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Chapter 766 Event

Classmates call, naturally meet.

Why are my classmates tangled?

Although the headlights have a somewhat sagging, after all, it is a sports car, the sound of the sound, and a foot throttle step, and it is necessary to be more than the tip of the house.

He Tong has such a thought is normal. He has also throws it behind the idea of ​​the problem.

However, after ten minutes, he told him when he was cleaning the car headlights. "How do you find it tender?"

Male classmates are the most afraid of the female classmates, they can't do it, it is not happy, just, there is no way to directly oppose it, and the people who come from all year round don't lack this cautious, he asked in detail Ask questions.

It is a pity that the female classmates are not clear, and the model is very vaguely said that it is a factory, so I have gone.

Male could not stand on the face, when the female classmates were called, and the other party did not pick up.

A touch of unpleasant, two minutes, the other party came back to SMS, but also polite, "I have left Luolu, and I have developed to other cities. I am sitting, leading you this?"

The other party, there are two meanings, one is to leave, the second is busy, and finally ask the leadership?

If there is no in the first sentence, the male classmate may also mention this, but people tell him that they are not in Luo, even if they don't think about the actual difficulties of the other party?

People are cool in the agency, and the state-owned enterprises like Luo Chai are not lacking. Especially the two people's interactions are just that he will help the other party to do a little thing, or the normal channel newspaper.

Say the human size, but it is so much.

If you can't hear the meaning of the other side, it is also a white mixed for so many years.

Male is in a little in mind, but he really can't do it, and people themselves are taken away, understand it.

Without this layer of relationship, the male classmates have a little bit, hesitating, "It is not a broken job, I will find one again?"

Who is expected, the female classmate suddenly turned his face, "the leadership, isn't a small broken company still can't hold?"

There are also a little bit of male classmates in the sage, but he still remembers can once again, this is the so-called driving, and it has been driving.

It is also so embarrassed, and the sage time has an extended situation. He is still unwilling to explain the bend around this middle, just a non-tone, "according to what I said, change a unit, change a job. "

The female classmate is not inappropriate. She has her own small abacus. She uses it for a month. I can still receive a lot of money. I have a job outside. This is a double salary. I can take two copies. ?

Obviously it cannot be.

The female classmate also knows the truth of warm water, seeing the other party's tone, retreats, and begins to make an idea. "Who can open your company to open your level, just find a chance to take it?"

According to the timing, the proposal of the female classmates actually in line with the universal cognition of the job positions in the male classmates, and there is no chance to create conditions.

Male classmates have some tired, but the meaning of the female classmates is the meaning of the words, "things are not big, do you look at?"

Luo Commanders like to say this, especially when they are squeezed, male students can only use Xu Xu.

There is a happening, this day, the unit comes to people, known as the international well-known software company in the Agency of the Tianchao, who reported by the company, saying that a company has suspicion without permission to use our company software, please cooperate .

This is a scope of intellectual property.

The official words are, "the other party infringes intellectual property."

Vernacular is, "the other party with piracy."

In other words, we found some human infringement and require intellectual property protection.

Intellectual property protection mainly includes: administrative stabilization and judicial protection.

Executive is full of intellectual property. Bureau, technology. These units, in addition, there are industrial and commercial and market supervision and management.

This is the jurisdiction of the leadership. It can be called Qi Dai. Someone sent a pillow, but there is no need to be able to restructive, if there is no big leader behind, how can it be so smooth?

Male classmates in the rice pointers, the people who don't hesitate to arrange people with teams, he doesn't lack cautious, this kind of living is good, even if it doesn't work, there is also a week.

What is the execution of the department?

Let everyone go out, and the storage survey is a category of hands-on, but the students underestimate the power of each other.

General Manager Li Bin took the lead to block the door, he kings that 8 billion investment documents are inside. When the news came, the students did not believe that the street office could brush it in such a state-owned enterprise. Wei Feng, there should not be sold without selling corporate faces.

He is just a deputy office, and the other party is not a class, it is not the hand to come, and then the people who have been waiting for the UG to check the empirical, claim 10 million, he can also get a benefit?

However, thousands of thousands of counselings, the opponent's violence against the fruit fruit.

How to do?

How my classmate directly instructs, "Who will give it to you to control it!"

What is the dignity of the law?

Why my classmates have a heartbow for the shouting of the eye.

However, the current coming is coming soon.

He just moved away, ten minutes later, his mobile phone rang, his phone, the General Administration, more than one total word in this area.

His battle is very tune-on, have not waited for a greeting, the other party is a saying, "I don't want to do it? You can write resignation, I will give you the first time."

What did you have not asked if something happened, the phone has hanged it, then his mobile phone sounded again. It is a small king who is a task in Luoqi. "Head, the other party seems to be and Zhao Secretary Have a phone call? "

"Zhao Secretary? Which Zhao Secretary?"

This year, it is true that the secretary is really true, the kind of spent recruitment is also called assistant, and Zhao secretary in other people's mouth can only be a kind of title to the other party, and the face may be called Zhao , Or more about Zhao Shu.

If so, contacting the other party can touch the situation here in ten minutes, and unspecite, it is definitely what he does, this is horrible.

At least a point, the management of the various departments of the organs is very clear, such people can be called Zhao secretary, there are no few.

The people around Luochai's biggest one.

Why is my classmates stunned on the spot, and the tone is rushing, "people control it?"

The other party's direct words, "yet, the other person is more."

Luochai's more than 1,600 people, there are three hundred people in the largest workshop, and Li Bin is really going to come out, and it will be crushed with a class.

The one-line person is not stupid.

The mouth is on the one hand, on the other hand, it has also been reviewed during all, after all, their favorite is the same, just like the company who sees the thus-threatening.

and many more.

The one-line person seems to have such a piece of child, he added another sentence, "Last year, the factory used a factory, it seems to have a relationship with this company, head, you know? "

How my classmates are somewhat unfold, you are welcome, "You all know what, one hundred and one say."

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