the Continent Divine Immortal Realm, and finally couldn’t help it.
Hurriedly tossing and turningI jumped into the Sword Loot inside, in the crowd of many divine soldiers inside, to find my fit.
The rest of the people have not yet reached the realm of the land of the gods, and they can only see them.
For example, Duan Lang, although he completed a few missions, in the end, he was still a peerless level, unable to resist Bu Jingyun,
“Brother Bu, unfortunately, I am only a peerless level, I can’t enter Uncle Sword Lot.”
As he spoke, he said a little bit of the treasure sword in his hand, and said proudly,
“However, I have the Fire Scale Sword, which is also a Heavenly Grade Divine Weapon, which is the most suitable sword technique for my family.”
“Brother, you broke through to the Continent of Gods and Immortals the day before, why don’t you go into the furnace once.”
“No, wait a minute!”
From beginning to end, Bu Jingyun felt strange, and there were other divine weapons, he didn’t care.
He came this time, just to wait for his chance–The Greatest Sword appeared!
At this time, the scene was already somewhat heated, and many martial artists had found some satisfied gods.
It was just that there were too many Divine Weapons in the Sword Lu, and in front of them, they found a suitable weapon for themselves.
When he was about to leave, he discovered that near the center of the location, there was another Immortal Grade Divine Weapon.
Under the happy, where still wanted to leave, instead walked a few steps towards the center position, wanting to take the Immortal Grade Divine Weapon.
Maybe Immortal Level Divine Weapons are not many after all, you value them, others also naturally value them.
Waiting for a martial artist to happily say that he had found an Immortal Grade Divine Weapon, another martial artist unexpectedly showed up, stabbed him to death with a sword.
That’s why, every person in Uncle Sword Lot is looking for a suitable divine soldier.
In the end, these masters of the Continent God Immortal Realm, in the end, became God soldiers, killing each other.
“IndeedHuman heart is the most greedy.”
Always coldly not saying Ao Quyet, seeing the scene was chaotic, and finally laughed mockingly.
Demonic Fairy Religion
UNIQUE-Strange-Strange, warning: Entering the hole is easy to go crazy!!!

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