Wuliang Advertiser

Chapter 761 Advertising plots

Plus plot in advertising?

Still add some advertisements in the plot?

This is a problem.

The advertisements and plots are perfect, and the brands are brought, like the kind of the world, will only cause a "laughter" of the audience.

Movies and advertising, business and art, this is a two-way choice, not a party to let one party, good "horse" with a good saddle, can be perfectly implanted, while moving a classic, let the brand's image is deeply People's hearts.

Almost all excellent Hollywood implants we have seen, there is no need to hide the producer, advertising into the agents, brand, and the complete cooperation of the four investigations.

Wu Liang wants to do, middlemen.

The middleman between the brand and the producer.

As for the research company, Wu Liang's sentence to the discussion of their few months, he only need to pull up a set of horses, give a plan to a brand.

So, in the face of such a brand of brand implantation, Wu Liang does not look at the appreciation of the brand, "the horse brand is 007, the cooperation of the vendors can be described as a win-win situation, in China, and Feng Gui cooperation Also by the fans, it is benefited from a good brand image and a very well product implant. "

This is a garde, and the two Zhu's face showed a proud look.

People who are familiar with Wu Liang will understand that Wu Liang will always mix some of their own goals.

If you don't have, you only see Wu Liang smile, the topic is reversed, it is very sigh. "But in my opinion, the exposure is still small, the two sides have a larger cooperative space."

The audience of the movie is so much, and there is no more people who don't watch TV series.

Even now, TV is slowly not falling, and the Tianchao always has a lot of explosive TV dramas to become a good topic of people.

Some interesting things that appear in the play will attract great attention.

Alternatively, in 4 years, the audience of the TV drama always is in a full capacity of the audience of the movie, and the base is different.

There is no thief, 260 million box office, 17 million view of the movie.

The TV series of the firefighter, the scene of the river is not there.

This is Wu Liang's prediction of horses called the most pessimistic film implantation, so the implantation effect, or the TV series may be better than movies.

Dr. Shi also wants to listen to Wu Liang's view, nodded, asked, "The Opinion of Wu Dong?"

"TV drama, variety show, Internet media, and earth-sea and empty three-in-one."

Wu Liang has sufficient experience in this area, and he tells Dr. Shi tells his propaganda of his online game in "Triumph".

"The advertisement before the TV drama, focusing on the rattan, the game, informing people, this is a game that advertises in the middle, many middle age uncle like it."

Shi Shi is not very understanding, Wu Liang's patient is explained, "I have a big capital, I have the capital of the big company, and the second is to compare, even if" Warcraft "is fun, but she can't live. The famous gas brought about in the middle.

Variety show, we have made a MTV, sang by Wan Bay Singer Wu Hao, the popularity of the sky, brainwashing songs, and impressive.

As regards the Internet, we have a special person to maintain the maintenance, the promotion is very effective in these places in the Internet, blog, and ball's interest tribe. "

The success of "Kaixuan", Zhu Jiang is known, he is the company's brand director, and has a sufficient concern for all kinds of new things high in the market, and even have a successful study of "triumph".

However, in the final analysis, he can see some fans. At this time, he listened to Wu Liang simple saying, this only understands that the success of the success, "Kaixuan" can go out of the large online game of the Tianchao Step by step, it is not lucky.

At this moment, he firmly and the intention of cooperation with many partners is also light, and the advertising agent can be handed over to this company, and the amount of work seems to be reduced.

Shi Lu has finished listening to the head, "the promotion and marketing of online games with ordinary fast food, I am afraid it is the first of Wu Dong!"

"In the first innovation, it is not important. It is important that sales is something that is really visible." Wu Liang confident.

Many customers are white necks, don't understand anything, easy to fool, the more straightforward, the better, the more you can convince.

For understanding, Wu Liang can overwhelmed each other, even, such as such a good person, only Wu Liang, there is no other person in China.

Dr. Shi still did not spite, let the lotus of Wu Liang vomit lotus, a bite, "the world has no thief", reaches 260 million.

Wu Liang dark vomiting, continuing the second topic, "Yu province, Zhejiang, Guangdong Province, three provinces, I want, next year, each provincial capital city, open a flagship store, at least two 4S shop, plan to invest 300 million , Sales indicator you are fixed. "

Dr. Shi is satisfied with this, but this does not comply with his demand for channel control. He asked a problem that his own lifeline, "Where did your manager come from?"

A 4S shop, the need for a person needs a lot.

General Manager, Deputy Manager, the supervisor has customer service supervisors, workshops, logistics supervisors, warehouses, and sales supervisors.

The Executive Ministry is generally a collection of personnel, finance, etc. Generally only 3-5 people.

The customer service supervisor has the reception of the customer's reception and customers who want to buy a car. The maintenance team leader, general machine repair, sheet metal, paint, etc.

Plus the sales staff, as long as it is the flagship store, the little hundred people always have.

These people, very loose people together, can produce how much effect, it is difficult to say, so a shop can run smoothly, and the general manager is important.

However, Wu Liang is not worried, Ji Li has someone, and Shaanxi is also a person, and it will send a paper to recruit a notice, and everyone is willing to come.

State-owned enterprises, the biggest function is to deliver talents in all walks of life.

However, the purpose of Dr. Shi is obviously not the case.

He wants to master the channel, Wu Liang, this boss is so strong, this is not what he expects, his purpose is to do the operation of the 4S shop.

The contract constraint is a very important part.

The agency contract of most imported cars is a year, which is a year, that is, imported automakers have strong controlled capacity - no agent contract, there is no car to sell, equal to closing Jiaji.

From this point, the two sides form a contingency community, and cooperation can last long. If necessary, Wu Liang does not mind, the profit of the 4S shop is partially marked, as long as the contract is, it is always possible to earn money.

Besides, such a store, Wu Liang is not interested in management, handing over to Yan Yi Sheng as his own industry to go to the point is the most appropriate.

Of course, this does not exclude, the dealer is stronger, and finally takes the road to the market.

However, this does not conflict, listed, they are also shareholders, benefiting or them.

Therefore, Wu Liang is also a laugh, "Doctors have a suitable candidate recommendation?"

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